installs.pri 3.2 KB

  1. ###########################################################################################
  2. ## Created using Monkey Studio v1.8.4.0 (
  3. ##
  4. ## Author : Filipe Azevedo aka Nox P@sNox <>
  5. ## Project : qwbfs
  6. ## FileName : installs.pri
  7. ## Date : 2010-04-04T11:04:05
  8. ## License : GPL2
  9. ## Comment : Creating using Monkey Studio RAD
  10. ## Home Page :
  11. ##
  12. ###########################################################################################
  13. unix {
  15. isEmpty( PACKAGE_PREFIX ) {
  16. macx:PACKAGE_PREFIX = /Applications
  17. else:PACKAGE_PREFIX = /usr/local
  18. }
  19. !build_pass {
  20. unix:!macx:CAN_INSTALL = 1
  21. else:macx:isEqual( MAC_FULL_INSTALL, 1 ):CAN_INSTALL = 1
  22. isEqual( CAN_INSTALL, 1 ) {
  23. message( "The application will be installed to $${PACKAGE_PREFIX}" )
  24. message( "You can overwrite the prefix calling qmake with parameter: qmake PREFIX=/usr" )
  25. } else:macx {
  26. message( "The application bundle will not be installed into $${PACKAGE_PREFIX}." )
  27. message( "Call: 'qmake MAC_FULL_INSTALL=1' for install the bundle." )
  28. }
  29. }
  30. macx:qwbfs_translations.path = $${DESTDIR}/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources/translations
  31. else:qwbfs_translations.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]
  32. qwbfs_translations.files = $$PWD/../translations/*.qm
  33. INSTALLS = qwbfs_translations
  34. exists( ../fresh/ ) {
  35. FRESH_LIBRARY_PATH = ../fresh
  36. } else:exists( ../../../fresh/ ) {
  37. FRESH_LIBRARY_PATH = ../../../fresh
  38. }
  39. !isEmpty( FRESH_LIBRARY_PATH ) {
  40. macx:fresh_translations.path = $${DESTDIR}/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources/translations
  41. else:fresh_translations.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]
  42. fresh_translations.files = $${FRESH_LIBRARY_PATH}/translations/*.qm
  43. INSTALLS *= fresh_translations
  44. }
  45. macx {
  46. qwbfs_qt_translations.path = $${DESTDIR}/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources/qt/translations
  47. #qwbfs_qt_translations.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/qt_{\,[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]_}[A-Za-z][A-Za-z].qm
  48. qwbfs_qt_translations.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/qt_??.qm
  49. qwbfs_qt_translations.files *= $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/qt_??_??.qm
  50. INSTALLS *= qwbfs_qt_translations
  51. }
  52. }
  53. unix:!macx {
  54. # binary
  55. qwbfs_target.path = $${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/bin
  56. qwbfs_target.files = $${DESTDIR}/$${TARGET}
  57. qwbfs_target.CONFIG *= no_check_exist
  58. # desktop file
  59. qwbfs_desktop.path = $${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/share/applications
  60. qwbfs_desktop.files = ../packages/QWBFSManager.desktop
  61. # desktop icon file
  62. qwbfs_desktopicon.path = $${PACKAGE_PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps
  63. qwbfs_desktopicon.files = $$PWD/resources/qwbfsmanager.png
  64. INSTALLS *= qwbfs_target qwbfs_desktop qwbfs_desktopicon
  65. }
  66. macx {
  67. # binary
  68. qwbfs_target.path = $${PACKAGE_PREFIX}
  69. qwbfs_target.files = $${DESTDIR}/$${TARGET}.app
  70. qwbfs_target.CONFIG *= no_check_exist
  71. isEqual( MAC_FULL_INSTALL, 1 ):INSTALLS *= qwbfs_target
  72. }