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REWise v0.2.0

Codename ZLIB

  • Replaced the custom inflate and CRC32 code with an zlib implementation. Tests showed that the zlib implementation is around 16 times faster!
  • Maximum file sizes for WiseScript.bin and WiseColors.bin while inflating.
  • Fixed some compiler warnings.

REWise v0.1.0

Codename INIT

This is the initial version.

The inflation process is heavily based on the inflation implementation of WiseUnpacker. So a lot of thanks to mnadareski!

Most time was spend on reverse-engineering WiseScript.bin to extract files with their meta-data without as much of guessing as possible at that time.

It can list, verify and extract files from various Valve game installers released from 1999 to 2003 like Half-Life GOTY and Counter-Strike 1.5. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001) and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2001) are also supported. For a more complete list of working and not working installers see