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  1. <!--
  2. The webpage for Coliberator, the conference organized by Fundația Ceata
  3. Copyright (C) 2013 Fundația Ceata <>
  4. Author:
  5. * Andrei Sebastian Cîmpean <>
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  44. <a href="#"><h1 class="title"><img src="img/coliberator-logo.png" alt="Coliberator" id="logo" /></h1></a>
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  47. <li><a href="#speakers-list">Speakers</a></li>
  48. <li><a href="#schedule">Schedule</a></li>
  49. <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>
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  59. <h1>June 1-2, Bucharest, Romania</h1>
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  62. <p><strong>Coliberator 2013</strong> is the first edition of the national conference which will be organized annually by <a href="">Fundația Ceata</a> in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, featuring three categories of presentation topics: Free Software, Free Culture and Free Hardware. Coliberator is a Romanian celebration of digital freedom which presents the public both successful Free (as in freedom) projects and newly liberated projects with this occasion. The conference is community driven, doesn't require registration and participation is gratis. Coliberator gathers Free Software activists, developers and users, Free Culture authors and Free Hardware visionaries. Become a <em>coliberator</em> yourself!</p>
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  65. <a href="" class="action-button">Subscribe to announcements about Coliberator and Ceata</a>
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  85. <div id="schedule" class="presentations-container">
  86. <h3>Schedule</h3>
  87. Participants are kindly asked to arrive in both day between 8 and 9 AM, to avoid generate shifts in the conference schedule.
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  96. <header>Event location:
  97. <h2>Amphitheater "Spiru Haret" <br />
  98. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
  99. University of Bucharest</h2>
  100. </header>
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  110. <div class="collaborators">
  111. <h3>With the help of:</h3>
  112. <ul>
  113. <li>
  114. <span>The host</span>
  115. <a href="" title="University of Bucharest"><img src="img/unibuc.png" /></a>
  116. <!--
  117. <span>Premium sponsors</span>
  118. <a href="#" title="Temporary placeholder"><img src="img/coliberator_casifish.png" height='30px'/></a>
  119. <a href="#" title="Temporary placeholder"><img src="img/coliberator_casifish.png" height='40px'/></a>
  120. <a href="#" title="Temporary placeholder"><img src="img/coliberator_casifish.png" height='25px'/></a>
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  123. <span>Sponsors</span>
  124. <a href="#" title="Temporary placeholder"><img src="img/coliberator_casifish.png" height='20px'/></a>
  125. <a href="#" title="Temporary placeholder"><img src="img/coliberator_casifish.png" height='20px'/></a>
  126. <a href="#" title="Temporary placeholder"><img src="img/coliberator_casifish.png" height='20px'/></a>
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  133. <div id="contact" class="contact">
  134. <h3>Contact the organizers:</h3>
  135. <ul class="contact methods">
  136. <li class="contact method">
  137. <ul class="multiple">
  138. <li>President: <a href=""></a>
  139. <li class="method">Secretary: +40761810100</li>
  140. <li class="method">Mailing list: <a title="Coliberator mailing list" href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
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  150. &copy; 2013 <a href="">Fundația Ceata</a>. Code is <a href="" target="__blank">available</a> under the Free license <a href="" target="__blank">GNU AGPLv3+</a>. Text and images are published under the Free license <a href="" target="_blank">CC BY-SA 3.0</a>.
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