123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390 |
- /** Example 020 Managed Lights
- Written by Colin MacDonald. This tutorial explains the use of the Light Manager
- of Irrlicht. It enables the use of more dynamic light sources than the actual
- hardware supports. Further applications of the Light Manager, such as per scene
- node callbacks, are left out for simplicity of the example.
- */
- #include <irrlicht.h>
- #include "driverChoice.h"
- #include "exampleHelper.h"
- using namespace irr;
- using namespace core;
- #if defined(_MSC_VER)
- #pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
- #endif // MSC_VER
- /*
- Normally, you are limited to 8 dynamic lights per scene: this is a hardware limit. If you
- want to use more dynamic lights in your scene, then you can register an optional light
- manager that allows you to to turn lights on and off at specific point during rendering.
- You are still limited to 8 lights, but the limit is per scene node.
- This is completely optional: if you do not register a light manager, then a default
- distance-based scheme will be used to prioritise hardware lights based on their distance
- from the active camera.
- NO_MANAGEMENT disables the light manager and shows Irrlicht's default light behaviour.
- The 8 lights nearest to the camera will be turned on, and other lights will be turned off.
- In this example, this produces a funky looking but incoherent light display.
- LIGHTS_NEAREST_NODE shows an implementation that turns on a limited number of lights
- per mesh scene node. If finds the 3 lights that are nearest to the node being rendered,
- and turns them on, turning all other lights off. This works, but as it operates on every
- light for every node, it does not scale well with many lights. The flickering you can see
- in this demo is due to the lights swapping their relative positions from the cubes
- (a deliberate demonstration of the limitations of this technique).
- LIGHTS_IN_ZONE shows a technique for turning on lights based on a 'zone'. Each empty scene
- node is considered to be the parent of a zone. When nodes are rendered, they turn off all
- lights, then find their parent 'zone' and turn on all lights that are inside that zone, i.e.
- are descendents of it in the scene graph. This produces true 'local' lighting for each cube
- in this example. You could use a similar technique to locally light all meshes in (e.g.)
- a room, without the lights spilling out to other rooms.
- This light manager is also an event receiver; this is purely for simplicity in this example,
- it's neither necessary nor recommended for a real application.
- */
- class CMyLightManager : public scene::ILightManager, public IEventReceiver
- {
- typedef enum
- {
- }
- LightManagementMode;
- LightManagementMode Mode;
- LightManagementMode RequestedMode;
- // These data represent the state information that this light manager
- // is interested in.
- scene::ISceneManager * SceneManager;
- core::array<scene::ISceneNode*> * SceneLightList;
- scene::E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS CurrentRenderPass;
- scene::ISceneNode * CurrentSceneNode;
- public:
- CMyLightManager(scene::ISceneManager* sceneManager)
- : Mode(NO_MANAGEMENT), RequestedMode(NO_MANAGEMENT),
- SceneManager(sceneManager), SceneLightList(0),
- CurrentRenderPass(scene::ESNRP_NONE), CurrentSceneNode(0)
- { }
- // The input receiver interface, which just switches light management strategy
- bool OnEvent(const SEvent & event)
- {
- bool handled = false;
- if (event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && event.KeyInput.PressedDown)
- {
- handled = true;
- switch(event.KeyInput.Key)
- {
- case irr::KEY_KEY_1:
- RequestedMode = NO_MANAGEMENT;
- break;
- case irr::KEY_KEY_2:
- RequestedMode = LIGHTS_NEAREST_NODE;
- break;
- case irr::KEY_KEY_3:
- RequestedMode = LIGHTS_IN_ZONE;
- break;
- default:
- handled = false;
- break;
- }
- if(NO_MANAGEMENT == RequestedMode)
- SceneManager->setLightManager(0); // Show that it's safe to register the light manager
- else
- SceneManager->setLightManager(this);
- }
- return handled;
- }
- // This is called before the first scene node is rendered.
- virtual void OnPreRender(core::array<scene::ISceneNode*> & lightList)
- {
- // Update the mode; changing it here ensures that it's consistent throughout a render
- Mode = RequestedMode;
- // Store the light list. I am free to alter this list until the end of OnPostRender().
- SceneLightList = &lightList;
- }
- // Called after the last scene node is rendered.
- virtual void OnPostRender()
- {
- // Since light management might be switched off in the event handler, we'll turn all
- // lights on to ensure that they are in a consistent state. You wouldn't normally have
- // to do this when using a light manager, since you'd continue to do light management
- // yourself.
- for (u32 i = 0; i < SceneLightList->size(); i++)
- (*SceneLightList)[i]->setVisible(true);
- }
- virtual void OnRenderPassPreRender(scene::E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS renderPass)
- {
- // I don't have to do anything here except remember which render pass I am in.
- CurrentRenderPass = renderPass;
- }
- virtual void OnRenderPassPostRender(scene::E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS renderPass)
- {
- // I only want solid nodes to be lit, so after the solid pass, turn all lights off.
- if (scene::ESNRP_SOLID == renderPass)
- {
- for (u32 i = 0; i < SceneLightList->size(); ++i)
- (*SceneLightList)[i]->setVisible(false);
- }
- }
- // This is called before the specified scene node is rendered
- virtual void OnNodePreRender(scene::ISceneNode* node)
- {
- CurrentSceneNode = node;
- // This light manager only considers solid objects, but you are free to manipulate
- // lights during any phase, depending on your requirements.
- if (scene::ESNRP_SOLID != CurrentRenderPass)
- return;
- // And in fact for this example, I only want to consider lighting for cube scene
- // nodes. You will probably want to deal with lighting for (at least) mesh /
- // animated mesh scene nodes as well.
- if (node->getType() != scene::ESNT_CUBE)
- return;
- {
- // This is a naive implementation that prioritises every light in the scene
- // by its proximity to the node being rendered. This produces some flickering
- // when lights orbit closer to a cube than its 'zone' lights.
- const vector3df nodePosition = node->getAbsolutePosition();
- // Sort the light list by prioritising them based on their distance from the node
- // that's about to be rendered.
- array<LightDistanceElement> sortingArray;
- sortingArray.reallocate(SceneLightList->size());
- u32 i;
- for(i = 0; i < SceneLightList->size(); ++i)
- {
- scene::ISceneNode* lightNode = (*SceneLightList)[i];
- const f64 distance = lightNode->getAbsolutePosition().getDistanceFromSQ(nodePosition);
- sortingArray.push_back(LightDistanceElement(lightNode, distance));
- }
- sortingArray.sort();
- // The list is now sorted by proximity to the node.
- // Turn on the three nearest lights, and turn the others off.
- for(i = 0; i < sortingArray.size(); ++i)
- sortingArray[i].node->setVisible(i < 3);
- }
- else if(LIGHTS_IN_ZONE == Mode)
- {
- // Empty scene nodes are used to represent 'zones'. For each solid mesh that
- // is being rendered, turn off all lights, then find its 'zone' parent, and turn
- // on all lights that are found under that node in the scene graph.
- // This is a general purpose algorithm that doesn't use any special
- // knowledge of how this particular scene graph is organised.
- for (u32 i = 0; i < SceneLightList->size(); ++i)
- {
- if ((*SceneLightList)[i]->getType() != scene::ESNT_LIGHT)
- continue;
- scene::ILightSceneNode* lightNode = static_cast<scene::ILightSceneNode*>((*SceneLightList)[i]);
- video::SLight & lightData = lightNode->getLightData();
- if (video::ELT_DIRECTIONAL != lightData.Type)
- lightNode->setVisible(false);
- }
- scene::ISceneNode * parentZone = findZone(node);
- if (parentZone)
- turnOnZoneLights(parentZone);
- }
- }
- // Called after the specified scene node is rendered
- virtual void OnNodePostRender(scene::ISceneNode* node)
- {
- // I don't need to do any light management after individual node rendering.
- }
- private:
- // Find the empty scene node that is the parent of the specified node
- scene::ISceneNode * findZone(scene::ISceneNode * node)
- {
- if (!node)
- return 0;
- if (node->getType() == scene::ESNT_EMPTY)
- return node;
- return findZone(node->getParent());
- }
- // Turn on all lights that are children (directly or indirectly) of the
- // specified scene node.
- void turnOnZoneLights(scene::ISceneNode * node)
- {
- core::list<scene::ISceneNode*> const & children = node->getChildren();
- for (core::list<scene::ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator child = children.begin();
- child != children.end(); ++child)
- {
- if ((*child)->getType() == scene::ESNT_LIGHT)
- (*child)->setVisible(true);
- else // Assume that lights don't have any children that are also lights
- turnOnZoneLights(*child);
- }
- }
- // A utility class to aid in sorting scene nodes into a distance order
- class LightDistanceElement
- {
- public:
- LightDistanceElement() {};
- LightDistanceElement(scene::ISceneNode* n, f64 d)
- : node(n), distance(d) { }
- scene::ISceneNode* node;
- f64 distance;
- // Lower distance elements are sorted to the start of the array
- bool operator < (const LightDistanceElement& other) const
- {
- return (distance < other.distance);
- }
- };
- };
- /*
- */
- int main(int argumentCount, char * argumentValues[])
- {
- // ask user for driver
- video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType=driverChoiceConsole();
- if (driverType==video::EDT_COUNT)
- return 1;
- IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(driverType,
- dimension2d<u32>(640, 480), 32);
- if(!device)
- return -1;
- f32 const lightRadius = 60.f; // Enough to reach the far side of each 'zone'
- video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
- scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
- gui::IGUIEnvironment* guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();
- const io::path mediaPath = getExampleMediaPath();
- gui::IGUISkin* skin = guienv->getSkin();
- if (skin)
- {
- skin->setColor(gui::EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT, video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255));
- gui::IGUIFont* font = guienv->getFont(mediaPath + "fontlucida.png");
- if(font)
- skin->setFont(font);
- }
- guienv->addStaticText(L"1 - No light management", core::rect<s32>(10,10,200,30));
- guienv->addStaticText(L"2 - Closest 3 lights", core::rect<s32>(10,30,200,50));
- guienv->addStaticText(L"3 - Lights in zone", core::rect<s32>(10,50,200,70));
- /*
- Add several "zones". You could use this technique to light individual rooms, for example.
- */
- for(f32 zoneX = -100.f; zoneX <= 100.f; zoneX += 50.f)
- for(f32 zoneY = -60.f; zoneY <= 60.f; zoneY += 60.f)
- {
- // Start with an empty scene node, which we will use to represent a zone.
- scene::ISceneNode * zoneRoot = smgr->addEmptySceneNode();
- zoneRoot->setPosition(vector3df(zoneX, zoneY, 0));
- // Each zone contains a rotating cube
- scene::IMeshSceneNode * node = smgr->addCubeSceneNode(15, zoneRoot);
- scene::ISceneNodeAnimator * rotation = smgr->createRotationAnimator(vector3df(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f));
- node->addAnimator(rotation);
- rotation->drop();
- // And each cube has three lights attached to it. The lights are attached to billboards so
- // that we can see where they are. The billboards are attached to the cube, so that the
- // lights are indirect descendents of the same empty scene node as the cube.
- scene::IBillboardSceneNode * billboard = smgr->addBillboardSceneNode(node);
- billboard->setPosition(vector3df(0, -14, 30));
- billboard->setMaterialType(video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR );
- billboard->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture(mediaPath + "particle.bmp"));
- billboard->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
- smgr->addLightSceneNode(billboard, vector3df(0, 0, 0), video::SColorf(1, 0, 0), lightRadius);
- billboard = smgr->addBillboardSceneNode(node);
- billboard->setPosition(vector3df(-21, -14, -21));
- billboard->setMaterialType(video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR );
- billboard->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture(mediaPath + "particle.bmp"));
- billboard->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
- smgr->addLightSceneNode(billboard, vector3df(0, 0, 0), video::SColorf(0, 1, 0), lightRadius);
- billboard = smgr->addBillboardSceneNode(node);
- billboard->setPosition(vector3df(21, -14, -21));
- billboard->setMaterialType(video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR );
- billboard->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture(mediaPath + "particle.bmp"));
- billboard->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
- smgr->addLightSceneNode(billboard, vector3df(0, 0, 0), video::SColorf(0, 0, 1), lightRadius);
- // Each cube also has a smaller cube rotating around it, to show that the cubes are being
- // lit by the lights in their 'zone', not just lights that are their direct children.
- node = smgr->addCubeSceneNode(5, node);
- node->setPosition(vector3df(0, 21, 0));
- }
- smgr->addCameraSceneNode(0, vector3df(0,0,-130), vector3df(0,0,0));
- CMyLightManager * myLightManager = new CMyLightManager(smgr);
- smgr->setLightManager(0); // This is the default: we won't do light management until told to do it.
- device->setEventReceiver(myLightManager);
- int lastFps = -1;
- while(device->run())
- {
- driver->beginScene(video::ECBF_COLOR | video::ECBF_DEPTH, video::SColor(255,100,101,140));
- smgr->drawAll();
- guienv->drawAll();
- driver->endScene();
- int fps = driver->getFPS();
- if(fps != lastFps)
- {
- lastFps = fps;
- core::stringw str = L"Managed Lights [";
- str += driver->getName();
- str += "] FPS:";
- str += fps;
- device->setWindowCaption(str.c_str());
- }
- }
- myLightManager->drop(); // Drop my implicit reference
- device->drop();
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- **/