123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511 |
- /** Example 025 Xml Handling
- Demonstrates loading and saving of configurations via XML
- @author Y.M. Bosman \<yoran.bosman@gmail.com\>
- This demo features a fully usable system for configuration handling. The code
- can easily be integrated into own apps.
- */
- #include <irrlicht.h>
- #include "exampleHelper.h"
- using namespace irr;
- using namespace core;
- using namespace scene;
- using namespace video;
- using namespace io;
- using namespace gui;
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
- #endif
- /* SettingManager class.
- This class loads and writes the settings and manages the options.
- The class makes use of irrMap which is a an associative arrays using a
- red-black tree it allows easy mapping of a key to a value, along the way there
- is some information on how to use it.
- */
- class SettingManager
- {
- public:
- // Construct setting managers and set default settings
- SettingManager(const stringw& settings_file): SettingsFile(settings_file), NullDevice(0)
- {
- // Irrlicht null device, we want to load settings before we actually created our device, therefore, nulldevice
- NullDevice = irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_NULL);
- //DriverOptions is an irrlicht map,
- //we can insert values in the map in two ways by calling insert(key,value) or by using the [key] operator
- //the [] operator overrides values if they already exist
- DriverOptions.insert(L"Software", EDT_SOFTWARE);
- DriverOptions.insert(L"OpenGL", EDT_OPENGL);
- DriverOptions.insert(L"Direct3D9", EDT_DIRECT3D9);
- //some resolution options
- ResolutionOptions.insert(L"640x480", dimension2du(640,480));
- ResolutionOptions.insert(L"800x600", dimension2du(800,600));
- ResolutionOptions.insert(L"1024x768", dimension2du(1024,768));
- //our preferred defaults
- SettingMap.insert(L"driver", L"Direct3D9");
- SettingMap.insert(L"resolution", L"640x480");
- SettingMap.insert(L"fullscreen", L"0"); //0 is false
- }
- // Destructor, you could store settings automatically on exit of your
- // application if you wanted to in our case we simply drop the
- // nulldevice
- ~SettingManager()
- {
- if (NullDevice)
- {
- NullDevice->closeDevice();
- NullDevice->drop();
- }
- };
- /*
- Load xml from disk, overwrite default settings
- The xml we are trying to load has the following structure
- settings nested in sections nested in the root node, like so
- <pre>
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <mygame>
- <video>
- <setting name="driver" value="Direct3D9" />
- <setting name="fullscreen" value="0" />
- <setting name="resolution" value="1024x768" />
- </video>
- </mygame>
- </pre>
- */
- bool load()
- {
- //if not able to create device don't attempt to load
- if (!NullDevice)
- return false;
- irr::io::IXMLReader* xml = NullDevice->getFileSystem()->createXMLReader(SettingsFile); //create xml reader
- if (!xml)
- return false;
- const stringw settingTag(L"setting"); //we'll be looking for this tag in the xml
- stringw currentSection; //keep track of our current section
- const stringw videoTag(L"video"); //constant for videotag
- //while there is more to read
- while (xml->read())
- {
- //check the node type
- switch (xml->getNodeType())
- {
- //we found a new element
- case irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT:
- {
- //we currently are in the empty or mygame section and find the video tag so we set our current section to video
- if (currentSection.empty() && videoTag.equals_ignore_case(xml->getNodeName()))
- {
- currentSection = videoTag;
- }
- //we are in the video section and we find a setting to parse
- else if (currentSection.equals_ignore_case(videoTag) && settingTag.equals_ignore_case(xml->getNodeName() ))
- {
- //read in the key
- stringw key = xml->getAttributeValueSafe(L"name");
- //if there actually is a key to set
- if (!key.empty())
- {
- //set the setting in the map to the value,
- //the [] operator overrides values if they already exist or inserts a new key value
- //pair into the settings map if it was not defined yet
- SettingMap[key] = xml->getAttributeValueSafe(L"value");
- }
- }
- //..
- // You can add your own sections and tags to read in here
- //..
- }
- break;
- //we found the end of an element
- case irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END:
- //we were at the end of the video section so we reset our tag
- currentSection=L"";
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // don't forget to delete the xml reader
- xml->drop();
- return true;
- }
- // Save the xml to disk. We use the nulldevice.
- bool save()
- {
- //if not able to create device don't attempt to save
- if (!NullDevice)
- return false;
- //create xml writer
- irr::io::IXMLWriter* xwriter = NullDevice->getFileSystem()->createXMLWriter( SettingsFile );
- if (!xwriter)
- return false;
- //write out the obligatory xml header. Each xml-file needs to have exactly one of those.
- xwriter->writeXMLHeader();
- //start element mygame, you replace the label "mygame" with anything you want
- xwriter->writeElement(L"mygame");
- xwriter->writeLineBreak(); //new line
- //start section with video settings
- xwriter->writeElement(L"video");
- xwriter->writeLineBreak(); //new line
- // getIterator gets us a pointer to the first node of the settings map
- // every iteration we increase the iterator which gives us the next map node
- // until we reach the end we write settings one by one by using the nodes key and value functions
- map<stringw, stringw>::Iterator i = SettingMap.getIterator();
- for(; !i.atEnd(); i++)
- {
- //write element as <setting name="key" value="x" />
- //the second parameter indicates this is an empty element with no children, just attributes
- xwriter->writeElement(L"setting",true, L"name", i->getKey().c_str(), L"value",i->getValue().c_str() );
- xwriter->writeLineBreak();
- }
- xwriter->writeLineBreak();
- //close video section
- xwriter->writeClosingTag(L"video");
- xwriter->writeLineBreak();
- //..
- // You can add writing sound settings, savegame information etc
- //..
- //close mygame section
- xwriter->writeClosingTag(L"mygame");
- //delete xml writer
- xwriter->drop();
- return true;
- }
- // Set setting in our manager
- void setSetting(const stringw& name, const stringw& value)
- {
- SettingMap[name]=value;
- }
- // set setting overload to quickly assign integers to our setting map
- void setSetting(const stringw& name, s32 value)
- {
- SettingMap[name]=stringw(value);
- }
- // Get setting as string
- stringw getSetting(const stringw& key) const
- {
- //the find function or irrmap returns a pointer to a map Node
- //if the key can be found, otherwise it returns null
- //the map node has the function getValue and getKey, as we already know the key, we return node->getValue()
- map<stringw, stringw>::Node* n = SettingMap.find(key);
- if (n)
- return n->getValue();
- else
- return L"";
- }
- //
- bool getSettingAsBoolean(const stringw& key ) const
- {
- stringw s = getSetting(key);
- if (s.empty())
- return false;
- return s.equals_ignore_case(L"1");
- }
- //
- s32 getSettingAsInteger(const stringw& key) const
- {
- //we implicitly cast to string instead of stringw because strtol10 does not accept wide strings
- const stringc s = getSetting(key);
- if (s.empty())
- return 0;
- return strtol10(s.c_str());
- }
- public:
- map<stringw, s32> DriverOptions; //available options for driver config
- map<stringw, dimension2du> ResolutionOptions; //available options for resolution config
- private:
- SettingManager(const SettingManager& other); // defined but not implemented
- SettingManager& operator=(const SettingManager& other); // defined but not implemented
- map<stringw, stringw> SettingMap; //current config
- stringw SettingsFile; // location of the xml, usually the
- irr::IrrlichtDevice* NullDevice;
- };
- /*
- Application context for global variables
- */
- struct SAppContext
- {
- SAppContext()
- : Device(0),Gui(0), Driver(0), Settings(0), ShouldQuit(false),
- ButtonSave(0), ButtonExit(0), ListboxDriver(0),
- ListboxResolution(0), CheckboxFullscreen(0)
- {
- }
- ~SAppContext()
- {
- if (Settings)
- delete Settings;
- if (Device)
- {
- Device->closeDevice();
- Device->drop();
- }
- }
- IrrlichtDevice* Device;
- IGUIEnvironment* Gui;
- IVideoDriver* Driver;
- SettingManager* Settings;
- bool ShouldQuit;
- //settings dialog
- IGUIButton* ButtonSave;
- IGUIButton* ButtonExit;
- IGUIListBox* ListboxDriver;
- IGUIListBox* ListboxResolution;
- IGUICheckBox* CheckboxFullscreen;
- };
- /*
- A typical event receiver.
- */
- class MyEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver
- {
- public:
- MyEventReceiver(SAppContext & a) : App(a) { }
- virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
- {
- if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT )
- {
- switch ( event.GUIEvent.EventType )
- {
- //handle button click events
- {
- //Our save button was called so we obtain the settings from our dialog and save them
- if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == App.ButtonSave )
- {
- //if there is a selection write it
- if ( App.ListboxDriver->getSelected() != -1)
- App.Settings->setSetting(L"driver", App.ListboxDriver->getListItem(App.ListboxDriver->getSelected()));
- //if there is a selection write it
- if ( App.ListboxResolution->getSelected() != -1)
- App.Settings->setSetting(L"resolution", App.ListboxResolution->getListItem(App.ListboxResolution->getSelected()));
- App.Settings->setSetting(L"fullscreen", App.CheckboxFullscreen->isChecked());
- if (App.Settings->save())
- {
- App.Gui->addMessageBox(L"settings save",L"settings saved, please restart for settings to change effect","",true);
- }
- }
- // cancel/exit button clicked, tell the application to exit
- else if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == App.ButtonExit)
- {
- App.ShouldQuit = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private:
- SAppContext & App;
- };
- /*
- Function to create a video settings dialog
- This dialog shows the current settings from the configuration xml and allows them to be changed
- */
- void createSettingsDialog(SAppContext& app)
- {
- // first get rid of alpha in gui
- for (irr::s32 i=0; i<irr::gui::EGDC_COUNT ; ++i)
- {
- irr::video::SColor col = app.Gui->getSkin()->getColor((irr::gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i);
- col.setAlpha(255);
- app.Gui->getSkin()->setColor((irr::gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i, col);
- }
- //create video settings windows
- gui::IGUIWindow* windowSettings = app.Gui->addWindow(rect<s32>(10,10,400,400),true,L"Videosettings");
- app.Gui->addStaticText (L"Select your desired video settings", rect< s32 >(10,20, 200, 40), false, true, windowSettings);
- // add listbox for driver choice
- app.Gui->addStaticText (L"Driver", rect< s32 >(10,50, 200, 60), false, true, windowSettings);
- app.ListboxDriver = app.Gui->addListBox(rect<s32>(10,60,220,120), windowSettings, 1,true);
- //add all available options to the driver choice listbox
- map<stringw, s32>::Iterator i = app.Settings->DriverOptions.getIterator();
- for(; !i.atEnd(); i++)
- app.ListboxDriver->addItem(i->getKey().c_str());
- //set currently selected driver
- app.ListboxDriver->setSelected(app.Settings->getSetting("driver").c_str());
- // add listbox for resolution choice
- app.Gui->addStaticText (L"Resolution", rect< s32 >(10,130, 200, 140), false, true, windowSettings);
- app.ListboxResolution = app.Gui->addListBox(rect<s32>(10,140,220,200), windowSettings, 1,true);
- //add all available options to the resolution listbox
- map<stringw, dimension2du>::Iterator ri = app.Settings->ResolutionOptions.getIterator();
- for(; !ri.atEnd(); ri++)
- app.ListboxResolution->addItem(ri->getKey().c_str());
- //set currently selected resolution
- app.ListboxResolution->setSelected(app.Settings->getSetting("resolution").c_str());
- //add checkbox to toggle fullscreen, initially set to loaded setting
- app.CheckboxFullscreen = app.Gui->addCheckBox(
- app.Settings->getSettingAsBoolean("fullscreen"),
- rect<s32>(10,220,220,240), windowSettings, -1,
- L"Fullscreen");
- //last but not least add save button
- app.ButtonSave = app.Gui->addButton(
- rect<s32>(80,250,150,270), windowSettings, 2,
- L"Save video settings");
- //exit/cancel button
- app.ButtonExit = app.Gui->addButton(
- rect<s32>(160,250,240,270), windowSettings, 2,
- L"Cancel and exit");
- }
- /*
- The main function. Creates all objects and does the XML handling.
- */
- int main()
- {
- //create new application context
- SAppContext app;
- //create device creation parameters that can get overwritten by our settings file
- SIrrlichtCreationParameters param;
- param.DriverType = EDT_SOFTWARE;
- param.WindowSize.set(640,480);
- // Try to load config.
- // I leave it as an exercise of the reader to store the configuration in the local application data folder,
- // the only logical place to store config data for games. For all other operating systems I redirect to your manuals
- app.Settings = new SettingManager(getExampleMediaPath() + "settings.xml");
- if ( !app.Settings->load() )
- {
- // ...
- // Here add your own exception handling, for now we continue because there are defaults set in SettingManager constructor
- // ...
- }
- else
- {
- //settings xml loaded from disk,
- //map driversetting to driver type and test if the setting is valid
- //the DriverOptions map contains string representations mapped to to irrlicht E_DRIVER_TYPE enum
- //e.g "direct3d9" will become 4
- //see DriverOptions in the settingmanager class for details
- map<stringw, s32>::Node* driver = app.Settings->DriverOptions.find( app.Settings->getSetting("driver") );
- if (driver)
- {
- if ( irr::IrrlichtDevice::isDriverSupported( static_cast<E_DRIVER_TYPE>( driver->getValue() )))
- {
- // selected driver is supported, so we use it.
- param.DriverType = static_cast<E_DRIVER_TYPE>( driver->getValue());
- }
- }
- //map resolution setting to dimension in a similar way as demonstrated above
- map<stringw, dimension2du>::Node* res = app.Settings->ResolutionOptions.find( app.Settings->getSetting("resolution") );
- if (res)
- {
- param.WindowSize = res->getValue();
- }
- //get fullscreen setting from config
- param.Fullscreen = app.Settings->getSettingAsBoolean("fullscreen");
- }
- //create the irrlicht device using the settings
- app.Device = createDeviceEx(param);
- if (app.Device == 0)
- {
- // You can add your own exception handling on driver failure
- exit(0);
- }
- app.Device->setWindowCaption(L"Xmlhandling - Irrlicht engine tutorial");
- app.Driver = app.Device->getVideoDriver();
- app.Gui = app.Device->getGUIEnvironment();
- createSettingsDialog(app);
- //set event receiver so we can respond to gui events
- MyEventReceiver receiver(app);
- app.Device->setEventReceiver(&receiver);
- //enter main loop
- while (!app.ShouldQuit && app.Device->run())
- {
- if (app.Device->isWindowActive())
- {
- app.Driver->beginScene(video::ECBF_COLOR | video::ECBF_DEPTH, SColor(0,200,200,200));
- app.Gui->drawAll();
- app.Driver->endScene();
- }
- app.Device->sleep(10);
- }
- //app destroys device in destructor
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- **/