#1 Bot improvements

CYBERDEViL möchte 0 Commits von CYBERDEViL/devbot nach CYBERDEViL/master zusammenführen
CYBERDEViL kommentierte vor 11 Monaten
  • Bots will choose a random Bomb Site / Escape Zone / VIP Safety Zone.
  • T-bots: fetch bomb backpack when it has been droppen.
  • T-bots: plant the bomb.
  • T-bots: roam the planted bomb.
  • CT-bots: random buy defusal kit.
  • CT-bots: defuse bomb.
  • CT-bots: roam the defuser.
  • Small waypoint adjustments for de_dust2 which enables bots to successfully jump on the big boxes to B, and they jump more easy over the ridge from T spawn to B.
- Bots will choose a random Bomb Site / Escape Zone / VIP Safety Zone. - T-bots: fetch bomb backpack when it has been droppen. - T-bots: plant the bomb. - T-bots: roam the planted bomb. - CT-bots: random buy defusal kit. - CT-bots: defuse bomb. - CT-bots: roam the defuser. - Small waypoint adjustments for `de_dust2` which enables bots to successfully jump on the big boxes to B, and they jump more easy over the ridge from T spawn to B.
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1 Beteiligte
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