CYBERDEViL fdd43c93fb Init 10 månader sedan
.. fdd43c93fb Init 10 månader sedan
logcpu_cipher.txt fdd43c93fb Init 10 månader sedan
structure.txt fdd43c93fb Init 10 månader sedan


  • logcpu_ciper.txt Cipher debug log, picked from LOGCPU.TXT generated by DosBox-X debugger with LOGL command.
  • structure.txt Save game file structure described.


  • When using the LOGL command in DosBox-X debugger to trace instructions and registers, make sure to set the CPU type to normal and definitely not to dynamic! When the CPU type is set to dynamic it will process instructions in blocks, the LOGCPU.TXT will miss a lot of instructions and I also experienced a lot of duplicates. So BE SURE TO SET CPU TYPE TO normal, it will save you a lot of trouble (and would have saved me from a lot of trouble too if I knew this before :')). This is not only true for using LOGL tho, same with manually stepping through instructions inside the debugger.

Used tools

  • DosBox-X debugger (compiled with HEAVYDEBUG)
  • ImHex