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- #
- # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- #
- #
- # this file allows you to specify download and find_package commands for
- # packages which apply to all platforms (usually header-only)
- # individual platforms can enumerate packages in for example
- # cmake/3rdParty/Platform/Windows/BuiltInPackages_windows.cmake
- #include the platform-specific 3rd party packages.
- # add the above file to the ALLFILES list, so that they show up in IDEs
- # temporary compatibility:
- # Some 3p libraries may still refer to zlib as "3rdParty::zlib" instead of
- # the correct "3rdParty::ZLIB" (Case difference). Until those libraries are updated
- # we alias the casing here. This also provides backward compatibility for Gems that use 3rdParty::zlib
- # that are not part of the core O3DE repo.
- ly_download_associated_package(ZLIB)
- find_package(ZLIB)
- add_library(3rdParty::zlib ALIAS 3rdParty::ZLIB)