123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <AssetImporterWindow.h>
- #include <ui_AssetImporterWindow.h>
- #include <AssetImporterPlugin.h>
- #include <ImporterRootDisplay.h>
- #include <QCloseEvent>
- #include <QDesktopServices>
- #include <QDockWidget>
- #include <QFile>
- #include <QFileDialog>
- #include <QLabel>
- #include <QMessageBox>
- #include <QTimer>
- class IXMLDOMDocumentPtr; // Needed for settings.h
- class CXTPDockingPaneLayout; // Needed for settings.h
- #include <Settings.h>
- #include <QScrollArea>
- #include <ActionOutput.h>
- #include <AssetImporterDocument.h>
- #include <AzCore/Component/ComponentApplicationBus.h>
- #include <AzCore/IO/Path/Path.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/functional.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/string/conversions.h>
- #include <AzCore/Utils/Utils.h>
- #include <AzFramework/StringFunc/StringFunc.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/SourceControl/SourceControlAPI.h>
- #include <AzQtComponents/Components/StyledDetailsTableModel.h>
- #include <AzQtComponents/Components/StylesheetPreprocessor.h>
- #include <AzQtComponents/Components/Widgets/CardHeader.h>
- #include <AzQtComponents/Components/Widgets/TableView.h>
- #include <Util/PathUtil.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/Containers/Utilities/Filters.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/DataTypes/Rules/IScriptProcessorRule.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/Events/AssetImportRequest.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/Events/SceneSerializationBus.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneCore/Utilities/Reporting.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneData/Rules/ScriptProcessorRule.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneUI/Handlers/ProcessingHandlers/AsyncOperationProcessingHandler.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneUI/Handlers/ProcessingHandlers/ExportJobProcessingHandler.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneUI/SceneWidgets/ManifestWidget.h>
- #include <SceneAPI/SceneUI/SceneWidgets/SceneGraphInspectWidget.h>
- const char* AssetImporterWindow::s_documentationWebAddress = "https://www.o3de.org/docs/user-guide/assets/scene-settings/";
- const AZ::Uuid AssetImporterWindow::s_browseTag = AZ::Uuid::CreateString("{C240D2E1-BFD2-4FFA-BB5B-CC0FA389A5D3}");
- AssetImporterWindow::AssetImporterWindow()
- : AssetImporterWindow(nullptr)
- {
- }
- AssetImporterWindow::AssetImporterWindow(QWidget* parent)
- : QMainWindow(parent)
- , ui(new Ui::AssetImporterWindow)
- , m_assetImporterDocument(new AssetImporterDocument())
- , m_serializeContext(nullptr)
- , m_rootDisplay(nullptr)
- , m_overlay(nullptr)
- , m_isClosed(false)
- {
- Init();
- }
- AssetImporterWindow::~AssetImporterWindow()
- {
- disconnect();
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OpenFile(const AZStd::string& filePath)
- {
- if (m_sceneSettingsCardOverlay != AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidget::s_invalidOverlayIndex)
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, "In progress", "Please wait for the previous task to complete before opening a new file.");
- return;
- }
- if (!m_overlay->CanClose())
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, "In progress", "Unable to close one or more windows at this time.");
- return;
- }
- // Make sure we are not browsing *over* a current editing operation
- if (!IsAllowedToChangeSourceFile())
- {
- // Issue will already have been reported to the user.
- return;
- }
- if (!m_overlay->PopAllLayers())
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, "In progress", "Unable to close one or more windows at this time.");
- return;
- }
- OpenFileInternal(filePath);
- }
- bool AssetImporterWindow::CanClose()
- {
- if (m_isClosed)
- {
- return true;
- }
- if (m_sceneSettingsCardOverlay != AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidget::s_invalidOverlayIndex)
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, "Processing In Progress", "Please wait until processing has completed to try again.",
- QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
- return false;
- }
- if (!m_overlay->CanClose())
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, "Unable to close", "Unable to close one or more windows at this time.",
- QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok);
- return false;
- }
- if (ShouldSaveBeforeClose())
- {
- return false;
- }
- m_isClosed = true;
- return true;
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::Init()
- {
- // Serialization and reflection framework setup
- AZ::ComponentApplicationBus::BroadcastResult(m_serializeContext, &AZ::ComponentApplicationBus::Events::GetSerializeContext);
- AZ_Assert(m_serializeContext, "Serialization context not available");
- // Load the style sheets
- AzQtComponents::StylesheetPreprocessor styleSheetProcessor(nullptr);
- auto mainWindowQSSPath = AZ::IO::Path(AZ::Utils::GetEnginePath()) / "Assets";
- mainWindowQSSPath /= "Editor/Styles/AssetImporterWindow.qss";
- mainWindowQSSPath.MakePreferred();
- QFile mainWindowStyleSheetFile(mainWindowQSSPath.c_str());
- if (mainWindowStyleSheetFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
- {
- setStyleSheet(styleSheetProcessor.ProcessStyleSheet(mainWindowStyleSheetFile.readAll()));
- }
- ui->setupUi(this);
- // Setup the overlay system, and set the root to be the root display. The root display has the browse,
- // the Import button & the cancel button, which are handled here by the window.
- m_overlay.reset(aznew AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidget(this));
- m_rootDisplay.reset(aznew ImporterRootDisplayWidget(m_serializeContext));
- connect(
- m_rootDisplay.data()->GetManifestWidget(),
- &AZ::SceneAPI::UI::ManifestWidget::SaveClicked,
- this,
- &AssetImporterWindow::SaveClicked);
- connect(
- m_rootDisplay.data()->GetManifestWidget(),
- &AZ::SceneAPI::UI::ManifestWidget::OnInspect,
- this,
- &AssetImporterWindow::OnInspect);
- connect(
- m_rootDisplay.data()->GetManifestWidget(),
- &AZ::SceneAPI::UI::ManifestWidget::OnSceneResetRequested,
- this,
- &AssetImporterWindow::OnSceneResetRequested);
- connect(
- m_rootDisplay.data()->GetManifestWidget(),
- &AZ::SceneAPI::UI::ManifestWidget::OnClearUnsavedChangesRequested,
- this,
- &AssetImporterWindow::OnClearUnsavedChangesRequested);
- connect(
- m_rootDisplay.data()->GetManifestWidget(),
- &AZ::SceneAPI::UI::ManifestWidget::OnAssignScript,
- this,
- &AssetImporterWindow::OnAssignScript);
- connect(m_overlay.data(), &AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidget::LayerAdded, this, &AssetImporterWindow::OverlayLayerAdded);
- connect(m_overlay.data(), &AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidget::LayerRemoved, this, &AssetImporterWindow::OverlayLayerRemoved);
- m_overlay->SetRoot(m_rootDisplay.data());
- ui->m_settingsAreaLayout->addWidget(m_overlay.data());
- // Filling the initial browse prompt text to be programmatically set from available extensions
- AZStd::unordered_set<AZStd::string> extensions;
- AZ::SceneAPI::Events::AssetImportRequestBus::Broadcast(
- &AZ::SceneAPI::Events::AssetImportRequestBus::Events::GetSupportedFileExtensions, extensions);
- AZ_Error(AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities::ErrorWindow, !extensions.empty(), "No file extensions defined for assets.");
- if (!extensions.empty())
- {
- for (AZStd::string& extension : extensions)
- {
- extension = extension.substr(1);
- AZStd::to_upper(extension.begin(), extension.end());
- }
- AZStd::string joinedExtensions;
- AzFramework::StringFunc::Join(joinedExtensions, extensions.begin(), extensions.end(), " or ");
- AZStd::string firstLineText =
- AZStd::string::format(
- "%s files are available for use after placing them in any folder within your game project. "
- "These files will automatically be processed and may be accessed via the Asset Browser. <a href=\"%s\">Learn more...</a>",
- joinedExtensions.c_str(), s_documentationWebAddress);
- ui->m_initialPromptFirstLine->setText(firstLineText.c_str());
- AZStd::string secondLineText =
- AZStd::string::format("To adjust the %s settings, right-click the file in the Asset Browser and select \"Edit Settings\" from the context menu.", joinedExtensions.c_str());
- ui->m_initialPromptSecondLine->setText(secondLineText.c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- AZStd::string firstLineText =
- AZStd::string::format(
- "Files are available for use after placing them in any folder within your game project. "
- "These files will automatically be processed and may be accessed via the Asset Browser. <a href=\"%s\">Learn more...</a>", s_documentationWebAddress);
- ui->m_initialPromptFirstLine->setText(firstLineText.c_str());
- AZStd::string secondLineText = "To adjust the settings, right-click the file in the Asset Browser and select \"Edit Settings\" from the context menu.";
- ui->m_initialPromptSecondLine->setText(secondLineText.c_str());
- // Hide the initial browse container so we can show the error (it will be shown again when the overlay pops)
- ui->m_initialBrowseContainer->hide();
- QMessageBox::critical(this, "No Extensions Detected",
- "No importable file types were detected. This likely means an internal error has taken place which has broken the "
- "registration of valid import types (e.g. FBX). This type of issue requires engineering support.");
- }
- QObject::connect(&m_qtFileWatcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &AssetImporterWindow::FileChanged);
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OpenFileInternal(const AZStd::string& filePath)
- {
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::SceneUI;
- // Clear all previously watched files
- m_qtFileWatcher.removePaths(m_qtFileWatcher.files());
- auto asyncLoadHandler = AZStd::make_shared<AZ::SceneAPI::SceneUI::AsyncOperationProcessingHandler>(
- s_browseTag,
- [this, filePath]()
- {
- // this is invoked across threads, so ensure that nothing touches the main thread that isn't thread safe.
- // Qt objects, in particular, should talk via timers or queued connections.
- m_assetImporterDocument->LoadScene(filePath);
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &AssetImporterWindow::UpdateDefaultSceneDisplay, Qt::QueuedConnection);
- },
- [this]()
- {
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &AssetImporterWindow::HandleAssetLoadingCompleted, Qt::QueuedConnection);
- }, this);
- QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath.c_str());
- SceneSettingsCard* card = CreateSceneSettingsCard(fileInfo.fileName(), SceneSettingsCard::Layout::Loading, SceneSettingsCard::State::Loading);
- card->SetAndStartProcessingHandler(asyncLoadHandler);
- }
- SceneSettingsCard* AssetImporterWindow::CreateSceneSettingsCard(
- QString fileName,
- SceneSettingsCard::Layout layout,
- SceneSettingsCard::State state)
- {
- while (QLayoutItem* cardToDelete = ui->m_cardAreaLayout->takeAt(0))
- {
- delete cardToDelete->widget();
- delete cardToDelete;
- }
- SceneSettingsCard* card = new SceneSettingsCard(s_browseTag, fileName, layout, ui->m_cardAreaLayoutWidget);
- card->setExpanded(false);
- ui->m_notificationAreaLayoutWidget->show();
- card->SetState(state);
- ui->m_cardAreaLayout->addWidget(card);
- ui->m_cardAreaLayoutWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- ++m_openSceneSettingsCards;
- connect(card, &QObject::destroyed, this, &AssetImporterWindow::SceneSettingsCardDestroyed);
- connect(card, &SceneSettingsCard::ProcessingCompleted, this, &AssetImporterWindow::SceneSettingsCardProcessingCompleted);
- // Not passing in a QLabel to display because with a QLabel it won't darken the rest of the interface, which is preferred.
- m_sceneSettingsCardOverlay = m_overlay->PushLayer(nullptr, nullptr, "Waiting for file to finish processing", AzQtComponents::OverlayWidgetButtonList());
- return card;
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::SceneSettingsCardDestroyed()
- {
- if (m_isClosed)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (m_openSceneSettingsCards > 0)
- {
- --m_openSceneSettingsCards;
- }
- if (m_openSceneSettingsCards <= 0)
- {
- ui->m_notificationAreaLayoutWidget->hide();
- }
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::SceneSettingsCardProcessingCompleted()
- {
- if (m_isClosed)
- {
- return;
- }
- m_isSaving = false;
- m_overlay->PopLayer(m_sceneSettingsCardOverlay);
- m_sceneSettingsCardOverlay = AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidget::s_invalidOverlayIndex;
- }
- bool AssetImporterWindow::IsAllowedToChangeSourceFile()
- {
- if (!m_rootDisplay->HasUnsavedChanges())
- {
- return true;
- }
- const int result = QMessageBox::question(
- this,
- tr("Save Asset Changes?"),
- tr("Changes have been made to the asset in the Inspector Scene Settings. Would you like to save these changes prior to switching assets?"),
- QMessageBox::Yes,
- QMessageBox::No);
- if (result == QMessageBox::No)
- {
- return true;
- }
- m_isSaving = true;
- AZStd::shared_ptr<AZ::ActionOutput> output = AZStd::make_shared<AZ::ActionOutput>();
- m_assetImporterDocument->SaveScene(
- output,
- [](bool wasSuccessful)
- {
- if (!wasSuccessful)
- {
- QMessageBox messageBox(
- QMessageBox::Icon::Warning,
- tr("Failed to save"),
- tr("An error has been encountered saving this file. See the logs for details."));
- messageBox.exec();
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
- bool AssetImporterWindow::ShouldSaveBeforeClose()
- {
- if (!m_rootDisplay->HasUnsavedChanges())
- {
- return false;
- }
- const int result = QMessageBox::question(
- this,
- tr("Save Asset Changes?"),
- tr("Changes have been made to the asset in the Inspector Scene Settings. Would you like to save these changes prior to closing the window?"),
- QMessageBox::Yes,
- QMessageBox::No);
- if (result == QMessageBox::No)
- {
- return false;
- }
- m_isSaving = true;
- AZStd::shared_ptr<AZ::ActionOutput> output = AZStd::make_shared<AZ::ActionOutput>();
- m_assetImporterDocument->SaveScene(
- output,
- [this](bool wasSuccessful)
- {
- if (!wasSuccessful)
- {
- QMessageBox messageBox(
- QMessageBox::Icon::Warning,
- tr("Failed to save"),
- tr("An error has been encountered saving this file. See the logs for details."));
- messageBox.exec();
- }
- QWidget* dock = parentWidget();
- while (dock)
- {
- QDockWidget* converted = qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(dock);
- if (converted)
- {
- m_isClosed = true;
- converted->deleteLater();
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- dock = dock->parentWidget();
- }
- }
- });
- return true;
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::SaveClicked()
- {
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::SceneUI;
- // There are specific measures in place to block re-entry, applying asserts to be safe
- if (m_sceneSettingsCardOverlay != AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidget::s_invalidOverlayIndex)
- {
- return;
- }
- else if (!m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename.empty())
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities::WarningWindow, "A script updates the manifest; will not save.");
- QMessageBox messageBox(
- QMessageBox::Icon::Warning,
- tr("Failed to save"),
- tr("A script updates this file; will not save."));
- messageBox.exec();
- return;
- }
- SceneSettingsCard* card = CreateSceneSettingsCard(m_rootDisplay->GetHeaderFileName(), SceneSettingsCard::Layout::Exporting, SceneSettingsCard::State::Processing);
- bool isSourceControlActive = false;
- {
- using SCRequestBus = AzToolsFramework::SourceControlConnectionRequestBus;
- SCRequestBus::BroadcastResult(isSourceControlActive, &SCRequestBus::Events::IsActive);
- }
- AZStd::shared_ptr<AZ::ActionOutput> output = AZStd::make_shared<AZ::ActionOutput>();
- m_isSaving = true;
- m_assetImporterDocument->SaveScene(output,
- [output, this, isSourceControlActive, card](bool wasSuccessful)
- {
- m_rootDisplay->UpdateTimeStamp(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename().c_str(), gSettings.enableSceneInspector);
- if (output->HasAnyWarnings())
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities::WarningWindow, "%s", output->BuildWarningMessage().c_str());
- }
- if (output->HasAnyErrors())
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities::ErrorWindow, "%s", output->BuildErrorMessage().c_str());
- }
- if (wasSuccessful)
- {
- if (!isSourceControlActive)
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities::SuccessWindow, "Saving complete");
- }
- else
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities::SuccessWindow, "Saving & source control operations complete");
- }
- m_rootDisplay->HandleSaveWasSuccessful();
- // Don't attach the job processor until all files are saved.
- card->SetAndStartProcessingHandler(AZStd::make_shared<ExportJobProcessingHandler>(s_browseTag, m_fullSourcePath));
- }
- }
- );
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OnClearUnsavedChangesRequested()
- {
- ReloadCurrentScene(false);
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OnSceneResetRequested()
- {
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::Events;
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::SceneUI;
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities;
- auto asyncLoadHandler = AZStd::make_shared<AZ::SceneAPI::SceneUI::AsyncOperationProcessingHandler>(
- s_browseTag,
- [this]()
- {
- m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifest().Clear();
- AZ::SceneAPI::Events::ProcessingResultCombiner result;
- AssetImportRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- result,
- &AssetImportRequestBus::Events::UpdateManifest,
- *m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene(),
- AssetImportRequest::ManifestAction::ConstructDefault,
- AssetImportRequest::RequestingApplication::Editor);
- // Specifically using success, because ignore would be an invalid case.
- // Whenever we do construct default, it should always be done
- if (result.GetResult() == ProcessingResult::Success)
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(SuccessWindow, "Successfully reset the manifest.");
- }
- else
- {
- m_assetImporterDocument->ClearScene();
- AZ_TracePrintf(ErrorWindow, "Manifest reset returned in '%s'",
- result.GetResult() == ProcessingResult::Failure ? "Failure" : "Ignored");
- }
- },
- [this]()
- {
- m_rootDisplay->HandleSceneWasReset(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene());
- }, this);
- // reset the script rule from the .assetinfo file if it exists
- if (!m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename.empty())
- {
- m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename.clear();
- if (QFile::exists(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename().c_str()))
- {
- QFile file(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename().c_str());
- file.remove();
- }
- }
- SceneSettingsCard* card = CreateSceneSettingsCard(m_rootDisplay->GetHeaderFileName(), SceneSettingsCard::Layout::Resetting, SceneSettingsCard::State::Loading);
- card->SetAndStartProcessingHandler(asyncLoadHandler);
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OnAssignScript()
- {
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI;
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::Events;
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::SceneUI;
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities;
- // use QFileDialog to select a Python script to embed into a scene manifest file
- QString pyFilename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
- tr("Select scene builder Python script"),
- Path::GetEditingGameDataFolder().c_str(),
- tr("Python (*.py)"));
- if (pyFilename.isNull())
- {
- return;
- }
- // reset the script rule from the .assetinfo file if it exists
- if (!m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename.empty())
- {
- m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename.clear();
- if (QFile::exists(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename().c_str()))
- {
- QFile file(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename().c_str());
- file.remove();
- }
- }
- // find the path relative to the project folder
- pyFilename = Path::GetRelativePath(pyFilename, true);
- // create a script rule
- auto scriptProcessorRule = AZStd::make_shared<SceneData::ScriptProcessorRule>();
- scriptProcessorRule->SetScriptFilename(pyFilename.toUtf8().toStdString().c_str());
- // add the script rule to the manifest & save off the scene manifest
- Containers::SceneManifest sceneManifest;
- sceneManifest.AddEntry(scriptProcessorRule);
- if (sceneManifest.SaveToFile(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename()))
- {
- OpenFile(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetSourceFilename());
- }
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OnInspect()
- {
- AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidgetButtonList buttons;
- AZ::SceneAPI::UI::OverlayWidgetButton closeButton;
- closeButton.m_text = "Close";
- closeButton.m_triggersPop = true;
- buttons.push_back(&closeButton);
- QLabel* label = new QLabel("Please close the inspector to continue editing the settings.");
- label->setWordWrap(true);
- label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- // make sure the inspector doesn't outlive the AssetImporterWindow, since we own the data it will be inspecting.
- auto* theInspectWidget = aznew AZ::SceneAPI::UI::SceneGraphInspectWidget(*m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene());
- QObject::connect(this, &QObject::destroyed, theInspectWidget, [theInspectWidget]() { theInspectWidget->window()->close(); } );
- m_overlay->PushLayer(label, theInspectWidget, "Scene Inspector", buttons);
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OverlayLayerAdded()
- {
- setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::OverlayLayerRemoved()
- {
- if (m_isClosed && !m_overlay->IsAtRoot())
- {
- return;
- }
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- if (!m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene())
- {
- ui->m_initialBrowseContainer->show();
- m_rootDisplay->hide();
- }
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::UpdateDefaultSceneDisplay()
- {
- UpdateSceneDisplay({});
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::UpdateSceneDisplay(const AZStd::shared_ptr<AZ::SceneAPI::Containers::Scene> scene) const
- {
- QString sceneHeaderText;
- if(scene.get())
- {
- sceneHeaderText = QString::fromUtf8(scene->GetManifestFilename().c_str(), static_cast<int>(scene->GetManifestFilename().size()));
- }
- if (scene)
- {
- m_rootDisplay->SetSceneDisplay(sceneHeaderText, scene);
- }
- else
- {
- m_rootDisplay->SetSceneHeaderText(sceneHeaderText);
- }
- m_rootDisplay->SetPythonBuilderText(m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename.c_str());
- // UpdateSceneDisplay gets called both when the file is saved from this tool, as well as when it's modified externally.
- m_rootDisplay->UpdateTimeStamp(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename().c_str(), gSettings.enableSceneInspector);
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::HandleAssetLoadingCompleted()
- {
- if (!m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene())
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(AZ::SceneAPI::Utilities::ErrorWindow, "Failed to load scene.");
- return;
- }
- m_fullSourcePath = m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetSourceFilename();
- using namespace AZ::SceneAPI;
- m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename.clear();
- // load up the source scene manifest file
- Containers::SceneManifest sceneManifest;
- if (sceneManifest.LoadFromFile(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename()))
- {
- // check a Python script rule is in that source manifest
- auto view = Containers::MakeDerivedFilterView<DataTypes::IScriptProcessorRule>(sceneManifest.GetValueStorage());
- if (!view.empty())
- {
- // record the info about the rule in the class
- const auto scriptProcessorRule = &*view.begin();
- m_scriptProcessorRuleFilename = scriptProcessorRule->GetScriptFilename();
- }
- }
- UpdateSceneDisplay(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene());
- // Once we've browsed to something successfully, we need to hide the initial browse button layer and
- // show the main area where all the actual work takes place
- ui->m_initialBrowseContainer->hide();
- m_rootDisplay->show();
- m_qtFileWatcher.addPath(m_fullSourcePath.c_str());
- m_qtFileWatcher.addPath(m_assetImporterDocument->GetScene()->GetManifestFilename().c_str());
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::ReloadCurrentScene(bool warnUser)
- {
- if (m_isSaving)
- {
- return;
- }
- QString promptMessage(
- [this]()
- {
- if (m_rootDisplay->HasUnsavedChanges())
- {
- return tr("The file %1 has been changed outside of the scene settings tool. This tool will be reloaded and any unsaved "
- "changes will be lost. \n\n"
- "To prevent this from occuring in the future, do not modify the scene file or scene manifest outside of this "
- "tool while this tool has unsaved work.");
- }
- return tr("The file %1 has been changed outside of the scene settings tool. This tool will be reloaded.");
- }());
- // The scene system holds weak pointers to any previously loaded scenes,
- // and will return a previously cached scene on a requested load.
- // In this case, it's known the scene file is different than what's in memory, so make sure to flush
- // any cached scene info, so it is freshly reloaded from disk.
- m_assetImporterDocument->ClearScene();
- m_rootDisplay->GetManifestWidget()->ResetScene();
- // Verify nothing is left holding a shared pointer to the scene.
- namespace SceneEvents = AZ::SceneAPI::Events;
- bool foundSharedScene = true; // If the ebus fails, default to true to assume there's something sharing the scene still.
- SceneEvents::SceneSerializationBus::BroadcastResult(
- foundSharedScene, &SceneEvents::SceneSerializationBus::Events::IsSceneCached, m_fullSourcePath);
- // The scene is still cached, somewhere. Warn the user.
- if (foundSharedScene)
- {
- QString sharedSceneWarningMessage(tr("This scene file is still cached and will not reload correctly. The Editor should be shut down and "
- "re-launched to properly load the modified external data."));
- if (warnUser)
- {
- promptMessage = QString("%1\n\n%2").arg(promptMessage).arg(sharedSceneWarningMessage);
- }
- else
- {
- promptMessage = sharedSceneWarningMessage;
- }
- }
- if (warnUser || foundSharedScene)
- {
- QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Reloading Scene Settings"), promptMessage.arg(m_fullSourcePath.c_str()), QMessageBox::Ok);
- }
- OpenFileInternal(m_fullSourcePath);
- }
- void AssetImporterWindow::FileChanged([[maybe_unused]] QString path)
- {
- ReloadCurrentScene(true);
- }
- #include <moc_AssetImporterWindow.cpp>