init.lua 6.5 KB

  1. if not minetest.global_exists("exile") then exile = {} end
  2. exile.modpath = minetest.get_modpath("exile")
  3. exile.eviction_notices = exile.eviction_notices or {}
  4. -- Localize for performance.
  5. local vector_distance = vector.distance
  6. local vector_normalize = vector.normalize
  7. local vector_subtract = vector.subtract
  8. local vector_multiply = vector.multiply
  9. local vector_round = vector.round
  10. local vector_add = vector.add
  11. local math_random = math.random
  12. -- Helper to query whether there is a nearby non-cheating player (also not self)
  13. -- within a certain range.
  14. local function nearby_noncheater(pname, pos, range)
  15. local players = minetest.get_connected_players()
  16. for i=1, #players, 1 do
  17. local pref = players[i]
  18. local pn = pref:get_player_name()
  19. if pn ~= pname then
  20. if vector_distance(pref:get_pos(), pos) < range then
  21. if not sheriff.is_suspected_cheater(pn) then
  22. if not gdac.player_is_admin(pn) then
  23. return true
  24. end
  25. end
  26. end
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  30. local function move_player_to_exile(pname, target)
  31. local minp = vector.add(target, {x=-8, y=-100, z=-8})
  32. local maxp = vector.add(target, {x=8, y=100, z=8})
  33. local function callback(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param)
  34. --minetest.chat_send_player("MustTest", 'callback')
  35. -- We don't do anything until the last callback.
  36. if calls_remaining ~= 0 then
  37. return
  38. end
  39. -- Check if there was an error on the LAST call.
  40. -- Note: this will usually fail if the area to emerge intersects the map edge.
  41. -- But usually we don't try to do that, here.
  42. if action == core.EMERGE_CANCELLED or action == core.EMERGE_ERRORED then
  43. --minetest.chat_send_player("MustTest", "error")
  44. return
  45. end
  46. local pos = table.copy(
  47. local orig_y = pos.y
  48. local pname = param.pname
  49. local get_node = minetest.get_node
  50. -- Locate ground level, or some area where the player can fit in air.
  51. -- Start from sky and work downwards, to reduce chance of tp'ing to cave.
  52. for y = 90, -90, -1 do
  53. pos.y = orig_y + y - 1
  54. local n1 = get_node(pos)
  55. pos.y = orig_y + y
  56. local n2 = get_node(pos)
  57. pos.y = orig_y + y + 1
  58. local n3 = get_node(pos)
  59. --minetest.chat_send_player("MustTest", minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
  60. -- All 3 nodes must be loaded.
  61. if ~= "ignore" and ~= "ignore" and ~= "ignore" then
  62. local d1 = minetest.registered_nodes[]
  63. local d2 = minetest.registered_nodes[]
  64. local d3 = minetest.registered_nodes[]
  65. if d1 and d2 and d3 then
  66. if d1.walkable and not d2.walkable and not d3.walkable then
  67. --minetest.chat_send_player("MustTest", 'found ground')
  68. pos.y = orig_y + y
  69. local post_cb = function(param)
  70. -- Report publicly, while avoiding chat spam.
  71. local pname = param.pname
  72. if not exile.eviction_notices[pname] then
  73. minetest.chat_send_all("# Server: Law enforcement evicted <" .. rename.gpn(pname) .. "> from town.")
  74. exile.eviction_notices[pname] = true
  75. minetest.after(60, function()
  76. exile.eviction_notices[pname] = nil
  77. end)
  78. end
  79. end
  80. -- Wrapped in minetest.after() to avoid *potential* callstack issues.
  81. minetest.after(0, function()
  82. preload_tp.execute({
  83. player_name = pname,
  84. target_position = pos,
  85. emerge_radius = 8,
  86. post_teleport_callback = post_cb,
  87. callback_param = param,
  88. force_teleport = true,
  89. send_blocks = false,
  90. particle_effects = true,
  91. })
  92. end)
  93. return
  94. end
  95. end
  96. end
  97. end
  98. end
  99. minetest.emerge_area(minp, maxp, callback,
  100. {target=table.copy(target), pname=pname})
  101. end
  102. -- A player is violating their exile if ...
  103. function exile.player_in_violation(pname)
  104. -- They are a registered cheater ...
  105. if sheriff.is_cheater(pname) then
  106. local pref = minetest.get_player_by_name(pname)
  107. -- And they are logged in ...
  108. if pref then
  109. local pos = pref:get_pos()
  110. -- And there's a normal player near them ...
  111. if nearby_noncheater(pname, pos, 100) then
  112. -- And they are in a city area ...
  113. if city_block:in_city_suburbs(pos) then
  114. -- And not currently in jail ...
  115. if not jail.is_player_in_jail(pref) then
  116. return true
  117. end
  118. end
  119. end
  120. end
  121. end
  122. end
  123. function exile.send_to_exile(pname)
  124. local pref = minetest.get_player_by_name(pname)
  125. if pref then
  126. local pos = pref:get_pos()
  127. local rn1 = rc.current_realm_at_pos(pos)
  128. local cb = city_block:nearest_blocks_to_position(pos, 5, 100)
  129. -- No nearby city-blocks? Cannot move player (also avoid divide-by-zero).
  130. if #cb == 0 then
  131. return
  132. end
  133. -- Calculate the average postion of nearby city-blocks.
  134. local x, y, z, n = 0, 0, 0, #cb
  135. for i=1, n, 1 do
  136. local b = cb[i]
  137. local p = b.pos
  138. x = x + p.x
  139. y = y + p.y
  140. z = z + p.z
  141. end
  142. x = x / n
  143. y = y / n
  144. z = z / n
  145. -- Calculate a new position away from the city-blocks.
  146. pos.y = y -- Only move player in the X,Z dimensions.
  147. local center = {x=x, y=y, z=z}
  148. local dir = vector_normalize(vector_subtract(pos, center))
  149. local gpos = vector_round(vector_add(vector_multiply(dir, 100), center))
  150. gpos.y = y -- Only move player in the X,Z dimensions.
  151. local rn2 = rc.current_realm_at_pos(gpos)
  152. -- Only if we wouldn't cause player to change realms, or enter the void.
  153. if rn2 ~= "" and rn1 == rn2 then
  154. move_player_to_exile(pname, gpos)
  155. -- Damage caused by system/server/cheat, bypass regular processing.
  156. pref:set_hp(pref:get_hp() - (1*500))
  157. end
  158. end
  159. end
  160. -- Function shall return 'true' if player was confirmed to be in violation of their exile.
  161. function exile.check_player(pname)
  162. if exile.player_in_violation(pname) then
  163. exile.send_to_exile(pname)
  164. return true
  165. end
  166. end
  167. function exile.repeating_check(pname)
  168. --minetest.chat_send_player("MustTest", "repeating check")
  169. -- Only check confirmed cheaters, as no one else can be exiled.
  170. if sheriff.is_cheater(pname) then
  171. exile.check_player(pname)
  172. -- Schedule another check shortly.
  173. minetest.after(1, exile.repeating_check, pname)
  174. end
  175. end
  176. -- To be called if a cheater is confirmed/registered during game-play time.
  177. function exile.notify_new_exile(pname)
  178. -- Just call the function as if they've just joined.
  179. exile.on_joinplayer(minetest.get_player_by_name(pname))
  180. end
  181. function exile.on_joinplayer(pref)
  182. if pref and pref:is_player() then
  183. local pname = pref:get_player_name()
  184. minetest.after(math_random(1, 10), exile.repeating_check, pname)
  185. end
  186. end
  187. if not exile.registered then
  188. local c = "exile:core"
  189. local f = exile.modpath .. "/init.lua"
  190. reload.register_file(c, f, false)
  191. minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(...)
  192. exile.on_joinplayer(...) end)
  193. exile.registered = true
  194. end