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- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <LyShine/UiSerializeHelpers.h>
- #include "EditorCommon.h"
- ViewportCanvasBackground::ViewportCanvasBackground()
- : m_canvasBackground(new ViewportIcon("Editor/Icons/Viewport/Canvas_Background.tif"))
- {
- }
- ViewportCanvasBackground::~ViewportCanvasBackground()
- {
- }
- void ViewportCanvasBackground::Draw(Draw2dHelper& draw2d, const AZ::Vector2& canvasSize, float canvasToViewportScale, const AZ::Vector3& canvasToViewportTranslation)
- {
- // Determine size of canvas on-screen by applying the current canvas-to-viewport scale
- const int scaledCanvasWidth = aznumeric_cast<int>(canvasSize.GetX() * canvasToViewportScale);
- const int scaledCanvasHeight = aznumeric_cast<int>(canvasSize.GetY() * canvasToViewportScale);
- // Take on-screen canvas panning/translation into account
- const float xCanvasPanOffset = canvasToViewportTranslation.GetX();
- const float yCanvasPanOffset = canvasToViewportTranslation.GetY();
- AZ::Vector2 topLeft(xCanvasPanOffset, yCanvasPanOffset);
- AZ::Vector2 topRight(xCanvasPanOffset + scaledCanvasWidth, yCanvasPanOffset);
- AZ::Vector2 bottomRight(xCanvasPanOffset + scaledCanvasWidth, yCanvasPanOffset + scaledCanvasHeight);
- AZ::Vector2 bottomLeft(xCanvasPanOffset, yCanvasPanOffset + scaledCanvasHeight);
- // points are a clockwise quad
- static const unsigned int quadVertCount = 4;
- AZ::Vector2 positions[quadVertCount] =
- {
- topLeft,
- topRight,
- bottomRight,
- bottomLeft
- };
- // scale UV's so that one texel is one pixel on screen
- AZ::Vector2 textureSize(m_canvasBackground->GetTextureSize());
- AZ::Vector2 rectSize(aznumeric_cast<float>(scaledCanvasWidth), aznumeric_cast<float>(scaledCanvasHeight));
- AZ::Vector2 uvScale(rectSize.GetX() / textureSize.GetX(), rectSize.GetY() / textureSize.GetY());
- // now draw the same as Stretched but with UV's adjusted
- const AZ::Vector2 uvs[4] = { AZ::Vector2(0, 0), AZ::Vector2(uvScale.GetX(), 0), AZ::Vector2(uvScale.GetX(), uvScale.GetY()), AZ::Vector2(0, uvScale.GetY()) };
- AZ::Color colorWhite(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- IDraw2d::VertexPosColUV verts[4];
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- verts[i].position = positions[i];
- verts[i].color = colorWhite;
- verts[i].uv = uvs[i];
- }
- m_canvasBackground->DrawImageTiled(draw2d, verts);
- }