123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include <QPushButton>
- #include <QAction>
- #include <QtTest>
- #include <QComboBox>
- #include <Tests/UI/AnimGraphUIFixture.h>
- #include <EMotionFX/Source/AnimGraphManager.h>
- #include <EMotionFX/Source/AnimGraphObject.h>
- #include <EMotionFX/Source/AnimGraphObjectFactory.h>
- #include <EMotionFX/Source/AnimGraphMotionNode.h>
- #include <Editor/PropertyWidgets/MotionSetMotionIdHandler.h>
- #include <EMotionStudio/Plugins/StandardPlugins/Source/MotionSetsWindow/MotionSetsWindowPlugin.h>
- #include <EMotionStudio/Plugins/StandardPlugins/Source/AnimGraph/AnimGraphPlugin.h>
- #include <EMotionStudio/Plugins/StandardPlugins/Source/AnimGraph/BlendGraphViewWidget.h>
- #include <EMotionStudio/Plugins/StandardPlugins/Source/AnimGraph/BlendGraphWidget.h>
- #include <EMotionStudio/Plugins/StandardPlugins/Source/AnimGraph/AttributesWindow.h>
- #include <EMotionStudio/Plugins/StandardPlugins/Source/AnimGraph/AnimGraphEditor.h>
- namespace EMotionFX
- {
- TEST_F(AnimGraphUIFixture, CanAddMotionToAnimGraphNode)
- {
- RecordProperty("test_case_id", "C2187169");
- // Create a motion set and add a motion to it.
- auto motionSetPlugin = static_cast<EMStudio::MotionSetsWindowPlugin*>(EMStudio::GetPluginManager()->FindActivePlugin(EMStudio::MotionSetsWindowPlugin::CLASS_ID));
- ASSERT_TRUE(motionSetPlugin) << "No motion sets plugin found";
- const EMStudio::MotionSetManagementWindow* managementWindow = motionSetPlugin->GetManagementWindow();
- ASSERT_TRUE(managementWindow) << "No motion sets management window found";
- const EMStudio::MotionSetWindow* motionSetWindow = motionSetPlugin->GetMotionSetWindow();
- ASSERT_TRUE(motionSetWindow) << "No motion set window found";
- // Check there aren't any motion sets yet.
- const size_t oldNumMotionSets = EMotionFX::GetMotionManager().GetNumMotionSets();
- // Find the action to create a new motion set and press it.
- QWidget* addMotionSetButton = GetWidgetWithNameFromNamedToolbar(managementWindow, "MotionSetManagementWindow.ToolBar", "MotionSetManagementWindow.ToolBar.AddNewMotionSet");
- ASSERT_TRUE(addMotionSetButton) << "Unable to find Add Motion Set button.";
- QTest::mouseClick(addMotionSetButton, Qt::LeftButton);
- // Make sure the new motion set has been created.
- ASSERT_EQ(EMotionFX::GetMotionManager().GetNumMotionSets(), oldNumMotionSets + 1) << "Failed to create motion set.";
- EMotionFX::MotionSet* motionSet = EMotionFX::GetMotionManager().GetMotionSet(oldNumMotionSets);
- // Ensure new motion set is selected.
- motionSetPlugin->SetSelectedSet(motionSet);
- // It should be empty at the moment.
- const size_t numMotions = motionSet->GetNumMotionEntries();
- EXPECT_EQ(numMotions, 0);
- // Find the action to add a motion to the set and press it.
- QWidget* addMotionButton = GetWidgetWithNameFromNamedToolbar(motionSetWindow, "MotionSetWindow.ToolBar", "MotionSetWindow.ToolBar.AddANewEntry");
- ASSERT_TRUE(addMotionButton) << "No Add Motion to Motion Set button found";
- QTest::mouseClick(addMotionButton, Qt::LeftButton);
- // There should now be a new more motion.
- const size_t numMotionsAfterCreate = motionSet->GetNumMotionEntries();
- ASSERT_EQ(numMotionsAfterCreate, numMotions + 1) << "Failed to create new motion.";
- AZStd::unordered_map<AZStd::string, MotionSet::MotionEntry*> motions = motionSet->GetMotionEntries();
- // The newly created motion should be called "<undefined>".
- MotionSet::MotionEntry* motion = motions["<undefined>"];
- ASSERT_TRUE(motion) << "no \"<undefined>\" motion found";
- // Create a motion node in the anim graph.
- EMotionFX::AnimGraph* animGraph = CreateAnimGraph();
- ASSERT_TRUE(animGraph) << "Failed to find anim graph";
- AnimGraphNode* node = AddNodeToAnimGraph(animGraph, "Motion");
- ASSERT_TRUE(node) << "Failed to find create motion node in anim graph.";
- AnimGraphMotionNode* motionNode = azdynamic_cast<AnimGraphMotionNode*>(node);
- size_t numMotionsInNode = motionNode->GetNumMotions();
- EXPECT_EQ(numMotionsInNode, 0);
- EMStudio::NodeGraph* nodeGraph = GetActiveNodeGraph();
- // Find the corresponding GraphNode and click on it to select it.
- nodeGraph->SelectAllNodes();
- AZStd::vector<EMStudio::GraphNode*> nodes = nodeGraph->GetSelectedGraphNodes();
- ASSERT_NE(nodes.size(), 0) << "Failed to select motion node in anim graph.";
- EMStudio::GraphNode* newNode = nodes[0];
- QRect nodeLocalRect = newNode->GetFinalRect();
- QTest::mouseClick(m_blendGraphWidget, Qt::LeftButton, {}, nodeLocalRect.center());
- QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
- // RPE should have now set up the attributes editor.
- EMStudio::AttributesWindow* attributesWindow = m_animGraphPlugin->GetAttributesWindow();
- ASSERT_TRUE(attributesWindow) << "Failed to find AttributesWindow.";
- EMotionFX::AnimGraphEditor* animGraphEditor = attributesWindow->GetAnimGraphEditor();
- ASSERT_TRUE(animGraphEditor) << "Failed to find AnimGraphEditor in AttributesWindow.";
- // Select our motion set in the combo widget (index 0 is the select motion set instruction text).
- QComboBox* combo = animGraphEditor->GetMotionSetComboBox();
- ASSERT_TRUE(combo) << "Unable to get MotionSetComboBox from AnimGraphEditor.";
- combo->setCurrentIndex(1);
- // Find the picker add button in the attributes window and press it.
- const MotionSetMotionIdPicker* idPicker = attributesWindow->findChild<MotionSetMotionIdPicker*>();
- ASSERT_TRUE(idPicker) << "Failed to find MotionSetMotionIdPicker in AttributesWindow.";
- // Click the add motion button.
- QPushButton* pickerButton = idPicker->findChild<QPushButton*>("EMFX.MotionSetMotionIdPicker.PickButton");
- ASSERT_TRUE(pickerButton) << "Failed to find PickButton in MotionSetMotionIdPicker.";
- QTest::mouseClick(pickerButton, Qt::LeftButton);
- // The motion picker dialog should now be open.
- EMStudio::MotionSetSelectionWindow* pickWindow = idPicker->findChild< EMStudio::MotionSetSelectionWindow*>();
- ASSERT_TRUE(pickWindow) << "Failed to find MotionSetSelectionWindow.";
- pickWindow->GetHierarchyWidget()->SelectItemsWithText("<undefined>");
- // Select the motion we created earlier and press the OK button.
- pickWindow->GetHierarchyWidget()->SelectItemsWithText("<undefined>");
- QPushButton* okButton = pickWindow->findChild<QPushButton*>("EMFX.MotionSetSelectionWindow.Ok");
- ASSERT_TRUE(okButton) << "Failed to find OK button in MotionSetSelectionWindow.";
- QTest::mouseClick(okButton, Qt::LeftButton);
- // The motion should now have been pushed back to the node: check it.
- const size_t numMotionsInNodeAfter = motionNode->GetNumMotions();
- ASSERT_EQ(numMotionsInNodeAfter, numMotionsInNode + 1) << "Failed to add motion to motion node.";
- const char* motionName = motionNode->GetMotionId(0);
- ASSERT_STREQ(motionName, "<undefined>") << "Failed to find added motion in motion node";
- // Delete the created node.
- QTest::keyClick(m_blendGraphWidget, Qt::Key_Delete);
- }
- } // namespace EMotionFX