123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297 |
- package App::Eduard;
- use 5.014000;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use parent qw/Exporter/;
- our $VERSION = '0.001002';
- our @EXPORT_OK = qw/import_pubkeys process_message/;
- use Email::Sender::Simple qw/sendmail/;
- use File::Share qw/dist_file/;
- use File::Slurp qw/read_file/;
- use File::Spec::Functions qw/rel2abs/;
- use IO::Handle;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use MIME::Entity;
- use MIME::Parser;
- use Mail::GnuPG;
- use PerlX::Maybe;
- use Template;
- use Try::Tiny;
- sub debug { say STDERR @_ if $ENV{EDUARD_DEBUG} }
- sub stringify ($) { join '', map {; '>', $_ } @{$_[0]} }
- sub mg {
- Mail::GnuPG->new(
- key => $ENV{EDUARD_KEY},
- maybe always_trust => $ENV{EDUARD_ALWAYS_TRUST},
- maybe keydir => $ENV{EDUARD_KEYDIR},
- maybe passphrase => $ENV{EDUARD_PASSPHRASE},
- maybe use_agent => $ENV{EDUARD_USE_AGENT},
- @_);
- }
- sub mp {
- my $parser = MIME::Parser->new;
- $parser->decode_bodies($_[0] // 0);
- $parser->output_to_core(1);
- $parser
- }
- sub first_part{
- my ($ent) = @_;
- return first_part ($ent->parts(0)) if $ent->parts;
- stringify [$ent->bodyhandle->as_lines]
- }
- sub import_pubkeys {
- my ($ent, $mg) = @_;
- my @keys;
- if ($ent->mime_type eq 'application/pgp-keys') {
- $ent = mp(1)->parse_data($ent->stringify);
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new;
- $mg->_set_options($gpg);
- $gpg->options->quiet(1);
- my ($input, $status) = (IO::Handle->new, IO::Handle->new);
- my $pid = $gpg->import_keys(handles => GnuPG::Handles->new(stdin => $input, status => $status));
- my $read = Mail::GnuPG::_communicate([$status], [$input], {$input => $ent->bodyhandle->as_string});
- push @keys, map { /IMPORT_OK \d+ (\w+)/ } $read->{$status};
- waitpid $pid, 0
- }
- push @keys, import_pubkeys ($_, $mg) for $ent->parts;
- @keys
- }
- sub find_pgp_part {
- my ($ent, $mg) = @_;
- do {
- my $part = find_pgp_part ($_, $mg);
- return $part if $part
- } for $ent->parts;
- return $ent if $ent->bodyhandle && ($mg->is_signed($ent) || $mg->is_encrypted($ent));
- return
- }
- sub process_message {
- my ($in) = @_;
- my $msg;
- my $parser = mp;
- $msg = $in if ref $in eq 'MIME::Entity';
- $msg = $parser->parse ($in) if ref $in eq 'IO';
- $msg = $parser->parse_data ($in) if ref $in eq 'SCALAR';
- $msg = $parser->parse_open ($in) unless ref $in;
- die "Don't know how to parse $in" unless $msg;
- if ($msg->mime_type ne 'multipart/signed' && $msg->mime_type ne 'multipart/encrypted') {
- # PGP/Inline requires decoding
- $parser->decode_bodies(1);
- $msg = $parser->parse_data($msg->stringify)
- }
- my $gpg = mg;
- if ($msg->effective_type ne 'multipart/signed' && $msg->effective_type ne 'multipart/encrypted' && !$msg->bodyhandle) {
- debug 'This is (probably) a PGP/Inline mail with attachments. Working around...';
- $msg = find_pgp_part $msg, $gpg
- }
- if ($gpg->is_signed($msg)) {
- debug 'This mail looks signed';
- my ($code, $keyid, $email) = $gpg->verify($msg);
- return sign_error => (
- message => stringify $gpg->{last_message}) if $code;
- return sign => (
- keyid => $keyid,
- email => $email,
- message => stringify $gpg->{last_message});
- }
- if ($gpg->is_encrypted($msg)) {
- debug 'This mail looks encrypted';
- my ($code, $keyid, $email) = $gpg->decrypt($msg);
- return encrypt_error => (
- message => stringify $gpg->{last_message}) if $code;
- return encrypt => (
- plaintext => stringify $gpg->{plaintext},
- decrypted => $gpg->{decrypted},
- message => stringify $gpg->{last_message}) unless defined $keyid;
- return signencrypt => (
- keyid => $keyid,
- email => $email,
- plaintext => stringify $gpg->{plaintext},
- decrypted => $gpg->{decrypted},
- message => stringify $gpg->{last_message});
- }
- debug 'This mail doesn\'t seem to be signed or encrypted';
- return 'plain', message => ''
- }
- sub run {
- GetOptions(
- 'always-trust!' => \$ENV{EDUARD_ALWAYS_TRUST},
- 'debug!' => \$ENV{EDUARD_DEBUG},
- 'from=s' => \$ENV{EDUARD_FROM},
- 'key=s' => \$ENV{EDUARD_KEY},
- 'keydir=s' => \$ENV{EDUARD_KEYDIR},
- 'logfile=s' => \$ENV{EDUARD_LOGFILE},
- 'passphrase=s' => \$ENV{EDUARD_PASSPHRASE},
- 'tmpl-path=s' => \$ENV{EDUARD_TMPL_PATH},
- 'use-agent!' => \$ENV{EDUARD_USE_AGENT},
- );
- my $tmpl_path = $ENV{EDUARD_TMPL_PATH} // 'en';
- my $in = mp->parse(\*STDIN);
- debug 'Received mail from ', $in->get('From');
- my @keys = import_pubkeys $in, mg;
- say 'Found keys: ', join ' ', @keys if @keys;
- my ($tmpl, %params);
- try {
- ($tmpl, %params) = process_message $in
- } catch {
- ($tmpl, %params) = (error => message => $_)
- };
- debug "Result is $tmpl, GnuPG said:\n", $params{message};
- $params{plaintext} = first_part $params{decrypted} if $params{decrypted};
- my $tt = Template->new(INCLUDE_PATH => rel2abs $tmpl_path, dist_file 'App-Eduard', 'tmpl');
- my ($keys, $result) = ('', '');
- $tt->process('keys', {keys => \@keys}, \$keys) if @keys;
- $tt->process($tmpl, \%params, \$result);
- my $email = MIME::Entity->build(
- From => $ENV{EDUARD_FROM},
- To => $in->get('From'),
- Type => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
- Encoding=> '-SUGGEST',
- Subject => 'Re: ' . $in->get('Subject'),
- Data => $keys.$result);
- my $email_unencrypted = $email->dup;
- my $mg = mg always_trust => 1;
- my $encrypt_failed = $mg->mime_signencrypt($email, $in->get('From') =~ /<(.*)>/);
- debug 'Could not encrypt message, sending unencrypted. GnuPG said:', "\n", stringify $mg->{last_message} if $encrypt_failed;
- sendmail $encrypt_failed ? $email_unencrypted : $email
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =encoding utf-8
- =head1 NAME
- App::Eduard - GnuPG email sign/encrypt testing bot
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use App::Eduard;
- my ($status, %params) = process_message '/path/to/message';
- if ($status eq 'signencrypt') {
- say 'This message is encrypted and signed with key ', $params{keyid}, ' from ', $params{email};
- say 'Its contents are: ', $params{plaintext};
- } elsif ($status eq 'encrypt') {
- say 'This message is encrypted but not signed';
- say 'Its contents are: ', $params{plaintext};
- } elsif ($status eq 'encrypt_error') {
- say 'This message is encrypted but I was unable to decrypt it. GnuPG output: ', $params{message};
- } elsif ($status eq 'sign') {
- say 'This message is signed with key ', $params{keyid}, ' from ', $params{email};
- } elsif ($status eq 'sign_error') {
- say 'This message is signed but I was unable to verify the signature. GnuPG output: ', $params{message};
- } elsif ($status eq 'plain') {
- say 'This message is neither signed nor encrypted';
- } elsif ($status eq 'error') {
- say 'There was an error processing the message: ', $params{message};
- }
- Eduard is Ceata's reimplementation of the Edward reply bot referenced in L<https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/>.
- =head1 EXPORTS
- None by default.
- =head2 B<import_keys>(I<$entity>, I<$gpg>)
- Scan a message for PGP public keys, and import them. I<$entity> is a L<MIME::Entity> to scan, I<$gpg> is a L<Mail::GnuPG> instance.
- Returns a list of fingerprints of keys found.
- =head2 B<process_message>(I<$message>)
- Analyze a message, looking for PGP signatures and encryption. I<$message> can be:
- =over
- =item A filehandle reference, e.g. C<\*STDIN>.
- =item A reference to a scalar which holds the message contents.
- =item A scalar which represents a path to a message.
- =item A L<MIME::Entity> object created with decode_bodies(0)
- =back
- The function returns a status followed by a hash. Possible results:
- =over
- =item plain
- The message is neither signed nor encrypted.
- =item sign_error, message => $message
- The message is signed but the signature could not be verified. GnuPG output is $message.
- =item sign, keyid => $keyid, email => $email, message => $message
- The message is signed with key $keyid from $email. GnuPG output is $message.
- =item encrypt_error, message => $message
- The message is encrypted and unable to be decrypted. GnuPG output is $message.
- =item encrypt, plaintext => $plaintext, decrypted => $decrypted, message => $message
- The message is encrypted and unsigned. $plaintext is the decrypted message as plain text, while $decrypted is a MIME::Entity representing the decrypted message. GnuPG output is $message.
- =item signencrypt, plaintext => $plaintext, decrypted => $decrypted, keyid => $keyid, email => $email, message => $message
- The message is encrypted and signed with key $keyid from $email. $plaintext is the decrypted message as plain text, while $decrypted is a MIME::Entity representing the decrypted message. GnuPG output is $message.
- =item error, message => $message
- There was an error while processing the message. The error can be found in $message.
- =back
- This module is configured via the %ENV hash. See the L<eduard(1)> manpage for more information.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<eduard(1)>, L<http://ceata.org/proiecte/eduard>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Marius Gavrilescu, E<lt>marius@ceata.orgE<gt>
- Copyright (C) 2014 by Fundația Ceata
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or,
- at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
- =cut