12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- ###########################################################################################
- ## Created using Monkey Studio v1.8.4.0 (
- ##
- ## Author : Filipe Azevedo aka Nox P@sNox <pasnox@gmail.com>
- ## Project : qwbfs
- ## FileName : qwbfs.pro
- ## Date : 2010-04-04T11:04:05
- ## License : GPL2
- ## Comment : Creating using Monkey Studio RAD
- ## Home Page : https://github.com/pasnox/qwbfsmanager
- ##
- ###########################################################################################
- TEMPLATE = subdirs
- CONFIG *= ordered
- BUILD_PATH = build
- include( shared.pri )
- win32_crossbuild {
- exists( "$(QT_WIN32_PATH)/lib/*fresh*" ):CONFIG *= fresh
- } else {
- exists( "$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/libfresh\.*" ):CONFIG *= fresh
- }
- fresh {
- !build_pass:message( "Using system fresh library." )
- } else {
- exists( fresh.git/fresh.pro ) {
- SUBDIRS *= fresh.git/fresh.pro
- !build_pass:message( "Using bundled fresh library." )
- } else {
- !build_pass:error( "Fresh library not found - initialize the submodules using the init-repositories script." )
- }
- }
- SUBDIRS *= libwbfs \
- qwbfs