data.ttl 153 KB

  1. BASE <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/>
  2. PREFIX : <>
  3. PREFIX dokk: <dokk:>
  4. <>
  5. a <dokk:Subgraph> ;
  6. :description """This is a collection of all the Mimi & Eunice comic strips
  7. by Nina Paley.
  8. The data was downloaded from""" ;
  9. :license "CC-BY-SA-3.0" .
  10. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/Mimi_and_Eunice>
  11. a :Comics ;
  12. :author "Nina Paley" ;
  13. :description "" .
  14. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/100:_Sheep>
  15. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  16. :description "" ;
  17. :keywords "anger", "perspective", "recovery" ;
  18. :number 100 ;
  19. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  20. :title "Sheep" ;
  21. a :ComicStrip .
  22. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/101:_Be_Afraid._Be_Very_Afraid.>
  23. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  24. :description "" ;
  25. :keywords "delusions", "fear", "psychology", "recovery", "suffering" ;
  26. :number 101 ;
  27. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  28. :title "Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid." ;
  29. a :ComicStrip .
  30. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/102:_Duh>
  31. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  32. :description "" ;
  33. :keywords "art", "ip", "money" ;
  34. :number 102 ;
  35. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  36. :title "Duh" ;
  37. a :ComicStrip .
  38. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/103:_Stealing>
  39. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  40. :description "" ;
  41. :keywords "arguments", "delusions", "ip", "law" ;
  42. :number 103 ;
  43. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  44. :title "Stealing" ;
  45. a :ComicStrip .
  46. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/104:_Rocket_Fuel>
  47. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  48. :description "" ;
  49. :keywords "anger", "feelings", "recovery", "suffering", "weird" ;
  50. :number 104 ;
  51. :published "2010-07-29"^^<> ;
  52. :title "Rocket Fuel" ;
  53. a :ComicStrip .
  54. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/105:_Oh_The_Humanity>
  55. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  56. :description "" ;
  57. :keywords "god", "recovery", "spirituality", "suffering" ;
  58. :number 105 ;
  59. :published "2010-07-29"^^<> ;
  60. :title "Oh The Humanity" ;
  61. a :ComicStrip .
  62. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/106:_All_God’s_Creatures>
  63. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  64. :description "" ;
  65. :keywords "god", "love", "perspective", "recovery", "religion", "suffering" ;
  66. :number 106 ;
  67. :published "2010-07-29"^^<> ;
  68. :title "All God’s Creatures" ;
  69. a :ComicStrip .
  70. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/107:_Othering>
  71. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  72. :description "" ;
  73. :keywords "anger", "arguments", "delusions", "recovery" ;
  74. :number 107 ;
  75. :published "2010-07-29"^^<> ;
  76. :title "Othering" ;
  77. a :ComicStrip .
  78. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/108:_Fat>
  79. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  80. :description "" ;
  81. :keywords "appearance", "delusions", "psychology", "recovery", "suffering" ;
  82. :number 108 ;
  83. :published "2010-07-29"^^<> ;
  84. :title "Fat" ;
  85. a :ComicStrip .
  86. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/109:_Thief>
  87. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  88. :description "" ;
  89. :keywords "anger", "delusions", "ip" ;
  90. :number 109 ;
  91. :published "2010-07-30"^^<> ;
  92. :title "Thief" ;
  93. a :ComicStrip .
  94. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/10:_Circular_Definition>
  95. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  96. :description "" ;
  97. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  98. :number 10 ;
  99. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  100. :title "Circular Definition" ;
  101. a :ComicStrip .
  102. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/10:_Gray>
  103. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  104. :description "" ;
  105. :keywords "learning", "perspective", "recovery" ;
  106. :number 10 ;
  107. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  108. :title "Gray" ;
  109. a :ComicStrip .
  110. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/110:_Thou_Shalt_Not_Steal>
  111. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  112. :description "" ;
  113. :keywords "anger", "art", "delusions", "god", "ip", "law", "religion" ;
  114. :number 110 ;
  115. :published "2010-08-06"^^<> ;
  116. :title "Thou Shalt Not Steal" ;
  117. a :ComicStrip .
  118. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/111:_Experiences>
  119. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  120. :description "" ;
  121. :keywords "god", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality" ;
  122. :number 111 ;
  123. :published "2010-08-03"^^<> ;
  124. :title "Experiences" ;
  125. a :ComicStrip .
  126. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/112:_Get_A_Life>
  127. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  128. :description "" ;
  129. :keywords "recovery", "uncategorized" ;
  130. :number 112 ;
  131. :published "2010-08-05"^^<> ;
  132. :title "Get A Life" ;
  133. a :ComicStrip .
  134. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/113:_Patience>
  135. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  136. :description "" ;
  137. :keywords "god", "recovery", "spirituality" ;
  138. :number 113 ;
  139. :published "2010-08-09"^^<> ;
  140. :title "Patience" ;
  141. a :ComicStrip .
  142. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/115:_Free_as_in_Free_Markets>
  143. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  144. :description "" ;
  145. :keywords "arguments", "ip", "libertarians", "money" ;
  146. :number 115 ;
  147. :published "2010-08-13"^^<> ;
  148. :title "Free as in Free Markets" ;
  149. a :ComicStrip .
  150. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/116:_Freetards>
  151. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  152. :description "" ;
  153. :keywords "arguments", "ip", "libertarians", "money" ;
  154. :number 116 ;
  155. :published "2010-08-14"^^<> ;
  156. :title "Freetards" ;
  157. a :ComicStrip .
  158. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/117:_Potential_Murder_Suspect>
  159. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  160. :description "" ;
  161. :keywords "anger", "language", "slapstick", "suffering", "violence" ;
  162. :number 117 ;
  163. :published "2010-08-21"^^<> ;
  164. :title "Potential Murder Suspect" ;
  165. a :ComicStrip .
  166. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/118:_File_Upload>
  167. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  168. :description "" ;
  169. :keywords "anger", "language", "suffering" ;
  170. :number 118 ;
  171. :published "2010-08-22"^^<> ;
  172. :title "File Upload?" ;
  173. a :ComicStrip .
  174. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/11:_Color>
  175. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  176. :description "" ;
  177. :keywords "learning", "perspective", "recovery" ;
  178. :number 11 ;
  179. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  180. :title "Color" ;
  181. a :ComicStrip .
  182. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/11:_Meet_Lefty_Doodbro>
  183. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  184. :description "" ;
  185. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  186. :number 11 ;
  187. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  188. :title "Meet Lefty Doodbro" ;
  189. a :ComicStrip .
  190. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/120:_Rest_of_Your_Life>
  191. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  192. :description "" ;
  193. :keywords "language", "life", "recovery", "spirituality", "suffering", "weird" ;
  194. :number 120 ;
  195. :published "2010-08-29"^^<> ;
  196. :title "Rest of Your Life" ;
  197. a :ComicStrip .
  198. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/121:_Breath>
  199. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  200. :description "" ;
  201. :keywords "art", "fear", "life", "recovery", "spirituality" ;
  202. :number 121 ;
  203. :published "2010-07-31"^^<> ;
  204. :title "Breath" ;
  205. a :ComicStrip .
  206. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/122:_Parents>
  207. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  208. :description "" ;
  209. :keywords "fear", "humans", "perspective", "recovery" ;
  210. :number 122 ;
  211. :published "2010-12-06"^^<> ;
  212. :title "Parents" ;
  213. a :ComicStrip .
  214. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/124:_Advice>
  215. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  216. :description "" ;
  217. :keywords "advice", "help", "recovery", "relationships", "slapstick", "suffering" ;
  218. :number 124 ;
  219. :published "2010-08-11"^^<> ;
  220. :title "Advice" ;
  221. a :ComicStrip .
  222. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/125:_Advice_!=_Help>
  223. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  224. :description "" ;
  225. :keywords "boundaries", "help", "recovery", "suffering", "weird" ;
  226. :number 125 ;
  227. :published "2010-08-15"^^<> ;
  228. :title "Advice != Help" ;
  229. a :ComicStrip .
  230. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/127:_Self-Pity>
  231. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  232. :description "" ;
  233. :keywords "feelings", "perspective", "recovery" ;
  234. :number 127 ;
  235. :published "2010-11-02"^^<> ;
  236. :title "Self-Pity" ;
  237. a :ComicStrip .
  238. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/128:_Ayn_Rand>
  239. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  240. :description "" ;
  241. :keywords "delusions", "ip", "libertarians", "poop", "religion" ;
  242. :number 128 ;
  243. :published "2010-07-30"^^<> ;
  244. :title "Ayn Rand" ;
  245. a :ComicStrip .
  246. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/129:_Intellectual_Pooperty>
  247. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  248. :description "" ;
  249. :keywords "anger", "delusions", "ip", "poop" ;
  250. :number 129 ;
  251. :published "2010-07-30"^^<> ;
  252. :title "Intellectual Pooperty" ;
  253. a :ComicStrip .
  254. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/12:_Oppression_Olympics>
  255. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  256. :description "" ;
  257. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  258. :number 12 ;
  259. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  260. :title "Oppression Olympics" ;
  261. a :ComicStrip .
  262. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/12:_What_Kind_of_Loving_God_Would_Allow_This_To_Happen>
  263. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  264. :description "" ;
  265. :keywords "feelings", "god", "recovery", "slapstick", "spirituality", "suffering" ;
  266. :number 12 ;
  267. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  268. :title "What Kind of Loving God Would Allow This To Happen?" ;
  269. a :ComicStrip .
  270. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/130:_Genius>
  271. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  272. :description "" ;
  273. :keywords "art", "delusions", "ip", "poop" ;
  274. :number 130 ;
  275. :published "2010-07-31"^^<> ;
  276. :title "Genius" ;
  277. a :ComicStrip .
  278. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/131:_Death_of_the_Author>
  279. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  280. :description "" ;
  281. :keywords "art", "ip", "language" ;
  282. :number 131 ;
  283. :published "2010-10-07"^^<> ;
  284. :title "Death of the Author" ;
  285. a :ComicStrip .
  286. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/132:_Posthumous_Creations>
  287. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  288. :description "" ;
  289. :keywords "art", "language", "weird" ;
  290. :number 132 ;
  291. :published "2010-10-08"^^<> ;
  292. :title "Posthumous Creations" ;
  293. a :ComicStrip .
  294. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/134:_Sweat_of_the_Brow>
  295. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  296. :description "" ;
  297. :keywords "delusions", "ip", "law", "money", "poop" ;
  298. :number 134 ;
  299. :published "2010-07-31"^^<> ;
  300. :title "Sweat of the Brow" ;
  301. a :ComicStrip .
  302. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/135:_A_World_Without_Poop>
  303. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  304. :description "" ;
  305. :keywords "art", "delusions", "ip", "law", "poop" ;
  306. :number 135 ;
  307. :published "2010-07-31"^^<> ;
  308. :title "A World Without Poop" ;
  309. a :ComicStrip .
  310. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/136:_Flight>
  311. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  312. :description "" ;
  313. :keywords "money", "suffering", "travel" ;
  314. :number 136 ;
  315. :published "2010-08-04"^^<> ;
  316. :title "Flight" ;
  317. a :ComicStrip .
  318. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/137:_Consider_the_Source>
  319. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  320. :description "" ;
  321. :keywords "appearance", "learning", "perspective", "recovery", "spirituality" ;
  322. :number 137 ;
  323. :published "2010-08-01"^^<> ;
  324. :title "Consider the Source" ;
  325. a :ComicStrip .
  326. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/138:_Perspiration>
  327. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  328. :description "" ;
  329. :keywords "art", "delusions", "ip", "recovery" ;
  330. :number 138 ;
  331. :published "2010-08-17"^^<> ;
  332. :title "Perspiration" ;
  333. a :ComicStrip .
  334. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/139:_Life_Isn’t_Fair>
  335. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  336. :description "" ;
  337. :keywords "happiness", "life", "perspective", "psychology", "recovery", "spirituality" ;
  338. :number 139 ;
  339. :published "2010-09-15"^^<> ;
  340. :title "Life Isn’t Fair" ;
  341. a :ComicStrip .
  342. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/13:_1984>
  343. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  344. :description "" ;
  345. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  346. :number 13 ;
  347. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  348. :title "1984" ;
  349. a :ComicStrip .
  350. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/13:_F.E.A.R.>
  351. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  352. :description "" ;
  353. :keywords "delusions", "fear", "feelings", "recovery", "weird" ;
  354. :number 13 ;
  355. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  356. :title "F.E.A.R." ;
  357. a :ComicStrip .
  358. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/140:_D-I-Y>
  359. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  360. :description "" ;
  361. :keywords "advice", "help", "recovery", "spirituality" ;
  362. :number 140 ;
  363. :published "2010-08-02"^^<> ;
  364. :title "D-I-Y" ;
  365. a :ComicStrip .
  366. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/141:_Libertarian_Debate>
  367. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  368. :description "" ;
  369. :keywords "arguments", "delusions", "libertarians" ;
  370. :number 141 ;
  371. :published "2010-08-24"^^<> ;
  372. :title "Libertarian Debate" ;
  373. a :ComicStrip .
  374. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/142:_Suffixocation>
  375. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  376. :description "" ;
  377. :keywords "arguments", "language", "libertarians" ;
  378. :number 142 ;
  379. :published "2010-08-20"^^<> ;
  380. :title "Suffixocation" ;
  381. a :ComicStrip .
  382. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/143:_Voltaire>
  383. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  384. :description "" ;
  385. :keywords "art", "libertarians", "money" ;
  386. :number 143 ;
  387. :published "2010-08-10"^^<> ;
  388. :title "Voltaire" ;
  389. a :ComicStrip .
  390. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/144:_Marximalism>
  391. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  392. :description "" ;
  393. :keywords "language", "learning", "libertarians", "money", "weird" ;
  394. :number 144 ;
  395. :published "2010-08-02"^^<> ;
  396. :title "Marximalism" ;
  397. a :ComicStrip .
  398. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/145:_Paradox>
  399. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  400. :description "" ;
  401. :keywords "god", "happiness", "language", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality", "weird" ;
  402. :number 145 ;
  403. :published "2010-08-16"^^<> ;
  404. :title "Paradox" ;
  405. a :ComicStrip .
  406. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/146:_Bars>
  407. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  408. :description "" ;
  409. :keywords "addictive/compulsive", "recovery" ;
  410. :number 146 ;
  411. :published "2010-12-27"^^<> ;
  412. :title "Bars" ;
  413. a :ComicStrip .
  414. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/147:_How_To_Make_God_Do_What_You_Want>
  415. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  416. :description "" ;
  417. :keywords "advice", "god", "happiness", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality" ;
  418. :number 147 ;
  419. :published "2010-08-23"^^<> ;
  420. :title "How To Make God Do What You Want" ;
  421. a :ComicStrip .
  422. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/148:_Racists,_Sexists_&_Fascists>
  423. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  424. :description "" ;
  425. :keywords "humans", "race", "recovery", "sex" ;
  426. :number 148 ;
  427. :published "2010-08-27"^^<> ;
  428. :title "Racists, Sexists & Fascists" ;
  429. a :ComicStrip .
  430. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/149:_Privilege>
  431. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  432. :description "" ;
  433. :keywords "arguments", "delusions", "learning", "race" ;
  434. :number 149 ;
  435. :published "2010-12-03"^^<> ;
  436. :title "Privilege" ;
  437. a :ComicStrip .
  438. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/14:_Religious>
  439. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  440. :description "" ;
  441. :keywords "god", "recovery", "religion", "spirituality" ;
  442. :number 14 ;
  443. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  444. :title "Religious" ;
  445. a :ComicStrip .
  446. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/14:_Women_In_Tech>
  447. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  448. :description "" ;
  449. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  450. :number 14 ;
  451. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  452. :title "Women In Tech" ;
  453. a :ComicStrip .
  454. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/150:_Problems_in_Perspective>
  455. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  456. :description "" ;
  457. :keywords "delusions", "feelings", "perspective", "psychology", "recovery", "suffering" ;
  458. :number 150 ;
  459. :published "2010-08-12"^^<> ;
  460. :title "Problems in Perspective" ;
  461. a :ComicStrip .
  462. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/151:_Amends>
  463. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  464. :description "" ;
  465. :keywords "language", "recovery", "slapstick", "violence" ;
  466. :number 151 ;
  467. :published "2010-08-28"^^<> ;
  468. :title "Amends" ;
  469. a :ComicStrip .
  470. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/153:_Liquortarian>
  471. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  472. :description "" ;
  473. :keywords "addictive/compulsive", "delusions", "language", "libertarians", "slapstick" ;
  474. :number 153 ;
  475. :published "2010-09-03"^^<> ;
  476. :title "Liquortarian" ;
  477. a :ComicStrip .
  478. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/154:_Cigarettes>
  479. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  480. :description "" ;
  481. :keywords "addictive/compulsive", "poop", "psychology", "recovery" ;
  482. :number 154 ;
  483. :published "2010-09-10"^^<> ;
  484. :title "Cigarettes" ;
  485. a :ComicStrip .
  486. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/155:_Hyphenated_Liberty>
  487. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  488. :description "" ;
  489. :keywords "language", "libertarians" ;
  490. :number 155 ;
  491. :published "2010-11-03"^^<> ;
  492. :title "Hyphenated Liberty" ;
  493. a :ComicStrip .
  494. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/156:_Lawyerarchy>
  495. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  496. :description "" ;
  497. :keywords "ip", "law", "libertarians" ;
  498. :number 156 ;
  499. :published "2010-09-06"^^<> ;
  500. :title "Lawyerarchy" ;
  501. a :ComicStrip .
  502. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/157:_Resentment>
  503. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  504. :description "" ;
  505. :keywords "anger", "boundaries", "feelings", "language", "psychology", "recovery" ;
  506. :number 157 ;
  507. :published "2010-09-14"^^<> ;
  508. :title "Resentment" ;
  509. a :ComicStrip .
  510. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/158:_The_Law_of_Conservation_of_Fame>
  511. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  512. :description "" ;
  513. :keywords "art", "economics", "humans", "weird" ;
  514. :number 158 ;
  515. :published "2010-09-02"^^<> ;
  516. :title "The Law of Conservation of Fame" ;
  517. a :ComicStrip .
  518. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/159:_Anti-Social_Networking>
  519. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  520. :description "" ;
  521. :keywords "art", "language", "money" ;
  522. :number 159 ;
  523. :published "2010-09-30"^^<> ;
  524. :title "Anti-Social Networking" ;
  525. a :ComicStrip .
  526. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/15:_Explain>
  527. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  528. :description "" ;
  529. :keywords "god", "recovery", "suffering" ;
  530. :number 15 ;
  531. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  532. :title "Explain" ;
  533. a :ComicStrip .
  534. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/15:_Trans_vs._Cis>
  535. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  536. :description "" ;
  537. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  538. :number 15 ;
  539. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  540. :title "Trans vs. Cis" ;
  541. a :ComicStrip .
  542. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/160:_Rivalrous_vs._Non-Rivalrous>
  543. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  546. :number 160 ;
  547. :published "2010-08-15"^^<> ;
  548. :title "Rivalrous vs. Non-Rivalrous" ;
  549. a :ComicStrip .
  550. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/161:_The_Joy_of_Publishing>
  551. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  552. :description "" ;
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  554. :number 161 ;
  555. :published "2010-08-18"^^<> ;
  556. :title "The Joy of Publishing" ;
  557. a :ComicStrip .
  558. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/162:_Guess_You_Had_to_Be_There>
  559. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  560. :description "" ;
  561. :keywords "art", "language", "memory", "weird" ;
  562. :number 162 ;
  563. :published "2010-10-05"^^<> ;
  564. :title "Guess You Had to Be There" ;
  565. a :ComicStrip .
  566. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/162:_Political_Leanings>
  567. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  568. :description "" ;
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  570. :number 162 ;
  571. :published "2010-08-19"^^<> ;
  572. :title "Political Leanings" ;
  573. a :ComicStrip .
  574. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/163:_For_the_Children>
  575. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  578. :number 163 ;
  579. :published "2010-08-25"^^<> ;
  580. :title "For the Children" ;
  581. a :ComicStrip .
  582. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/164:_Something_for_Nothing>
  583. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  586. :number 164 ;
  587. :published "2010-08-30"^^<> ;
  588. :title "Something for Nothing" ;
  589. a :ComicStrip .
  590. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/165:_Boundary_Crossing>
  591. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  594. :number 165 ;
  595. :published "2010-12-07"^^<> ;
  596. :title "Boundary Crossing" ;
  597. a :ComicStrip .
  598. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/166:_All_God’s_Creatures>
  599. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  602. :number 166 ;
  603. :published "2010-09-09"^^<> ;
  604. :title "All God’s Creatures" ;
  605. a :ComicStrip .
  606. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/167:_Unconditional_Love>
  607. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  610. :number 167 ;
  611. :published "2010-08-26"^^<> ;
  612. :title "Unconditional Love" ;
  613. a :ComicStrip .
  614. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/168:_Convince>
  615. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  616. :description "" ;
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  618. :number 168 ;
  619. :published "2010-10-14"^^<> ;
  620. :title "Convince" ;
  621. a :ComicStrip .
  622. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/169:_Getting_What_You_Want>
  623. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  626. :number 169 ;
  627. :published "2010-09-01"^^<> ;
  628. :title "Getting What You Want" ;
  629. a :ComicStrip .
  630. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/16:_Boundaries>
  631. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  634. :number 16 ;
  635. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  636. :title "Boundaries" ;
  637. a :ComicStrip .
  638. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/16:_Silencing>
  639. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  640. :description "" ;
  641. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  642. :number 16 ;
  643. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  644. :title "Silencing" ;
  645. a :ComicStrip .
  646. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/170:_Mocking>
  647. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  650. :number 170 ;
  651. :published "2010-09-08"^^<> ;
  652. :title "Mocking" ;
  653. a :ComicStrip .
  654. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/171:_Xtreme_Body_Dysmorphia>
  655. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  656. :description "" ;
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  658. :number 171 ;
  659. :published "2010-10-18"^^<> ;
  660. :title "Xtreme Body Dysmorphia" ;
  661. a :ComicStrip .
  662. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/172:_Self-Awareness>
  663. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  664. :description "" ;
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  666. :number 172 ;
  667. :published "2010-10-12"^^<> ;
  668. :title "Self-Awareness" ;
  669. a :ComicStrip .
  670. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/173:_Isolationism>
  671. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  672. :description "" ;
  673. :keywords "appearance", "psychology", "recovery" ;
  674. :number 173 ;
  675. :published "2010-10-06"^^<> ;
  676. :title "Isolationism" ;
  677. a :ComicStrip .
  678. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/174:_Sense_of_Humor>
  679. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  680. :description "" ;
  681. :keywords "language", "recovery", "weird" ;
  682. :number 174 ;
  683. :published "2010-12-08"^^<> ;
  684. :title "Sense of Humor" ;
  685. a :ComicStrip .
  686. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/175:_Point>
  687. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  688. :description "" ;
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  690. :number 175 ;
  691. :published "2010-08-31"^^<> ;
  692. :title "Point" ;
  693. a :ComicStrip .
  694. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/176:_Clouds>
  695. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  698. :number 176 ;
  699. :published "2010-09-20"^^<> ;
  700. :title "Clouds" ;
  701. a :ComicStrip .
  702. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/177:_The_Last_Panel>
  703. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  704. :description "" ;
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  706. :number 177 ;
  707. :published "2010-12-31"^^<> ;
  708. :title "The Last Panel" ;
  709. a :ComicStrip .
  710. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/17:_Feelings>
  711. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  714. :number 17 ;
  715. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  716. :title "Feelings" ;
  717. a :ComicStrip .
  718. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/17:_Spelling>
  719. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  720. :description "" ;
  721. :keywords "jenndra identitty" ;
  722. :number 17 ;
  723. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  724. :title "Spelling" ;
  725. a :ComicStrip .
  726. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/180:_Gift>
  727. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  728. :description "" ;
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  730. :number 180 ;
  731. :published "2010-10-11"^^<> ;
  732. :title "Gift" ;
  733. a :ComicStrip .
  734. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/181:_Helmet>
  735. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  738. :number 181 ;
  739. :published "2010-09-07"^^<> ;
  740. :title "Helmet" ;
  741. a :ComicStrip .
  742. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/181:_Helmet_Wars!_Protection>
  743. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  746. :number 181 ;
  747. :published "2010-09-13"^^<> ;
  748. :title "Helmet Wars! Protection" ;
  749. a :ComicStrip .
  750. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/182:_Freedom>
  751. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  752. :description "" ;
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  754. :number 182 ;
  755. :published "2010-09-21"^^<> ;
  756. :title "Freedom" ;
  757. a :ComicStrip .
  758. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/183:_Treat_Yourself>
  759. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  760. :description "" ;
  761. :keywords "love", "psychology", "recovery", "relationships" ;
  762. :number 183 ;
  763. :published "2010-10-13"^^<> ;
  764. :title "Treat Yourself" ;
  765. a :ComicStrip .
  766. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/184:_Special_Gift>
  767. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  768. :description "" ;
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  770. :number 184 ;
  771. :published "2010-12-23"^^<> ;
  772. :title "Special Gift" ;
  773. a :ComicStrip .
  774. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/185:_Permission>
  775. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  776. :description "" ;
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  778. :number 185 ;
  779. :published "2010-09-24"^^<> ;
  780. :title "Permission" ;
  781. a :ComicStrip .
  782. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/186:_Helmet_Wars!_Believe>
  783. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  784. :description "" ;
  785. :keywords "delusions", "fear", "helmet wars!" ;
  786. :number 186 ;
  787. :published "2010-09-13"^^<> ;
  788. :title "Helmet Wars! Believe" ;
  789. a :ComicStrip .
  790. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/187:_Owe>
  791. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  792. :description "" ;
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  794. :number 187 ;
  795. :published "2010-09-22"^^<> ;
  796. :title "Owe" ;
  797. a :ComicStrip .
  798. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/188:_Helmet_Wars!_Security>
  799. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  802. :number 188 ;
  803. :published "2010-09-13"^^<> ;
  804. :title "Helmet Wars! Security" ;
  805. a :ComicStrip .
  806. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/189:_Helmet_Wars!_Brain_Damage>
  807. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  808. :description "" ;
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  810. :number 189 ;
  811. :published "2010-09-13"^^<> ;
  812. :title "Helmet Wars! Brain Damage" ;
  813. a :ComicStrip .
  814. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/18:_Appropriating>
  815. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  816. :description "" ;
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  818. :number 18 ;
  819. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  820. :title "Appropriating" ;
  821. a :ComicStrip .
  822. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/18:_My_Therapist_Says…>
  823. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  826. :number 18 ;
  827. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  828. :title "My Therapist Says…" ;
  829. a :ComicStrip .
  830. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/190:_Helmet_Wars!_Incentive>
  831. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  832. :description "" ;
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  834. :number 190 ;
  835. :published "2010-09-13"^^<> ;
  836. :title "Helmet Wars! Incentive" ;
  837. a :ComicStrip .
  838. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/191:_Helmet_Wars!_Religion>
  839. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  842. :number 191 ;
  843. :published "2010-09-13"^^<> ;
  844. :title "Helmet Wars! Religion" ;
  845. a :ComicStrip .
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  847. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  850. :number 192 ;
  851. :published "2010-09-13"^^<> ;
  852. :title "Helmet Wars! Conclusion" ;
  853. a :ComicStrip .
  854. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/193:_What_You_Can’t_Accept,_Deny!>
  855. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  856. :description "" ;
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  858. :number 193 ;
  859. :published "2010-09-11"^^<> ;
  860. :title "What You Can’t Accept, Deny!" ;
  861. a :ComicStrip .
  862. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/194:_Truth>
  863. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  864. :description "" ;
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  866. :number 194 ;
  867. :published "2010-10-28"^^<> ;
  868. :title "Truth" ;
  869. a :ComicStrip .
  870. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/195:_Compassion>
  871. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  872. :description "" ;
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  874. :number 195 ;
  875. :published "2010-09-16"^^<> ;
  876. :title "Compassion" ;
  877. a :ComicStrip .
  878. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/196:_Safe>
  879. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  882. :number 196 ;
  883. :published "2010-09-29"^^<> ;
  884. :title "Safe" ;
  885. a :ComicStrip .
  886. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/197:_Misinformation>
  887. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  890. :number 197 ;
  891. :published "2010-09-17"^^<> ;
  892. :title "Misinformation" ;
  893. a :ComicStrip .
  894. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/198:_Potential>
  895. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  896. :description "" ;
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  898. :number 198 ;
  899. :published "2010-09-27"^^<> ;
  900. :title "Potential" ;
  901. a :ComicStrip .
  902. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/198:_Up_With_People!>
  903. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  906. :number 198 ;
  907. :published "2010-11-04"^^<> ;
  908. :title "Up With People!" ;
  909. a :ComicStrip .
  910. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/199:_Message_to_Humanity>
  911. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  914. :number 199 ;
  915. :published "2010-11-01"^^<> ;
  916. :title "Message to Humanity" ;
  917. a :ComicStrip .
  918. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/19:_Gross,_Yet_True>
  919. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  922. :number 19 ;
  923. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  924. :title "Gross, Yet True" ;
  925. a :ComicStrip .
  926. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/1:_Feelings>
  927. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  930. :number 1 ;
  931. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  932. :title "Feelings" ;
  933. a :ComicStrip .
  934. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/1:_Meet_Jenndra_Identitty>
  935. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  936. :description "" ;
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  939. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  940. :title "Meet Jenndra Identitty" ;
  941. a :ComicStrip .
  942. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/200:_Start_Where_You_Are>
  943. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  946. :number 200 ;
  947. :published "2010-11-05"^^<> ;
  948. :title "Start Where You Are" ;
  949. a :ComicStrip .
  950. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/201:_What’s_Right>
  951. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  954. :number 201 ;
  955. :published "2010-11-08"^^<> ;
  956. :title "What’s Right" ;
  957. a :ComicStrip .
  958. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/202:_Saving_the_World>
  959. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  962. :number 202 ;
  963. :published "2010-11-09"^^<> ;
  964. :title "Saving the World" ;
  965. a :ComicStrip .
  966. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/203:_Consent>
  967. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  968. :description "" ;
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  970. :number 203 ;
  971. :published "2010-11-11"^^<> ;
  972. :title "Consent" ;
  973. a :ComicStrip .
  974. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/204:_Muse>
  975. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  976. :description "" ;
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  978. :number 204 ;
  979. :published "2010-11-10"^^<> ;
  980. :title "Muse" ;
  981. a :ComicStrip .
  982. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/205:_Love_Yourself>
  983. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  984. :description "" ;
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  986. :number 205 ;
  987. :published "2010-11-12"^^<> ;
  988. :title "Love Yourself" ;
  989. a :ComicStrip .
  990. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/206:_Anonymity>
  991. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  992. :description "" ;
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  994. :number 206 ;
  995. :published "2010-12-28"^^<> ;
  996. :title "Anonymity" ;
  997. a :ComicStrip .
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  999. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  1000. :description "" ;
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  1002. :number 207.2 ;
  1003. :published "2010-11-30"^^<> ;
  1004. :title "Not a Good Idea" ;
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  1011. :published "2010-11-29"^^<> ;
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  1018. :number 208 ;
  1019. :published "2010-12-01"^^<> ;
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  1021. a :ComicStrip .
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  1023. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1027. :published "2010-12-24"^^<> ;
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  1035. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
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  1043. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  1044. :title "The Metaphor Continues" ;
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  1051. :published "2010-09-23"^^<> ;
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  1067. :published "2010-09-28"^^<> ;
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  1075. :published "2010-12-02"^^<> ;
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  1077. a :ComicStrip .
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  1083. :published "2010-12-17"^^<> ;
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  1090. :number 216 ;
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  1093. a :ComicStrip .
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  1099. :published "2010-10-26"^^<> ;
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  1155. :published "2010-10-04"^^<> ;
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  1163. :published "2010-12-10"^^<> ;
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  1171. :published "2010-11-26"^^<> ;
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  1178. :number 225 ;
  1179. :published "2010-12-15"^^<> ;
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  1186. :number 226 ;
  1187. :published "2010-12-29"^^<> ;
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  1194. :number 227 ;
  1195. :published "2010-10-22"^^<> ;
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  1203. :published "2010-12-16"^^<> ;
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  1219. :published "2018-11-12"^^<> ;
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  1226. :number 22 ;
  1227. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
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  1234. :number 230 ;
  1235. :published "2010-10-08"^^<> ;
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  1243. :published "2010-10-19"^^<> ;
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  1251. :published "2010-10-20"^^<> ;
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  1259. :published "2010-10-21"^^<> ;
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  1267. :published "2011-01-25"^^<> ;
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  1275. :published "2011-01-31"^^<> ;
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  1282. :number 236 ;
  1283. :published "2010-12-21"^^<> ;
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  1291. :published "2010-12-22"^^<> ;
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  1298. :number 238 ;
  1299. :published "2010-10-25"^^<> ;
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  1338. :number 241 ;
  1339. :published "2010-11-24"^^<> ;
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  1347. :published "2011-01-24"^^<> ;
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  1355. :published "2010-11-18"^^<> ;
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  1371. :published "2010-11-17"^^<> ;
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  1379. :published "2011-01-26"^^<> ;
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  1395. :published "2018-11-14"^^<> ;
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  1403. :published "2010-11-15"^^<> ;
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  1411. :published "2010-11-19"^^<> ;
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  1419. :published "2011-02-01"^^<> ;
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  1426. :number 253 ;
  1427. :published "2010-11-16"^^<> ;
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  1435. :published "2010-12-30"^^<> ;
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  1443. :published "2011-01-06"^^<> ;
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  1451. :published "2011-01-07"^^<> ;
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  1455. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1459. :published "2011-01-21"^^<> ;
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  1463. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1466. :number 259 ;
  1467. :published "2011-01-28"^^<> ;
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  1471. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1474. :number 25 ;
  1475. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
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  1477. a :ComicStrip .
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  1483. :published "2018-11-14"^^<> ;
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  1485. a :ComicStrip .
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  1487. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1495. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1515. :published "2011-02-23"^^<> ;
  1516. :title "Incentive to Create II" ;
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  1531. :published "2010-12-11"^^<> ;
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  1547. :published "2011-01-19"^^<> ;
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  1583. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1619. :published "2010-12-25"^^<> ;
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  1628. :title "Please ignore this SPECIAL BONUS HOLIDAY CARTOON!" ;
  1629. a :ComicStrip .
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  1643. :published "2019-08-31"^^<> ;
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  1675. :published "2011-01-12"^^<> ;
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  1707. :published "2011-01-13"^^<> ;
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  1715. :published "2011-01-14"^^<> ;
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  1723. :published "2011-01-27"^^<> ;
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  1787. :published "2011-02-10"^^<> ;
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  1795. :published "2011-02-18"^^<> ;
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  1811. :published "2011-02-11"^^<> ;
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  1813. a :ComicStrip .
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  1875. :published "2011-02-22"^^<> ;
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  1883. :published "2011-02-24"^^<> ;
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  1891. :published "2011-02-28"^^<> ;
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  1899. :published "2011-02-25"^^<> ;
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  1907. :published "2011-03-01"^^<> ;
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  1914. :number 307 ;
  1915. :published "2011-03-02"^^<> ;
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  1923. :published "2011-03-03"^^<> ;
  1924. :title "Tax Incentives" ;
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  1930. :number 30 ;
  1931. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  1933. a :ComicStrip .
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  1938. :number 310 ;
  1939. :published "2011-03-08"^^<> ;
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  1941. a :ComicStrip .
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  1947. :published "2011-03-07"^^<> ;
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  1949. a :ComicStrip .
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  1951. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1954. :number 311 ;
  1955. :published "2011-03-11"^^<> ;
  1956. :title "Just Some Old Junk I Don’t Want" ;
  1957. a :ComicStrip .
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  1962. :number 312 ;
  1963. :published "2011-03-09"^^<> ;
  1964. :title "What Did We Do Before Laws?" ;
  1965. a :ComicStrip .
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  1967. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1970. :number 313 ;
  1971. :published "2011-03-10"^^<> ;
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  1975. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1978. :number 314 ;
  1979. :published "2012-03-29"^^<> ;
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  1981. a :ComicStrip .
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  1983. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1986. :number 315 ;
  1987. :published "2011-03-14"^^<> ;
  1988. :title "Perfect Faith" ;
  1989. a :ComicStrip .
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  1991. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  1994. :number 317 ;
  1995. :published "2011-05-05"^^<> ;
  1996. :title "Junior High" ;
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  1999. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2002. :number 318 ;
  2003. :published "2011-04-19"^^<> ;
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  2010. :number 319 ;
  2011. :published "2011-04-01"^^<> ;
  2012. :title "Banging My Head Against A Wall" ;
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  2015. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2018. :number 31 ;
  2019. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2027. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2039. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2043. :published "2011-03-18"^^<> ;
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  2045. a :ComicStrip .
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  2050. :number 322 ;
  2051. :published "2011-03-21"^^<> ;
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  2058. :number 323 ;
  2059. :published "2011-03-22"^^<> ;
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  2067. :published "2011-03-23"^^<> ;
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  2069. a :ComicStrip .
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  2075. :published "2011-03-24"^^<> ;
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  2077. a :ComicStrip .
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  2083. :published "2011-03-25"^^<> ;
  2084. :title "If Stupidity Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Outlaw Stupidity" ;
  2085. a :ComicStrip .
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  2087. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2091. :published "2011-03-29"^^<> ;
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  2093. a :ComicStrip .
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  2095. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2107. :published "2011-03-31"^^<> ;
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  2115. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2117. a :ComicStrip .
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  2119. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2124. :title "Freedom is, in Fact, Free (but Stuff isn’t)" ;
  2125. a :ComicStrip .
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  2131. :published "2011-04-04"^^<> ;
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  2133. a :ComicStrip .
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  2139. :published "2011-04-27"^^<> ;
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  2147. :published "2011-04-06"^^<> ;
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  2149. a :ComicStrip .
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  2155. :published "2011-04-05"^^<> ;
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  2163. :published "2011-04-07"^^<> ;
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  2171. :published "2011-04-20"^^<> ;
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  2187. :published "2011-04-08"^^<> ;
  2188. :title "You May Be Right 2" ;
  2189. a :ComicStrip .
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  2195. :published "2011-04-22"^^<> ;
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  2203. :published "2011-04-26"^^<> ;
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  2211. :published "2011-04-12"^^<> ;
  2212. :title "You Can’t Eat Prestige" ;
  2213. a :ComicStrip .
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  2215. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2218. :number 342 ;
  2219. :published "2011-04-11"^^<> ;
  2220. :title "Incentivized Creation" ;
  2221. a :ComicStrip .
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  2227. :published "2011-04-18"^^<> ;
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  2231. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2235. :published "2011-04-13"^^<> ;
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  2243. :published "2011-04-14"^^<> ;
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  2251. :published "2011-04-15"^^<> ;
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  2259. :published "2011-04-25"^^<> ;
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  2267. :published "2011-05-27"^^<> ;
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  2275. :published "2011-04-29"^^<> ;
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  2283. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2299. :published "2011-04-28"^^<> ;
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  2307. :published "2011-07-05"^^<> ;
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  2323. :published "2011-05-04"^^<> ;
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  2331. :published "2011-06-21"^^<> ;
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  2339. :published "2011-05-02"^^<> ;
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  2347. :published "2011-06-16"^^<> ;
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  2355. :published "2011-05-10"^^<> ;
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  2359. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2363. :published "2011-05-11"^^<> ;
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  2387. :published "2011-05-12"^^<> ;
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  2395. :published "2011-06-22"^^<> ;
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  2403. :published "2011-05-16"^^<> ;
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  2411. :published "2011-05-18"^^<> ;
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  2418. :number 366 ;
  2419. :published "2011-05-17"^^<> ;
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  2427. :published "2011-05-19"^^<> ;
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  2435. :published "2011-05-23"^^<> ;
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  2442. :number 369 ;
  2443. :published "2011-06-23"^^<> ;
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  2459. :published "2011-06-02"^^<> ;
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  2467. :published "2011-05-20"^^<> ;
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  2474. :number 373 ;
  2475. :published "2011-05-24"^^<> ;
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  2477. a :ComicStrip .
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  2483. :published "2011-07-11"^^<> ;
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  2491. :published "2011-05-25"^^<> ;
  2492. :title "My Side of the Street" ;
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  2499. :published "2011-05-26"^^<> ;
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  2531. :published "2011-06-06"^^<> ;
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  2539. :published "2011-05-31"^^<> ;
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  2547. :published "2011-06-14"^^<> ;
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  2554. :number 384 ;
  2555. :published "2011-08-25"^^<> ;
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  2571. :published "2011-07-01"^^<> ;
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  2587. :published "2011-05-30"^^<> ;
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  2611. :published "2011-06-10"^^<> ;
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  2619. :published "2011-06-13"^^<> ;
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  2634. :number 394 ;
  2635. :published "2011-06-08"^^<> ;
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  2643. :published "2011-06-15"^^<> ;
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  2666. :number 398 ;
  2667. :published "2011-07-13"^^<> ;
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  2675. :published "2011-07-19"^^<> ;
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  2682. :number 39 ;
  2683. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2699. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
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  2706. :number 400 ;
  2707. :published "2011-06-27"^^<> ;
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  2714. :number 401 ;
  2715. :published "2011-07-25"^^<> ;
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  2722. :number 402 ;
  2723. :published "2011-06-07"^^<> ;
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  2730. :number 403 ;
  2731. :published "2011-06-24"^^<> ;
  2732. :title "Ass Coverage" ;
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  2739. :published "2011-07-15"^^<> ;
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  2747. :published "2011-07-04"^^<> ;
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  2755. :published "2011-07-26"^^<> ;
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  2771. :published "2011-07-08"^^<> ;
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  2781. a :ComicStrip .
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  2787. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2803. :published "2011-06-20"^^<> ;
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  2810. :number 412 ;
  2811. :published "2011-07-20"^^<> ;
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  2818. :number 413 ;
  2819. :published "2011-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2827. :published "2011-06-29"^^<> ;
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  2835. :published "2011-06-30"^^<> ;
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  2843. :published "2011-07-28"^^<> ;
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  2851. :published "2011-06-28"^^<> ;
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  2867. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2875. :published "2011-07-21"^^<> ;
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  2877. a :ComicStrip .
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  2883. :published "2011-07-29"^^<> ;
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  2891. :published "2011-07-14"^^<> ;
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  2899. :published "2011-08-19"^^<> ;
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  2907. :published "2011-08-05"^^<> ;
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  2915. :published "2011-08-22"^^<> ;
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  2917. a :ComicStrip .
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  2919. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2923. :published "2011-08-04"^^<> ;
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  2925. a :ComicStrip .
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  2931. :published "2011-08-03"^^<> ;
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  2933. a :ComicStrip .
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  2935. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2939. :published "2011-08-02"^^<> ;
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  2941. a :ComicStrip .
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  2954. :number 42 ;
  2955. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  2962. :number 431 ;
  2963. :published "2011-08-18"^^<> ;
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  2970. :number 432 ;
  2971. :published "2011-08-24"^^<> ;
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  2975. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  2978. :number 434 ;
  2979. :published "2011-08-17"^^<> ;
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  2986. :number 435 ;
  2987. :published "2011-08-09"^^<> ;
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  2995. :published "2011-08-10"^^<> ;
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  3003. :published "2011-08-11"^^<> ;
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  3011. :published "2011-08-12"^^<> ;
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  3013. a :ComicStrip .
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  3019. :published "2011-08-15"^^<> ;
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  3027. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3035. :published "2011-08-16"^^<> ;
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  3042. :number 441 ;
  3043. :published "2011-08-29"^^<> ;
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  3051. :published "2011-08-30"^^<> ;
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  3059. :published "2011-08-31"^^<> ;
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  3067. :published "2011-09-22"^^<> ;
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  3091. :published "2011-09-06"^^<> ;
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  3099. :published "2011-08-23"^^<> ;
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  3107. :published "2011-08-26"^^<> ;
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  3122. :number 451 ;
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  3147. :published "2011-09-28"^^<> ;
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  3155. :published "2011-11-11"^^<> ;
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  3163. :published "2011-09-12"^^<> ;
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  3167. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3170. :number 457 ;
  3171. :published "2011-09-13"^^<> ;
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  3179. :published "2011-10-06"^^<> ;
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  3187. :published "2011-09-01"^^<> ;
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  3195. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3211. :published "2011-09-02"^^<> ;
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  3219. :published "2011-09-16"^^<> ;
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  3226. :number 463 ;
  3227. :published "2011-09-15"^^<> ;
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  3234. :number 464 ;
  3235. :published "2011-09-14"^^<> ;
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  3242. :number 465 ;
  3243. :published "2011-09-21"^^<> ;
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  3251. :published "2011-09-07"^^<> ;
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  3253. a :ComicStrip .
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  3259. :published "2011-10-17"^^<> ;
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  3266. :number 468 ;
  3267. :published "2011-10-18"^^<> ;
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  3274. :number 469 ;
  3275. :published "2011-10-07"^^<> ;
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  3282. :number 46 ;
  3283. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3291. :published "2011-09-23"^^<> ;
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  3299. :published "2011-09-26"^^<> ;
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  3306. :number 472 ;
  3307. :published "2011-10-05"^^<> ;
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  3314. :number 473 ;
  3315. :published "2011-09-30"^^<> ;
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  3322. :number 474 ;
  3323. :published "2011-09-29"^^<> ;
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  3331. :published "2011-10-03"^^<> ;
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  3339. :published "2011-10-04"^^<> ;
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  3347. :published "2012-07-09"^^<> ;
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  3355. :published "2011-10-19"^^<> ;
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  3363. :published "2011-10-12"^^<> ;
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  3371. :published "2011-10-20"^^<> ;
  3372. :title "Posture" ;
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  3379. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3386. :number 480 ;
  3387. :published "2011-10-11"^^<> ;
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  3391. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3395. :published "2011-10-13"^^<> ;
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  3397. a :ComicStrip .
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  3399. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3402. :number 482 ;
  3403. :published "2011-10-14"^^<> ;
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  3405. a :ComicStrip .
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  3407. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3410. :number 483 ;
  3411. :published "2011-10-24"^^<> ;
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  3413. a :ComicStrip .
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  3415. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3418. :number 484 ;
  3419. :published "2011-10-21"^^<> ;
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  3423. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3426. :number 485 ;
  3427. :published "2011-10-25"^^<> ;
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  3443. :published "2011-10-26"^^<> ;
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  3450. :number 488 ;
  3451. :published "2011-10-27"^^<> ;
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  3483. :published "2011-11-10"^^<> ;
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  3602. :number 502 ;
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  3610. :number 504 ;
  3611. :published "2012-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3618. :number 507 ;
  3619. :published "2012-07-26"^^<> ;
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  3626. :number 508 ;
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  3707. :published "2012-08-08"^^<> ;
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  3723. :published "2012-08-10"^^<> ;
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  3755. :published "2012-08-15"^^<> ;
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  3770. :number 525 ;
  3771. :published "2012-08-17"^^<> ;
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  3787. :published "2012-09-05"^^<> ;
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  3795. :published "2012-09-07"^^<> ;
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  3827. :published "2012-11-15"^^<> ;
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  3843. :published "2012-11-14"^^<> ;
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  3851. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3859. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3867. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3874. :number 56 ;
  3875. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3882. :number 57 ;
  3883. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3890. :number 58 ;
  3891. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3899. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3907. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
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  3923. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3925. a :ComicStrip .
  3926. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/61:_Willpower>
  3927. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3930. :number 61 ;
  3931. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  3932. :title "Willpower" ;
  3933. a :ComicStrip .
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  3935. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  3936. :description "" ;
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  3938. :number 62 ;
  3939. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  3940. :title "Irrational" ;
  3941. a :ComicStrip .
  3942. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/62:_Partial_Solution>
  3943. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  3944. :description "" ;
  3945. :keywords "love", "recovery" ;
  3946. :number 62 ;
  3947. :published "2011-05-13"^^<> ;
  3948. :title "Partial Solution" ;
  3949. a :ComicStrip .
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  3951. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3954. :number 63 ;
  3955. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  3956. :title "None of Your Business" ;
  3957. a :ComicStrip .
  3958. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/64:_Freedom>
  3959. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3962. :number 64 ;
  3963. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  3964. :title "Freedom" ;
  3965. a :ComicStrip .
  3966. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/65:_Recognize>
  3967. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  3968. :description "" ;
  3969. :keywords "appearance" ;
  3970. :number 65 ;
  3971. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  3972. :title "Recognize" ;
  3973. a :ComicStrip .
  3974. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/66:_Doff!>
  3975. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3978. :number 66 ;
  3979. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  3981. a :ComicStrip .
  3982. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/67:_Help>
  3983. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3986. :number 67 ;
  3987. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  3988. :title "Help" ;
  3989. a :ComicStrip .
  3990. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/68:_Problem>
  3991. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  3994. :number 68 ;
  3995. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  3996. :title "Problem" ;
  3997. a :ComicStrip .
  3998. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/69:_Mistake>
  3999. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4002. :number 69 ;
  4003. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  4004. :title "Mistake" ;
  4005. a :ComicStrip .
  4006. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/6:_Abusive_Relationship>
  4007. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4010. :number 6 ;
  4011. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  4012. :title "Abusive Relationship" ;
  4013. a :ComicStrip .
  4014. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/6:_Relationship_Classic>
  4015. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4019. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
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  4021. a :ComicStrip .
  4022. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/70:_Forgiveness>
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  4026. :number 70 ;
  4027. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  4028. :title "Forgiveness" ;
  4029. a :ComicStrip .
  4030. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/71:_Memorrhoids>
  4031. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4034. :number 71 ;
  4035. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  4039. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4042. :number 72 ;
  4043. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  4044. :title "Memorrhoids the Musical" ;
  4045. a :ComicStrip .
  4046. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/73:_Me+You=We>
  4047. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4050. :number 73 ;
  4051. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  4052. :title "Me+You=We" ;
  4053. a :ComicStrip .
  4054. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/74:_Selfish>
  4055. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4058. :number 74 ;
  4059. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
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  4061. a :ComicStrip .
  4062. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/75:_Speed_It_Up>
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  4066. :number 75 ;
  4067. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  4068. :title "Speed It Up" ;
  4069. a :ComicStrip .
  4070. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/76:_Volunteers>
  4071. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4074. :number 76 ;
  4075. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  4076. :title "Volunteers" ;
  4077. a :ComicStrip .
  4078. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/77:_Haiku>
  4079. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  4080. :description "" ;
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  4082. :number 77 ;
  4083. :published "2010-07-27"^^<> ;
  4084. :title "Haiku" ;
  4085. a :ComicStrip .
  4086. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/78:_Problems>
  4087. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4090. :number 78 ;
  4091. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
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  4093. a :ComicStrip .
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  4095. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4098. :number 79 ;
  4099. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
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  4101. a :ComicStrip .
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  4106. :number 7 ;
  4107. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  4108. :title "Amnesia" ;
  4109. a :ComicStrip .
  4110. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/7:_Check_Your_Privilege>
  4111. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4114. :number 7 ;
  4115. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
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  4117. a :ComicStrip .
  4118. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/80:_Imbalance>
  4119. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4122. :number 80 ;
  4123. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4124. :title "Imbalance" ;
  4125. a :ComicStrip .
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  4130. :number 81 ;
  4131. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4132. :title "Freud" ;
  4133. a :ComicStrip .
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  4138. :number 82 ;
  4139. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4140. :title "Meltdown" ;
  4141. a :ComicStrip .
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  4143. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4146. :number 83 ;
  4147. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4148. :title "The Power of Negative Thinking" ;
  4149. a :ComicStrip .
  4150. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/84:_Therapeutic>
  4151. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4154. :number 84 ;
  4155. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4156. :title "Therapeutic" ;
  4157. a :ComicStrip .
  4158. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/85:_Catastrophizing>
  4159. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4162. :number 85 ;
  4163. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4164. :title "Catastrophizing" ;
  4165. a :ComicStrip .
  4166. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/86:_Price_vs._Value>
  4167. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4170. :number 86 ;
  4171. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4172. :title "Price vs. Value" ;
  4173. a :ComicStrip .
  4174. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/88:_Persuasion>
  4175. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4178. :number 88 ;
  4179. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4180. :title "Persuasion" ;
  4181. a :ComicStrip .
  4182. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/89:_Brain>
  4183. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4186. :number 89 ;
  4187. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4188. :title "Brain" ;
  4189. a :ComicStrip .
  4190. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/8:_Life_Story>
  4191. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4194. :number 8 ;
  4195. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  4196. :title "Life Story" ;
  4197. a :ComicStrip .
  4198. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/90:_Fertility>
  4199. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4202. :number 90 ;
  4203. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4204. :title "Fertility" ;
  4205. a :ComicStrip .
  4206. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/91:_Travel>
  4207. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4210. :number 91 ;
  4211. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4212. :title "Travel" ;
  4213. a :ComicStrip .
  4214. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/92:_Punching_the_Clock>
  4215. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4218. :number 92 ;
  4219. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4220. :title "Punching the Clock" ;
  4221. a :ComicStrip .
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  4223. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4226. :number 93 ;
  4227. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4228. :title "Journey" ;
  4229. a :ComicStrip .
  4230. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/94:_Death!>
  4231. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  4232. :description "" ;
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  4234. :number 94 ;
  4235. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4236. :title "Death!" ;
  4237. a :ComicStrip .
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  4239. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
  4240. :description "" ;
  4241. :keywords "arguments", "life", "spirituality" ;
  4242. :number 95 ;
  4243. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4244. :title "Boring" ;
  4245. a :ComicStrip .
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  4247. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4250. :number 96 ;
  4251. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4252. :title "Chase" ;
  4253. a :ComicStrip .
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  4255. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4258. :number 97 ;
  4259. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4260. :title "Pie" ;
  4261. a :ComicStrip .
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  4263. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4266. :number 98 ;
  4267. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
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  4269. a :ComicStrip .
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  4271. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4274. :number 99 ;
  4275. :published "2010-07-28"^^<> ;
  4276. :title "One Of Those Days" ;
  4277. a :ComicStrip .
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  4279. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4282. :number 9 ;
  4283. :published "2018-11-07"^^<> ;
  4284. :title "Not Even Yours" ;
  4285. a :ComicStrip .
  4286. <dokk:mimi_and_eunice/9:_Perspective>
  4287. :cartoon :Mimi_and_Eunice ;
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  4290. :number 9 ;
  4291. :published "2010-07-26"^^<> ;
  4292. :title "Perspective" ;
  4293. a :ComicStrip .