123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <AzCore/IO/ByteContainerStream.h>
- #include <AzCore/Settings/ConfigParser.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/string/conversions.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/containers/fixed_unordered_map.h>
- #include <AzCore/UnitTest/TestTypes.h>
- namespace UnitTest
- {
- struct ConfigFileParams
- {
- AZStd::string_view m_testConfigFileName;
- AZStd::string_view m_testConfigContents;
- using SettingsValueVariant = AZStd::variant<AZ::s64, bool, double, AZStd::string_view>;
- struct SettingsKeyValueTuple
- {
- AZStd::string_view m_key;
- SettingsValueVariant m_value;
- AZStd::string_view m_sectionHeader;
- };
- // The following test below will not have more than 32 settings in their config files
- AZStd::fixed_vector<SettingsKeyValueTuple, 20> m_expectedSettings;
- };
- class ConfigParserTestFixture
- : public LeakDetectionFixture
- {
- protected:
- AZStd::string m_configBuffer;
- AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string> m_configStream{ &m_configBuffer };
- };
- // Parameterized test fixture for the ConfigFile Params
- class ConfigParserParamFixture
- : public ConfigParserTestFixture
- , public ::testing::WithParamInterface<ConfigFileParams>
- {
- void SetUp() override
- {
- auto configFileParam = GetParam();
- // Create the test config stream
- m_configStream.Write(configFileParam.m_testConfigContents.size(),
- configFileParam.m_testConfigContents.data());
- // Seek back to the beginning of the stream for test to read written data
- m_configStream.Seek(0, AZ::IO::GenericStream::ST_SEEK_BEGIN);
- }
- };
- TEST_F(ConfigParserTestFixture, ParseConfigFile_WithEmptyFunction_Fails)
- {
- AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings parserSettings{ AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings::ParseConfigEntryFunc{} };
- m_configBuffer = R"(project_path=/TestProject
- engine_path=/TestEngine
- )";
- EXPECT_FALSE(AZ::Settings::ParseConfigFile(m_configStream, parserSettings));
- }
- TEST_F(ConfigParserTestFixture, ParseConfigFile_WithParseConfigEntryFunctionWhichAlwaysReturnsFalse_Fails)
- {
- auto parseConfigEntry = [](const AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings::ConfigEntry&)
- {
- return false;
- };
- AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings parserSettings{ parseConfigEntry };
- m_configBuffer = R"(project_path=/TestProject
- engine_path=/TestEngine
- )";
- EXPECT_FALSE(AZ::Settings::ParseConfigFile(m_configStream, parserSettings));
- }
- TEST_F(ConfigParserTestFixture, ParseConfigFile_WithLineLargerThan4096_Fails)
- {
- auto parseConfigEntry = [](const AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings::ConfigEntry&)
- {
- return true;
- };
- AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings parserSettings{ parseConfigEntry };
- m_configBuffer = "project_path=/TestProject\n";
- // append a line longer than 4096 characters
- m_configBuffer += "foo=";
- m_configBuffer.append(4096, 'a');
- m_configBuffer += '\n';
- EXPECT_FALSE(AZ::Settings::ParseConfigFile(m_configStream, parserSettings));
- }
- TEST_F(ConfigParserTestFixture, ParseConfigFile_WithAllLinesSmallerThan4097_Succeeds)
- {
- auto parseConfigEntry = [](const AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings::ConfigEntry&)
- {
- return true;
- };
- AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings parserSettings{ parseConfigEntry };
- m_configBuffer = "project_path=/TestProject\n";
- // append only 4000 characters
- m_configBuffer += "foo=";
- m_configBuffer.append(4000, 'a');
- m_configBuffer += '\n';
- EXPECT_TRUE(AZ::Settings::ParseConfigFile(m_configStream, parserSettings));
- }
- TEST_P(ConfigParserParamFixture, ParseConfigFile_ParseContents_Successfully)
- {
- auto configFileParam = GetParam();
- // Parse Config File and write output to a map for testing
- struct TestConfigEntry
- {
- AZStd::fixed_string<128> m_value;
- AZStd::fixed_string<128> m_sectionHeader;
- };
- using ParseSettingsMap = AZStd::fixed_unordered_map<AZStd::fixed_string<128>, TestConfigEntry, 7, 32>;
- ParseSettingsMap parseSettingsMap;
- auto parseConfigEntry = [&parseSettingsMap](const AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings::ConfigEntry& configEntry)
- {
- AZStd::fixed_string<128> fullKey(configEntry.m_sectionHeader);
- if (!fullKey.empty())
- {
- fullKey += '/';
- }
- fullKey += configEntry.m_keyValuePair.m_key;
- parseSettingsMap.emplace(fullKey, TestConfigEntry{
- AZStd::fixed_string<128>(configEntry.m_keyValuePair.m_value),
- AZStd::fixed_string<128>(configEntry.m_sectionHeader) });
- return true;
- };
- AZ::Settings::ConfigParserSettings parserSettings{ parseConfigEntry };
- // Update the comment prefix function to also support `--` as a comment chaacter
- parserSettings.m_commentPrefixFunc = [](AZStd::string_view line) -> AZStd::string_view
- {
- constexpr AZStd::string_view commentPrefixes[]{ "--", ";","#" };
- for (AZStd::string_view commentPrefix : commentPrefixes)
- {
- if (size_t commentOffset = line.find(commentPrefix); commentOffset != AZStd::string_view::npos)
- {
- line = line.substr(0, commentOffset);
- }
- }
- return line;
- };
- auto parseOutcome = AZ::Settings::ParseConfigFile(m_configStream, parserSettings);
- EXPECT_TRUE(parseOutcome);
- // Validate that map contains expected settings
- for (auto&& expectedSettingPair : configFileParam.m_expectedSettings)
- {
- auto ValidateExpectedSettings = [&parseSettingsMap, settingsKey = expectedSettingPair.m_key,
- sectionHeader = expectedSettingPair.m_sectionHeader](auto&& settingsValue)
- {
- auto foundIt = parseSettingsMap.find(AZStd::fixed_string<128>(settingsKey));
- ASSERT_NE(parseSettingsMap.end(), foundIt);
- // Check the section header
- EXPECT_EQ(sectionHeader, foundIt->second.m_sectionHeader);
- // Check the value
- using SettingsValueType = AZStd::remove_cvref_t<decltype(settingsValue)>;
- if constexpr (AZStd::is_same_v<SettingsValueType, AZ::s64>
- || AZStd::is_same_v<SettingsValueType, AZ::u64>
- || AZStd::is_same_v<SettingsValueType, double>
- || AZStd::is_same_v<SettingsValueType, bool>)
- {
- AZStd::fixed_string<32> settingsValueAsString;
- AZStd::to_string(settingsValueAsString, settingsValue);
- EXPECT_EQ(AZStd::string_view(settingsValueAsString), foundIt->second.m_value);
- }
- else if constexpr (AZStd::is_same_v<SettingsValueType, AZStd::string_view>)
- {
- EXPECT_EQ(settingsValue, foundIt->second.m_value);
- }
- };
- AZStd::visit(ValidateExpectedSettings, expectedSettingPair.m_value);
- }
- }
- ReadConfigFile,
- ConfigParserParamFixture,
- ::testing::Values(
- // Processes a fake bootstrap.cfg file which contains no section headers
- // and properly terminates the file with a newline
- ConfigFileParams{ "fake_bootstrap.cfg", R"(
- -- When you see an option that does not have a platform preceding it, that is the default
- -- value for anything not specifically set per platform. So if remote_filesystem=0 and you have
- -- ios_remote_file_system=1 then remote filesystem will be off for all platforms except ios
- -- Any of the settings in this file can be prefixed with a platform name:
- -- android, ios, mac, linux, windows, etc...
- -- or left unprefixed, to set all platforms not specified. The rules apply in the order they're declared
- project_path=TestProject
- -- remote_filesystem - enable Virtual File System (VFS)
- -- This feature allows a remote instance of the game to run off assets
- -- on the asset processor computers cache instead of deploying them the remote device
- -- By default it is off and can be overridden for any platform
- remote_filesystem=0
- android_remote_filesystem=0
- ios_remote_filesystem=0
- mac_remote_filesystem=0
- -- What type of assets are we going to load?
- -- We need to know this before we establish VFS because different platform assets
- -- are stored in different root folders in the cache. These correspond to the names
- -- In the asset processor config file. This value also controls what config file is read
- -- when you read system_xxxx_xxxx.cfg (for example, system_windows_pc.cfg or system_android_android.cfg)
- -- by default, pc assets (in the 'pc' folder) are used, with RC being fed 'pc' as the platform
- -- by default on console we use the default assets=pc for better iteration times
- -- we should turn on console specific assets only when in release and/or testing assets and/or loading performance
- -- that way most people will not need to have 3 different caches taking up disk space
- assets = pc
- android_assets = android
- ios_assets = ios
- mac_assets = mac
- -- Add the IP address of your console to the white list that will connect to the asset processor here
- -- You can list addresses or CIDR's. CIDR's are helpful if you are using DHCP. A CIDR looks like an ip address with
- -- a /n on the end means how many bits are significant. 8bits.8bits.8bits.8bits = /32
- -- Example:
- -- Example:,
- -- Example: will allow any address starting with 192.168.1.
- -- Example: will allow any address starting with 192.168.
- -- Example: will allow any address starting with 192.
- -- allowed_list =
- -- IP address and optionally port of the asset processor.
- -- Set your PC IP here: (and uncomment the next line)
- -- If you are running your asset processor on a windows machine you
- -- can find out your ip address by opening a cmd prompt and typing in ipconfig
- -- remote_ip =
- -- remote_port = 45643
- -- Which way do you want to connect the asset processor to the game: 1=game connects to AP "connect", 0=AP connects to game "listen"
- -- Note: android and IOS over USB port forwarding may need to listen instead of connect
- connect_to_remote=0
- windows_connect_to_remote=1
- android_connect_to_remote=0
- ios_connect_to_remote=0
- mac_connect_to_remote=0
- -- Should we tell the game to wait and not proceed unless we have a connection to the AP or
- -- do we allow it to continue to try to connect in the background without waiting
- -- Note: Certain options REQUIRE that we do not proceed unless we have a connection, and will override this option to 1 when set
- -- Since remote_filesystem=1 requires a connection to proceed it will override our option to 1
- wait_for_connect=0
- windows_wait_for_connect=1
- android_wait_for_connect=0
- ios_wait_for_connect=0
- mac_wait_for_connect=0
- -- How long applications should wait while attempting to connect to an already launched AP(in seconds)
- -- connect_ap_timeout=3
- -- How long application should wait when launching the AP and wait for the AP to connect back to it(in seconds)
- -- This time is dependent on Machine load as well as how long it takes for the new AP instance to initialize
- -- A debug AP takes longer to start up than a profile AP
- -- launch_ap_timeout=15
- -- How long to wait for the AssetProcessor to be ready(i.e have all critical assets processed)
- -- wait_ap_ready_timeout = 1200
- # Commented out line using a number sign character
- ; Commented out line using a semicolon
- )"
- , AZStd::fixed_vector<ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple, 20>{
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"project_path", AZStd::string_view{"TestProject"}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"remote_filesystem", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"android_remote_filesystem", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"ios_remote_filesystem", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"mac_remote_filesystem", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"assets", AZStd::string_view{"pc"}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"android_assets", AZStd::string_view{"android"}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"ios_assets", AZStd::string_view{"ios"}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"mac_assets", AZStd::string_view{"mac"}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"connect_to_remote", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"windows_connect_to_remote", AZ::s64{1}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"android_connect_to_remote", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"ios_connect_to_remote", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"mac_connect_to_remote", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"wait_for_connect", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"windows_wait_for_connect", AZ::s64{1}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"android_wait_for_connect", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"ios_wait_for_connect", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"mac_wait_for_connect", AZ::s64{0}, {}},
- }},
- // Parses a fake AssetProcessorPlatformConfig file which contains sections headers
- // and does not end with a newline
- ConfigFileParams{ "fake_AssetProcessorPlatformConfig.ini", R"(
- ; ---- Enable/Disable platforms for the entire project. AssetProcessor will automatically add the current platform by default.
- ; [Platform (unique identifier)]
- ; tags=(comma-seperated-tags)
- ;
- ; note: the 'identifier' of a platform is the word(s) following the "Platform" keyword (so [Platform pc] means identifier
- ; is 'pc' for example. This is used to name its assets folder in the cache and should be used in your bootstrap.cfg
- ; or your main.cpp to choose what assets to load for that particular platform.
- ; Its primary use is to enable additional non-host platforms (Ios, android...) that are not the current platform.
- ; note: 'tags' is a comma-seperated list of tags to tag the platform with that builders can inspect to decide what to do.
- ; while builders can accept any tags you add in order to make decisions, common tags are
- ; tools - this platform can host the tools and editor and such
- ; renderer - this platform runs the client engine and renders on a GPU. If missing we could be on a server-only platform
- ; mobile - a mobile platform such as a set top box or phone with limited resources
- ; console - a console platform
- ; server - a server platform of some kind, usually headless, no renderer.
- test_asset_processor_tag = test_value
- [Platform pc]
- tags=tools,renderer,dx12,vulkan
- [Platform android]
- tags=android,mobile,renderer,vulkan ; With Comments at the end
- ; validate leading and trailing whitespace is not parsed when examining the section header
- [Platform ios]
- tags=mobile,renderer,metal
- [Platform mac]
- tags=tools,renderer,metal)"
- , AZStd::fixed_vector<ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple, 20>{
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"test_asset_processor_tag", AZStd::string_view{"test_value"}, {}},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"Platform pc/tags", AZStd::string_view{"tools,renderer,dx12,vulkan"}, "Platform pc"},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"Platform android/tags", AZStd::string_view{"android,mobile,renderer,vulkan"}, "Platform android"},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"Platform ios/tags", AZStd::string_view{"mobile,renderer,metal"}, "Platform ios"},
- ConfigFileParams::SettingsKeyValueTuple{"Platform mac/tags", AZStd::string_view{"tools,renderer,metal"}, "Platform mac"},
- }}
- )
- );
- }