123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <AzCore/Metrics/JsonTraceEventLogger.h>
- #include <AzCore/IO/ByteContainerStream.h>
- #include <AzCore/IO/Path/Path.h>
- #include <AzCore/JSON/document.h>
- #include <AzCore/JSON/error/en.h>
- #include <AzCore/Settings/SettingsRegistryImpl.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/string/conversions.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/smart_ptr/unique_ptr.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/ranges/zip_view.h>
- #include <AzCore/UnitTest/TestTypes.h>
- namespace UnitTest
- {
- class JsonTraceEventLoggerTest
- : public UnitTest::LeakDetectionFixture
- {
- };
- bool JsonStringContains(AZStd::string_view lhs, AZStd::string_view rhs)
- {
- auto TrimWhitespace = [](char element) -> bool
- {
- return !::isspace(element);
- };
- AZStd::string sourceString;
- for (char elem : lhs)
- {
- if (TrimWhitespace(elem))
- {
- sourceString += elem;
- }
- }
- AZStd::string containsString;
- for (char elem : rhs)
- {
- if (TrimWhitespace(elem))
- {
- containsString += elem;
- }
- }
- return sourceString.contains(containsString);
- }
- size_t JsonStringCountAll(AZStd::string_view sourceView, AZStd::string_view containsView)
- {
- if (containsView.empty())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- auto TrimWhitespace = [](char element) -> bool
- {
- return !::isspace(element);
- };
- // Need persistent storage in this case to count all occurrences of JSON string inside of source string
- // Remove all whitespace from both strings
- AZStd::string sourceString;
- for (char elem : sourceView)
- {
- if (TrimWhitespace(elem))
- {
- sourceString += elem;
- }
- }
- AZStd::string containsString;
- for (char elem : containsView)
- {
- if (TrimWhitespace(elem))
- {
- containsString += elem;
- }
- }
- size_t count{};
- AZStd::string_view remainingRange(sourceString);
- for (;;)
- {
- auto foundFirst = remainingRange.find(containsString);
- if (foundFirst == AZStd::string_view::npos)
- {
- break;
- }
- AZStd::string_view foundRange = remainingRange.substr(foundFirst, containsString.size());
- // If the contains string has been found reduce the
- // remaining search range to be the end of the found string until the end of the source string
- remainingRange = { foundRange.end(), sourceString.end() };
- ++count;
- }
- return count;
- }
- TEST_F(JsonTraceEventLoggerTest, RecordDurationEvent_ProperJsonOutput_ToStream)
- {
- constexpr AZStd::string_view eventBeginMessage = "Hello world";
- AZStd::string metricsOutput;
- auto metricsStream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string>>(&metricsOutput);
- AZ::Metrics::JsonTraceEventLogger googleTraceLogger(AZStd::move(metricsStream));
- // Provides storage for the arguments supplied to the "args" structure
- using EventFieldStorage = AZStd::fixed_vector<AZ::Metrics::EventField, 8>;
- EventFieldStorage argContainer{ {"Field1", eventBeginMessage} };
- AZ::Metrics::DurationArgs testArgs;
- testArgs.m_name = "StringEvent";
- testArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- testArgs.m_args = argContainer;
- using ResultOutcome = AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ResultOutcome;
- ResultOutcome resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordDurationEventBegin(testArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // Update test args
- constexpr AZStd::string_view eventEndMessage = "Goodbye World";
- argContainer = EventFieldStorage{ { "Field1", eventEndMessage } };
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordDurationEventEnd(testArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // Flush and closes the event stream
- // This completes the json array
- googleTraceLogger.ResetStream(nullptr);
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("name": "StringEvent")"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("cat": "Test")"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("ph": "B")"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("name": "StringEvent")"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("cat": "Test")"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("ph": "B")"));
- // Validate that the output is a valid json doucment
- rapidjson::Document validateDoc;
- rapidjson::ParseResult parseResult = validateDoc.Parse(metricsOutput.c_str());
- EXPECT_TRUE(parseResult) << R"(JSON parse error ")" << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(parseResult.Code())
- << R"(" at offset (%u))";
- }
- TEST_F(JsonTraceEventLoggerTest, RecordAllEvents_StringsFromMultipleThreads_WrittenToStream)
- {
- constexpr AZStd::string_view eventString = "Hello world";
- constexpr AZ::s64 eventInt64 = -2;
- constexpr AZ::u64 eventUint64 = 0xFFFF'0000'FFFF'FFFF;
- constexpr bool eventBool = true;
- constexpr double eventDouble = 64.0;
- constexpr auto objectFieldNames = AZStd::to_array<AZStd::string_view>({"Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4", "Field5"});
- using EventArgsType = AZ::Metrics::EventValue::ArgsVariant;
- const auto objectFieldValues = AZStd::to_array<EventArgsType>({ eventString, eventInt64, eventUint64, eventBool, eventDouble });
- // Provides storage for the arguments supplied to the "args" structure
- using EventArrayStorage = AZStd::fixed_vector<AZ::Metrics::EventValue, 8>;
- using EventObjectStorage = AZStd::fixed_vector<AZ::Metrics::EventField, 8>;
- EventArrayStorage eventArray;
- EventObjectStorage eventObject;
- // Fill out the child array and child object fields
- for (auto [fieldName, fieldValue] : AZStd::views::zip(objectFieldNames, objectFieldValues))
- {
- auto AppendArgs = [name = fieldName, &eventArray, &eventObject](auto&& value)
- {
- eventArray.push_back(value);
- eventObject.emplace_back(name, value);
- };
- AZStd::visit(AppendArgs, fieldValue);
- }
- // Populate the "args" container to associate with each events "args" field
- EventObjectStorage argsContainer;
- argsContainer.emplace_back("string", eventString);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("int64_t", eventInt64);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("uint64_t", eventUint64);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("bool", eventBool);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("double", eventDouble);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("array", AZ::Metrics::EventArray(eventArray));
- argsContainer.emplace_back("object", AZ::Metrics::EventObject(eventObject));
- // Create an byte container stream that allows event logger output to be logged in-memory
- AZStd::string metricsOutput;
- auto metricsStream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string>>(&metricsOutput);
- // Create the trace event logger that logs to the Google Trace Event format
- AZ::Metrics::JsonTraceEventLogger googleTraceLogger(AZStd::move(metricsStream));
- using ResultOutcome = AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ResultOutcome;
- // Defer logging until after all threads have been started
- AZStd::atomic_bool startLogging{};
- auto LogAllEvents = [&startLogging, &googleTraceLogger, &argsContainer](int threadIndex)
- {
- // Fake timestamp to use for complete event
- AZStd::chrono::utc_clock::time_point startThreadTime = AZStd::chrono::utc_clock::now();
- while (!startLogging)
- {
- AZStd::this_thread::yield();
- }
- // Convert the threadIndex to a string and use that as the "id" value
- AZStd::fixed_string<32> idString;
- AZStd::to_string(idString, threadIndex);
- ResultOutcome resultOutcome(AZStd::unexpect, AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ErrorString("Uninitialized"));
- {
- // Record Duration Begin and End Events
- AZ::Metrics::DurationArgs durationArgs;
- durationArgs.m_name = "Duration Event";
- durationArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- durationArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- durationArgs.m_id = idString;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordDurationEventBegin(durationArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordDurationEventEnd(durationArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- }
- {
- // Record Complete Event
- auto duration = AZStd::chrono::duration_cast<AZStd::chrono::microseconds>(AZStd::chrono::utc_clock::now() - startThreadTime);
- AZ::Metrics::CompleteArgs completeArgs;
- completeArgs.m_name = "Complete Event";
- completeArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- completeArgs.m_dur = duration;
- completeArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- completeArgs.m_id = idString;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- }
- {
- // Record Instant Event
- AZ::Metrics::InstantArgs instantArgs;
- instantArgs.m_name = "Instant Event";
- instantArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- instantArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- instantArgs.m_id = idString;
- instantArgs.m_scope = AZ::Metrics::InstantEventScope::Thread;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordInstantEvent(instantArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- }
- {
- // Record Instant Event
- // Add an extra object field for a count by making a copy of the argsContainer
- auto extendedArgs = argsContainer;
- extendedArgs.emplace_back("frameTime", AZ::Metrics::EventValue{ AZStd::in_place_type<AZ::s64>, 16 + threadIndex });
- AZ::Metrics::CounterArgs counterArgs;
- counterArgs.m_name = "Counter Event";
- counterArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- counterArgs.m_args = extendedArgs;
- counterArgs.m_id = idString;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCounterEvent(counterArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- }
- {
- // Record Async Start and End Events
- // Also records the Async Instant event
- constexpr AZStd::string_view asyncOuterEventName = "Async Event";
- AZ::Metrics::AsyncArgs asyncArgs;
- asyncArgs.m_name = asyncOuterEventName;
- asyncArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- asyncArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- asyncArgs.m_id = idString;
- asyncArgs.m_scope = "Distinguishing Scope";
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordAsyncEventStart(asyncArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // Change the name of the event
- asyncArgs.m_name = "Async Instant Event";
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordAsyncEventInstant(asyncArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // "Async Event" is the logical name of the being and end event being recorded
- // So make sure the end event matches
- asyncArgs.m_name = asyncOuterEventName;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordAsyncEventEnd(asyncArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- }
- };
- // Spin up totalThreads for testing logging from multiple threads
- constexpr size_t totalThreads = 4;
- // Used for an id value for an event
- int32_t currentThreadIndex{};
- AZStd::array<AZStd::thread, totalThreads> threads;
- for (AZStd::thread& threadRef : threads)
- {
- threadRef = AZStd::thread(LogAllEvents, currentThreadIndex++);
- }
- // Start logging of events
- startLogging = true;
- // Join the threads. This should complete the event recording
- for (size_t threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < totalThreads; ++threadIndex)
- {
- threads[threadIndex].join();
- }
- // Flush and closes the event stream
- // This completes the json array
- googleTraceLogger.ResetStream(nullptr);
- // Count should be 32.
- // There are 8 variations of events (1. Duration Begin, 2. Duration End, 3. Complete, 4. Instant,
- // 5. Counter, 6. Async Start, 7. Async End, 8. Async Instant
- // Times 4 threads being run
- EXPECT_EQ(32, JsonStringCountAll(metricsOutput, R"("string": "Hello world")"));
- EXPECT_EQ(32, JsonStringCountAll(metricsOutput, R"("int64_t": -2)"));
- EXPECT_EQ(32, JsonStringCountAll(metricsOutput, R"("uint64_t": 18446462603027808255)"));
- EXPECT_EQ(32, JsonStringCountAll(metricsOutput, R"("bool": true)"));
- EXPECT_EQ(32, JsonStringCountAll(metricsOutput, R"("double": 64.0)"));
- EXPECT_EQ(32, JsonStringCountAll(metricsOutput, R"("array": [)"));
- EXPECT_EQ(32, JsonStringCountAll(metricsOutput, R"("object": {)"));
- // Validate that the output is a valid json doucment
- rapidjson::Document validateDoc;
- rapidjson::ParseResult parseResult = validateDoc.Parse(metricsOutput.c_str());
- EXPECT_TRUE(parseResult) << R"(JSON parse error ")" << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(parseResult.Code())
- << R"(" at offset (%u))";
- }
- TEST_F(JsonTraceEventLoggerTest, TogglingActiveSetting_CanTurnOrOffEventRecording_Succeeds)
- {
- // local Settings Registry used for validating changes to the event logger active state
- AZ::SettingsRegistryImpl settingsRegistry;
- // Event Logger name used to read settings and set settings associated with the Event Logger
- constexpr AZStd::string_view EventLoggerName = "JsonTraceEventTest";
- AZStd::string metricsOutput;
- auto metricsStream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string>>(&metricsOutput);
- {
- AZ::Metrics::JsonTraceEventLogger googleTraceLogger(AZStd::move(metricsStream), { EventLoggerName, &settingsRegistry });
- // Event logger is be active by default if there is no `/O3DE/Metrics/<Name>/Active` in the settings registry
- AZStd::string eventMessage = "Hello world";
- AZ::Metrics::EventObjectStorage argContainer{ {"Field1", eventMessage} };
- AZ::Metrics::CompleteArgs completeArgs;
- completeArgs.m_name = "StringEvent";
- completeArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- completeArgs.m_args = argContainer;
- using ResultOutcome = AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ResultOutcome;
- ResultOutcome resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // As the event logger is active, the event data should have been recorded to the stream
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Hello world")"));
- // Set any event loggers with a name that matches EventLoggerName to inactive
- settingsRegistry.Set(AZ::Metrics::SettingsKey(EventLoggerName) + "/Active", false);
- // Update the event string for the complete event and attempt to record it again
- eventMessage = "Unrecorded world";
- argContainer[0].m_value = eventMessage;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // No recording of the complete event to the stream should have occured
- EXPECT_FALSE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Unrecorded world")"));
- // Set the active state for event loggers with the name matching the EventLoggerName constant
- settingsRegistry.Set(AZ::Metrics::SettingsKey(EventLoggerName) + "/Active", true);
- // Change the event string to 3rd different string and attempt to record again
- eventMessage = "Re-recorded world";
- argContainer[0].m_value = eventMessage;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // The recording of the complete event should now have occured
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Re-recorded world")"));
- }
- }
- TEST_F(JsonTraceEventLoggerTest, InitialActiveSetting_SetToFalse_DoesNotRecord_Succeeds)
- {
- // Event Logger name used to read settings and set settings associated with the Event Logger
- constexpr AZStd::string_view EventLoggerName = "JsonTraceEventTest";
- // local Settings Registry used for validating changes to the event logger active state
- AZ::SettingsRegistryImpl settingsRegistry;
- // Default to the inactive state for event loggers matching the name of the EventLoggerName constant
- settingsRegistry.Set(AZ::Metrics::SettingsKey(EventLoggerName) + "/Active", false);
- AZStd::string metricsOutput;
- auto metricsStream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string>>(&metricsOutput);
- {
- AZ::Metrics::JsonTraceEventLogger googleTraceLogger(AZStd::move(metricsStream), { EventLoggerName, &settingsRegistry });
- AZStd::string eventMessage = "Hello world";
- AZ::Metrics::EventObjectStorage argContainer{ {"Field1", eventMessage} };
- AZ::Metrics::CompleteArgs completeArgs;
- completeArgs.m_name = "StringEvent";
- completeArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- completeArgs.m_args = argContainer;
- using ResultOutcome = AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ResultOutcome;
- ResultOutcome resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // The event logger should be inactive, so recording to the output stream should not occur
- EXPECT_FALSE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Hello world")"));
- // Set the active state for event loggers with the name matching the EventLoggerName constant
- settingsRegistry.Set(AZ::Metrics::SettingsKey(EventLoggerName) + "/Active", true);
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // The recording to the event logger stream should have succeeded this time
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Hello world")"));
- }
- }
- TEST_F(JsonTraceEventLoggerTest, ChangingEventLoggerName_ResetsRecordingState_Succeeds)
- {
- // Event Logger name used to read settings and set settings associated with the Event Logger
- constexpr AZStd::string_view EventLoggerName = "JsonTraceEventTest";
- // name to use to reading a different section of the "/O3DE/Metrics/<Name>" setting
- constexpr AZStd::string_view NewLoggerName = "NewName";
- // local Settings Registry used for validating changes to the event logger active state
- AZ::SettingsRegistryImpl settingsRegistry;
- // Default to the inactive state
- settingsRegistry.Set(AZ::Metrics::SettingsKey(EventLoggerName) + "/Active", false);
- AZStd::string metricsOutput;
- auto metricsStream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string>>(&metricsOutput);
- {
- AZ::Metrics::JsonTraceEventLogger googleTraceLogger(AZStd::move(metricsStream), { EventLoggerName, &settingsRegistry });
- AZStd::string eventMessage = "Hello world";
- AZ::Metrics::EventObjectStorage argContainer{ {"Field1", eventMessage} };
- AZ::Metrics::CompleteArgs completeArgs;
- completeArgs.m_name = "StringEvent";
- completeArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- completeArgs.m_args = argContainer;
- using ResultOutcome = AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ResultOutcome;
- ResultOutcome resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // The "JsonTraceEventTest" event logger should be inactive
- EXPECT_FALSE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Hello world")"));
- // Change the name of the event loger to "NewName", it should be active by default
- googleTraceLogger.SetName(NewLoggerName);
- EXPECT_EQ(NewLoggerName, googleTraceLogger.GetName());
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // Recording to the event logger with "NewName" should have succeeded
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Hello world")"));
- // Set the "NewName" event logger to inactive
- settingsRegistry.Set(AZ::Metrics::SettingsKey(NewLoggerName) + "/Active", false);
- // Change event string value to validate that recording is not occuring
- eventMessage = "Goodbye world";
- argContainer[0].m_value = eventMessage;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // Recording to the "NewName" event logger should not occur
- EXPECT_FALSE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Goodbye world")"));
- // Reset the "NewName" event logger to active again by deleting 'Active' settings key
- // (Setting the 'Active' setting to true also works
- settingsRegistry.Remove(AZ::Metrics::SettingsKey(NewLoggerName) + "/Active");
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- // Recording of the complete event should be succeeding again
- EXPECT_TRUE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Goodbye world")"));
- // Finally change the name back to the original
- // This will reset the active state back to the value associated with the "JsonTraceEventTest"
- // name.
- googleTraceLogger.SetName(EventLoggerName);
- // As the original event logger had a setting with the active setting to false
- // recording should not occur
- eventMessage = "Metrics Elided";
- argContainer[0].m_value = eventMessage;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(resultOutcome);
- EXPECT_FALSE(JsonStringContains(metricsOutput, R"("Field1":"Metrics Elided")"));
- }
- }
- } // namespace UnitTest
- #if defined(HAVE_BENCHMARK)
- namespace Benchmark
- {
- class JsonTraceEventLoggerBenchmarkFixture
- : public ::UnitTest::AllocatorsBenchmarkFixture
- {
- protected:
- void RecordMetricsToStream(AZStd::unique_ptr<AZ::IO::GenericStream>);
- protected:
- AZ::Test::ScopedAutoTempDirectory m_tempDirectory;
- };
- void JsonTraceEventLoggerBenchmarkFixture::RecordMetricsToStream(AZStd::unique_ptr<AZ::IO::GenericStream>)
- {
- constexpr AZStd::string_view eventString = "Hello world";
- constexpr AZ::s64 eventInt64 = -2;
- constexpr AZ::u64 eventUint64 = 0xFFFF'0000'FFFF'FFFF;
- constexpr bool eventBool = true;
- constexpr double eventDouble = 64.0;
- constexpr auto objectFieldNames = AZStd::to_array<AZStd::string_view>({ "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4", "Field5" });
- using EventArgsType = AZ::Metrics::EventValue::ArgsVariant;
- const auto objectFieldValues = AZStd::to_array<EventArgsType>({ eventString, eventInt64, eventUint64, eventBool, eventDouble });
- // Provides storage for the arguments supplied to the "args" structure
- using EventArrayStorage = AZStd::fixed_vector<AZ::Metrics::EventValue, 8>;
- using EventObjectStorage = AZStd::fixed_vector<AZ::Metrics::EventField, 8>;
- EventArrayStorage eventArray;
- EventObjectStorage eventObject;
- // Fill out the child array and child object fields
- for (auto [fieldName, fieldValue] : AZStd::views::zip(objectFieldNames, objectFieldValues))
- {
- auto AppendArgs = [name = fieldName, &eventArray, &eventObject](auto&& value)
- {
- eventArray.push_back(value);
- eventObject.emplace_back(name, value);
- };
- AZStd::visit(AppendArgs, fieldValue);
- }
- // Populate the "args" container to associate with each events "args" field
- EventObjectStorage argsContainer;
- argsContainer.emplace_back("string", eventString);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("int64_t", eventInt64);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("uint64_t", eventUint64);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("bool", eventBool);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("double", eventDouble);
- argsContainer.emplace_back("array", AZ::Metrics::EventArray(eventArray));
- argsContainer.emplace_back("object", AZ::Metrics::EventObject(eventObject));
- // Create an byte container stream that allows event logger output to be logged in-memory
- AZStd::string metricsOutput;
- auto metricsStream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string>>(&metricsOutput);
- // Create the trace event logger that logs to the Google Trace Event format
- AZ::Metrics::JsonTraceEventLogger googleTraceLogger(AZStd::move(metricsStream));
- auto LogAllEvents = [&googleTraceLogger, &argsContainer](int idValue)
- {
- // Fake timestamp to use for complete event
- AZStd::chrono::utc_clock::time_point startThreadTime = AZStd::chrono::utc_clock::now();
- // Convert the threadIndex to a string and use that as the "id" value
- AZStd::fixed_string<32> idString;
- AZStd::to_string(idString, idValue);
- using ResultOutcome = AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ResultOutcome;
- [[maybe_unused]] ResultOutcome resultOutcome(AZStd::unexpect, AZ::Metrics::IEventLogger::ErrorString("Uninitialized"));
- {
- // Record Duration Begin and End Events
- AZ::Metrics::DurationArgs durationArgs;
- durationArgs.m_name = "Duration Event";
- durationArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- durationArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- durationArgs.m_id = idString;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordDurationEventBegin(durationArgs);
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordDurationEventEnd(durationArgs);
- }
- {
- // Record Complete Event
- auto duration = AZStd::chrono::duration_cast<AZStd::chrono::microseconds>(AZStd::chrono::utc_clock::now() - startThreadTime);
- AZ::Metrics::CompleteArgs completeArgs;
- completeArgs.m_name = "Complete Event";
- completeArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- completeArgs.m_dur = duration;
- completeArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- completeArgs.m_id = idString;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCompleteEvent(completeArgs);
- }
- {
- // Record Instant Event
- AZ::Metrics::InstantArgs instantArgs;
- instantArgs.m_name = "Instant Event";
- instantArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- instantArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- instantArgs.m_id = idString;
- instantArgs.m_scope = AZ::Metrics::InstantEventScope::Thread;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordInstantEvent(instantArgs);
- }
- {
- // Record Complete Event
- // Add an extra object field for a count by making a copy of the argsContainer
- auto extendedArgs = argsContainer;
- extendedArgs.emplace_back("frameTime", AZ::Metrics::EventValue{ AZStd::in_place_type<AZ::s64>, 20 });
- AZ::Metrics::CounterArgs counterArgs;
- counterArgs.m_name = "Counter Event";
- counterArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- counterArgs.m_args = extendedArgs;
- counterArgs.m_id = idString;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordCounterEvent(counterArgs);
- }
- {
- // Record Async Start and End Events
- // Also records the Async Instant event
- constexpr AZStd::string_view asyncOuterEventName = "Async Event";
- AZ::Metrics::AsyncArgs asyncArgs;
- asyncArgs.m_name = asyncOuterEventName;
- asyncArgs.m_cat = "Test";
- asyncArgs.m_args = argsContainer;
- asyncArgs.m_id = idString;
- asyncArgs.m_scope = "Distinguishing Scope";
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordAsyncEventStart(asyncArgs);
- // Change the name of the event
- asyncArgs.m_name = "Async Instant Event";
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordAsyncEventInstant(asyncArgs);
- // "Async Event" is the logical name of the being and end event being recorded
- // So make sure the end event matches
- asyncArgs.m_name = asyncOuterEventName;
- resultOutcome = googleTraceLogger.RecordAsyncEventEnd(asyncArgs);
- }
- };
- LogAllEvents(0);
- // Flush and closes the event stream
- // This completes the json array
- googleTraceLogger.ResetStream(nullptr);
- }
- BENCHMARK_F(JsonTraceEventLoggerBenchmarkFixture, BM_JsonTraceEventLogger_RecordEventsToInMemoryStream)(benchmark::State& state)
- {
- constexpr size_t eventOutputReserveSize = 4096;
- AZStd::string metricsPayload;
- // Reserve memory to prevent allocation of string data skewing results
- // for byte container stream
- metricsPayload.reserve(eventOutputReserveSize);
- for ([[maybe_unused]] auto _ : state)
- {
- state.PauseTiming();
- // Do not time the creation of the stream
- auto stream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::ByteContainerStream<AZStd::string>>(&metricsPayload);
- state.ResumeTiming();
- RecordMetricsToStream(AZStd::move(stream));
- metricsPayload.clear();
- }
- }
- BENCHMARK_F(JsonTraceEventLoggerBenchmarkFixture, BM_JsonTraceEventLogger_RecordEventsToTemporaryDirUnbufferedFileStream)(benchmark::State& state)
- {
- // Open the file and truncate the file
- constexpr AZ::IO::OpenMode openMode = AZ::IO::OpenMode::ModeWrite;
- const AZ::IO::FixedMaxPath metricsFilepath = m_tempDirectory.GetDirectoryAsFixedMaxPath() / "metrics.json";
- for ([[maybe_unused]] auto _ : state)
- {
- state.PauseTiming();
- auto stream = AZStd::make_unique<AZ::IO::SystemFileStream>(metricsFilepath.c_str(), openMode);
- state.ResumeTiming();
- RecordMetricsToStream(AZStd::move(stream));
- }
- }
- } // Benchmark
- #endif