CYBERDEViL edited this page 4 years ago


Creating a extendable/moddable 3D RPG with a free software license.

It will be coded with Python3, Panda3d, Bullet engine and LUI.

This program shouldn't require high-end hardware! On the long run high quality graphics are fine if they can be turned off so we can keep this playable for players with low to medium hardware.

This project has no deadlines! Things are done when they are done :-)

Milestone 1

The goal for this milestone is to create a code-base for basic gameplay. Some models need to be created for testing, these models will only be used for testing so final models will look totaly diffrent. In the process of development the extendable/moddable part of this project should be kept in mind.

  • Basic movement.
  • Ability to combat a NPC.
  • Do a simple quest.
  • Document assets data and their structures.

Milestone 2

By now we should have a idea what the assets data structure looks like.

  • Character creation.
  • Presistancy (save/load).
  • Assets data editor.

Milestone 3

  • Work out first story line.
  • Create assets for the story line.
  • ...