12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 |
- -- Interpret the parameters of a command, separating options and arguments.
- -- Input: command, param
- -- command: name of command
- -- param: parameters of command
- -- Returns: opts, args
- -- opts is a string of option letters, or false on error
- -- args is an array with the non-option arguments in order, or an error message
- -- Example: for this command line:
- -- /command a b -cd e f -g
- -- the function would receive:
- -- a b -cd e f -g
- -- and it would return:
- -- "cdg", {"a", "b", "e", "f"}
- -- Negative numbers are taken as arguments. Long options (--option) are
- -- currently rejected as reserved.
- function utility.getopts(command, param)
- local opts = ""
- local args = {}
- for match in param:gmatch("%S+") do
- if match:byte(1) == 45 then -- 45 = '-'
- local second = match:byte(2)
- if second == 45 then
- return false, "Invalid parameters (see /help " .. command .. ")."
- elseif second and (second < 48 or second > 57) then -- 48 = '0', 57 = '9'
- opts = opts .. match:sub(2)
- else
- -- numeric, add it to args
- args[#args + 1] = match
- end
- else
- args[#args + 1] = match
- end
- end
- return opts, args
- end