123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- // Description : Base of all Animation Nodes
- #pragma once
- #include "IMovieSystem.h"
- #include "Movie.h"
- // forward declaration
- struct SSoundInfo;
- /*!
- Base class for all Animation nodes,
- can host multiple animation tracks, and execute them other time.
- Animation node is reference counted.
- */
- class CAnimNode
- : public IAnimNode
- {
- public:
- AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR(CAnimNode, AZ::SystemAllocator);
- AZ_RTTI(CAnimNode, "{57736B48-5EE7-4530-8051-657ACC9BA1EE}", IAnimNode);
- typedef AZStd::vector<AZStd::intrusive_ptr<IAnimTrack>> AnimTracks;
- CAnimNode();
- CAnimNode(const CAnimNode& other);
- CAnimNode(const int id, AnimNodeType nodeType);
- ~CAnimNode();
- AnimNodeType GetType() const override { return m_nodeType; }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void add_ref() override;
- void release() override;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SetName(const char* name) override { m_name = name; };
- const char* GetName() const override { return m_name.c_str(); };
- void SetSequence(IAnimSequence* sequence) override { m_pSequence = sequence; }
- // Return Animation Sequence that owns this node.
- IAnimSequence* GetSequence() const override { return m_pSequence; };
- // CAnimNode's aren't bound to AZ::Entities, CAnimAzEntityNodes are. return InvalidEntityId by default
- void SetAzEntityId([[maybe_unused]] const AZ::EntityId& id) override {}
- AZ::EntityId GetAzEntityId() const override { return AZ::EntityId(); }
- void SetFlags(int flags) override;
- int GetFlags() const override;
- bool AreFlagsSetOnNodeOrAnyParent(EAnimNodeFlags flagsToCheck) const override;
- IMovieSystem* GetMovieSystem() const override { return gEnv->pMovieSystem; };
- virtual void OnStart() {}
- void OnReset() override {}
- virtual void OnResetHard() { OnReset(); }
- virtual void OnPause() {}
- virtual void OnResume() {}
- virtual void OnStop() {}
- virtual void OnLoop() {}
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Space position/orientation scale.
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SetPos([[maybe_unused]] float time, [[maybe_unused]] const AZ::Vector3& pos) override {};
- void SetRotate([[maybe_unused]] float time, [[maybe_unused]] const AZ::Quaternion& quat) override {};
- void SetScale([[maybe_unused]] float time, [[maybe_unused]] const AZ::Vector3& scale) override {};
- Vec3 GetPos() override { return Vec3(0, 0, 0); };
- Quat GetRotate() override { return Quat(0, 0, 0, 0); };
- Quat GetRotate(float /*time*/) override { return Quat(0, 0, 0, 0); };
- Vec3 GetScale() override { return Vec3(0, 0, 0); };
- virtual Matrix34 GetReferenceMatrix() const;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool IsParamValid(const CAnimParamType& paramType) const override;
- AZStd::string GetParamName(const CAnimParamType& param) const override;
- AnimValueType GetParamValueType(const CAnimParamType& paramType) const override;
- IAnimNode::ESupportedParamFlags GetParamFlags(const CAnimParamType& paramType) const override;
- unsigned int GetParamCount() const override { return 0; };
- bool SetParamValue(float time, CAnimParamType param, float val) override;
- bool SetParamValue(float time, CAnimParamType param, const Vec3& val) override;
- bool SetParamValue(float time, CAnimParamType param, const Vec4& val) override;
- bool GetParamValue(float time, CAnimParamType param, float& val) override;
- bool GetParamValue(float time, CAnimParamType param, Vec3& val) override;
- bool GetParamValue(float time, CAnimParamType param, Vec4& val) override;
- void SetTarget([[maybe_unused]] IAnimNode* node) {};
- IAnimNode* GetTarget() const { return 0; };
- void StillUpdate() override {}
- void Animate(SAnimContext& ec) override;
- virtual void PrecacheStatic([[maybe_unused]] float startTime) {}
- virtual void PrecacheDynamic([[maybe_unused]] float time) {}
- void Serialize(XmlNodeRef& xmlNode, bool bLoading, bool bLoadEmptyTracks) override;
- void InitPostLoad(IAnimSequence* sequence) override;
- void SetNodeOwner(IAnimNodeOwner* pOwner) override;
- IAnimNodeOwner* GetNodeOwner() override { return m_pOwner; };
- // Called by sequence when needs to activate a node.
- void Activate(bool bActivate) override;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SetParent(IAnimNode* parent) override;
- IAnimNode* GetParent() const override { return m_pParentNode; };
- IAnimNode* HasDirectorAsParent() const override;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Track functions.
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int GetTrackCount() const override;
- IAnimTrack* GetTrackByIndex(int nIndex) const override;
- IAnimTrack* GetTrackForParameter(const CAnimParamType& paramType) const override;
- IAnimTrack* GetTrackForParameter(const CAnimParamType& paramType, uint32 index) const override;
- uint32 GetTrackParamIndex(const IAnimTrack* pTrack) const override;
- void SetTrack(const CAnimParamType& paramType, IAnimTrack* track) override;
- IAnimTrack* CreateTrack(const CAnimParamType& paramType) override;
- void InitializeTrackDefaultValue([[maybe_unused]] IAnimTrack* pTrack, [[maybe_unused]] const CAnimParamType& paramType) override {}
- void SetTimeRange(Range timeRange) override;
- void AddTrack(IAnimTrack* pTrack) override;
- bool RemoveTrack(IAnimTrack* pTrack) override;
- void CreateDefaultTracks() override {};
- void SerializeAnims(XmlNodeRef& xmlNode, bool bLoading, bool bLoadEmptyTracks) override;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void PostLoad();
- int GetId() const override { return m_id; }
- void SetId(int id) { m_id = id; }
- void Render() override{}
- void UpdateDynamicParams() final;
- void TimeChanged(float newTime) override;
- void SetExpanded(bool expanded) override;
- bool GetExpanded() const override;
- static void Reflect(AZ::ReflectContext* context);
- protected:
- virtual void UpdateDynamicParamsInternal() {};
- virtual bool GetParamInfoFromType([[maybe_unused]] const CAnimParamType& paramType, [[maybe_unused]] SParamInfo& info) const { return false; };
- int NumTracks() const { return (int)m_tracks.size(); }
- IAnimTrack* CreateTrackInternal(const CAnimParamType& paramType, EAnimCurveType trackType, AnimValueType valueType);
- IAnimTrack* CreateTrackInternalVector4(const CAnimParamType& paramType) const;
- IAnimTrack* CreateTrackInternalQuat(EAnimCurveType trackType, const CAnimParamType& paramType) const;
- IAnimTrack* CreateTrackInternalVector(EAnimCurveType trackType, const CAnimParamType& paramType, const AnimValueType animValue) const;
- IAnimTrack* CreateTrackInternalFloat(int trackType) const;
- // sets track animNode pointer to this node and sorts tracks
- void RegisterTrack(IAnimTrack* pTrack);
- CMovieSystem* GetCMovieSystem() const { return (CMovieSystem*)gEnv->pMovieSystem; }
- bool NeedToRender() const override { return false; }
- // nodes which support sounds should override this to reset their start/stop sound states
- virtual void ResetSounds() {}
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // AnimateSound() calls ApplyAudioKey() to trigger audio on sound key frames. Nodes which support audio must override
- // this to trigger audio
- virtual void ApplyAudioKey([[maybe_unused]] char const* const sTriggerName, [[maybe_unused]] bool const bPlay = true) {};
- void AnimateSound(std::vector<SSoundInfo>& nodeSoundInfo, SAnimContext& ec, IAnimTrack* pTrack, size_t numAudioTracks);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- AnimTracks m_tracks;
- AnimNodeType m_nodeType;
- AZStd::string m_name;
- IAnimSequence* m_pSequence;
- IAnimNodeOwner* m_pOwner;
- IAnimNode* m_pParentNode;
- int m_refCount;
- int m_id;
- int m_nLoadedParentNodeId; // only used in legacy Serialize()
- int m_parentNodeId;
- int m_flags;
- unsigned int m_bIgnoreSetParam : 1; // Internal flags.
- bool m_expanded;
- private:
- void SortTracks();
- bool IsTimeOnSoundKey(float queryTime) const;
- static bool TrackOrder(const AZStd::intrusive_ptr<IAnimTrack>& left, const AZStd::intrusive_ptr<IAnimTrack>& right);
- AZStd::mutex m_updateDynamicParamsLock;
- };