123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242 |
- #include <ExceptionUser.hpp>
- #include <ResourceOwned.hpp>
- #include <ResourceTraitsWin32.hpp>
- #include <xstring.hpp>
- #include <bytearray.hpp>
- #include <RSACipher.hpp>
- #include "Base64.hpp"
- #include "SerialNumberGenerator.hpp"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <rapidjson/document.h>
- #include <rapidjson/writer.h>
- #include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
- #define NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE() TEXT(".\\navicat-keygen\\GenerateLicense.cpp")
- namespace std {
- #if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE)
- static auto & xcin = wcin;
- static auto& xcout = wcout;
- static auto& xcerr = wcerr;
- #else
- static auto& xcin = cin;
- static auto& xcout = cout;
- static auto& xcerr = cerr;
- #endif
- }
- namespace nkg {
- void GenerateLicenseText(const RSACipher& Cipher, const SerialNumberGenerator& Generator) {
- std::xstring username;
- std::xstring organization;
- std::string utf8username;
- std::string utf8organization;
- std::xstring b64RequestCode;
- std::bytearray RequestCode;
- std::string utf8RequestInfo;
- std::string utf8ResponseInfo;
- std::bytearray ResponseCode;
- std::xstring b64ResponseCode;
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Your name: ");
- if (!std::getline(std::xcin, username)) {
- throw UserAbortionError(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), TEXT("Abort."));
- } else {
- utf8username = username.explicit_string(CP_UTF8);
- }
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Your organization: ");
- if (!std::getline(std::xcin, organization)) {
- throw UserAbortionError(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), TEXT("Abort."));
- } else {
- utf8organization = organization.explicit_string(CP_UTF8);
- }
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Input request code in Base64: (Input empty line to end)") << std::endl;
- while (true) {
- std::xstring temp;
- if (!std::getline(std::xcin, temp)) {
- throw UserAbortionError(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), TEXT("Abort."));
- }
- if (temp.empty()) {
- break;
- }
- b64RequestCode.append(temp);
- }
- RequestCode = Base64Decode(b64RequestCode);
- utf8RequestInfo.resize((Cipher.Bits() + 7) / 8);
- Cipher.Decrypt(RequestCode.data(), RequestCode.size(), utf8RequestInfo.data(), RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
- while (utf8RequestInfo.back() == '\x00') {
- utf8RequestInfo.pop_back();
- }
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Request Info:") << std::endl;
- std::xcout << std::xstring(std::xstring_extension{}, utf8RequestInfo, CP_UTF8) << std::endl;
- std::xcout << std::endl;
- rapidjson::Document json;
- rapidjson::Value N_Key;
- rapidjson::Value N_Value;
- rapidjson::Value O_Key;
- rapidjson::Value O_Value;
- rapidjson::Value T_Key;
- rapidjson::Value T_Value;
- rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
- rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
- //
- // Begin to parse
- //
- json.Parse(utf8RequestInfo.c_str());
- //
- // Remove "Platform" info
- //
- json.RemoveMember("P");
- //
- // Set "Name" info
- //
- N_Key.SetString("N", 1);
- N_Value.SetString(utf8username.c_str(), static_cast<rapidjson::SizeType>(utf8username.length()));
- //
- // Set "Organization" info
- //
- O_Key.SetString("O", 1);
- O_Value.SetString(utf8organization.c_str(), static_cast<rapidjson::SizeType>(utf8organization.length()));
- //
- // Set "Time" info
- //
- T_Key.SetString("T", 1);
- T_Value.SetUint(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(nullptr)));
- //
- // Add "Name", "Organization" and "Time"
- //
- json.AddMember(N_Key, N_Value, json.GetAllocator());
- json.AddMember(O_Key, O_Value, json.GetAllocator());
- json.AddMember(T_Key, T_Value, json.GetAllocator());
- json.Accept(writer);
- if (buffer.GetSize() > 240) {
- throw Exception(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), TEXT("Response info is too long."));
- }
- utf8ResponseInfo.assign(buffer.GetString(), buffer.GetSize());
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Response Info:") << std::endl;
- std::xcout << std::xstring(std::xstring_extension{}, utf8ResponseInfo, CP_UTF8) << std::endl;
- std::xcout << std::endl;
- ResponseCode.resize((Cipher.Bits() + 7) / 8);
- Cipher.Encrypt<RSAKeyType::PrivateKey>(utf8ResponseInfo.data(), utf8ResponseInfo.size(), ResponseCode.data(), RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
- b64ResponseCode = Base64Encode(ResponseCode);
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Activation Code:") << std::endl;
- std::xcout << b64ResponseCode << std::endl;
- std::xcout << std::endl;
- }
- void GenerateLicenseBinary(const RSACipher& Cipher, const SerialNumberGenerator& Generator) {
- ResourceOwned hLicenseFile(FileHandleTraits{});
- std::string utf8SerialNumber = Generator.GetSerialNumberShort().explicit_string(CP_UTF8);
- std::xstring username;
- std::xstring organization;
- std::string utf8username;
- std::string utf8organization;
- std::string utf8ResponseInfo;
- std::bytearray ResponseCode;
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Your name: ");
- if (!std::getline(std::xcin, username)) {
- throw UserAbortionError(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), TEXT("Abort."));
- } else {
- utf8username = username.explicit_string(CP_UTF8);
- }
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Your organization: ");
- if (!std::getline(std::xcin, organization)) {
- throw UserAbortionError(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), TEXT("Abort."));
- } else {
- utf8organization = organization.explicit_string(CP_UTF8);
- }
- rapidjson::Document json;
- rapidjson::Value N_Key;
- rapidjson::Value N_Value;
- rapidjson::Value O_Key;
- rapidjson::Value O_Value;
- rapidjson::Value T_Key;
- rapidjson::Value T_Value;
- rapidjson::Value K_Key;
- rapidjson::Value K_Value;
- rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
- rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
- json.Parse("{}");
- K_Key.SetString("K", 1);
- K_Value.SetString(utf8SerialNumber.c_str(), static_cast<rapidjson::SizeType>(utf8SerialNumber.length()));
- N_Key.SetString("N", 1);
- N_Value.SetString(utf8username.c_str(), static_cast<rapidjson::SizeType>(utf8username.length()));
- O_Key.SetString("O", 1);
- O_Value.SetString(utf8organization.c_str(), static_cast<rapidjson::SizeType>(utf8organization.length()));
- T_Key.SetString("T", 1);
- T_Value.SetUint(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(nullptr)));
- json.AddMember(K_Key, K_Value, json.GetAllocator());
- json.AddMember(N_Key, N_Value, json.GetAllocator());
- json.AddMember(O_Key, O_Value, json.GetAllocator());
- json.AddMember(T_Key, T_Value, json.GetAllocator());
- json.Accept(writer);
- if (buffer.GetSize() > 240) {
- throw Exception(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), TEXT("Response info is too long."));
- }
- utf8ResponseInfo.assign(buffer.GetString(), buffer.GetSize());
- std::xcout << TEXT("[*] Response Info:") << std::endl;
- std::xcout << std::xstring(std::xstring_extension{}, utf8ResponseInfo, CP_UTF8) << std::endl;
- std::xcout << std::endl;
- ResponseCode.resize((Cipher.Bits() + 7) / 8);
- Cipher.Encrypt<RSAKeyType::PrivateKey>(utf8ResponseInfo.data(), utf8ResponseInfo.size(), ResponseCode.data(), RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
- hLicenseFile.TakeOver(
- CreateFile(
- TEXT("license_file"),
- 0,
- )
- );
- if (hLicenseFile.IsValid() == false) {
- throw Win32Error(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), GetLastError(), TEXT("CreateFile failed."));
- }
- DWORD NumberOfBytesWritten;
- if (!WriteFile(hLicenseFile, ResponseCode.data(), static_cast<DWORD>(ResponseCode.size()), &NumberOfBytesWritten, NULL)) {
- throw Win32Error(NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_FILE(), NKG_CURRENT_SOURCE_LINE(), GetLastError(), TEXT("WriteFile failed."));
- }
- std::xcout << TEXT("[+] license_file has been generated.") << std::endl;
- }
- }