123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158 |
- -- "Dungeon Loot" [dungeon_loot]
- -- Original by BlockMen, this entire file by Amoeba
- --
- -- config.lua
- --
- -- Note: All positive heights (above water level) are treated as depth 0.
- -- Also, no comma after the item of a list.
- -- Minimum number of rooms a dungeon should have for a chest to be generated
- dungeon_loot.min_num_of_rooms = 4
- -- Items on basic lists have three depth ranges for their listed amount
- -- maximums; they get max/2 before first increase point (minimum of 1 if
- -- amount is >0), the given max between the 1st and 2nd increase point,
- -- and max*2 after the 2nd.
- dungeon_loot.depth_first_basic_increase = 200
- dungeon_loot.depth_second_basic_increase = 2000
- -- Nodes dungeons are made out of.
- dungeon_loot.DUNGEON_NODES = {
- "default:stone",
- "default:cobble",
- "default:mossycobble",
- "default:desert_stone",
- "rackstone:brick",
- "rackstone:mg_redrack",
- "rackstone:redrack",
- "rackstone:rackstone",
- "rackstone:mg_rackstone",
- }
- dungeon_loot.CHEST_NODES = {
- "chests:chest_public_closed",
- "morechests:woodchest_public_closed",
- "morechests:ironchest_public_closed",
- }
- -- The master list of loot types
- -- Note that tools and weapons should always have max_amount = 1.
- -- Chance is a probability between 0 (practically never) and 1 (always),
- -- so change a chance to 0 if you don't want a type (eg. weapons) included
- -- in your game (or -0.001 if you want to be REALLY sure).
- dungeon_loot.loot_types = {
- {name="treasure", max_amount = 10, chance = 0.7, type = "depth_cutoff"},
- {name="tools", max_amount = 1, chance = 0.5, type = "depth_cutoff"},
- {name="weapons", max_amount = 1, chance = 0.1, type = "depth_cutoff"},
- {name="bows", max_amount = 1, chance = 0.1, type = "depth_cutoff"},
- {name="consumables", max_amount = 80, chance = 0.9, type = "basic_list"},
- {name="seedlings", max_amount = 5, chance = 0.3, type = "basic_list"},
- {name="metals", max_amount = 20, chance = 0.3, type = "basic_list"},
- {name="supplies", max_amount = 20, chance = 0.3, type = "basic_list"},
- }
- -- Loot type lists; these names MUST be exactly of the format:
- -- "dungeon_loot.name_list" where "name" is in the above list
- -- Depth cutoff lists
- -- These must be in order of increasing depth (but can include the same item
- -- more than once). Method: a random number between 1 and chest depth is
- -- chosen, and the item in that range is added to the loot. Then, there's
- -- a chance additional items of the same type are added to stack; if the
- -- random number is much greater than the item's min_depth, the amount
- -- can grow pretty big.
- dungeon_loot.treasure_list = {
- {name="default:steel_ingot", min_depth = 0},
- {name="default:bronze_ingot", min_depth = 20},
- {name="default:gold_ingot", min_depth = 45},
- {name="default:mese_crystal", min_depth = 50},
- {name="default:diamond", min_depth = 150},
- {name="default:goldblock", min_depth = 777},
- {name="default:mese", min_depth = 800},
- {name="default:diamondblock", min_depth = 1800},
- {name="default:mese", min_depth = 2000},
- }
- dungeon_loot.tools_list = {
- {name="default:pick_steel", min_depth = 0},
- {name="default:shovel_diamond", min_depth = 38},
- {name="default:pick_bronze", min_depth = 40},
- {name="default:axe_diamond", min_depth = 95},
- {name="default:pick_diamond", min_depth = 100},
- {name="bucket:bucket_water", min_depth = 100},
- }
- dungeon_loot.weapons_list = {
- {name="default:sword_steel", min_depth = 0},
- {name="default:sword_bronze", min_depth = 50},
- {name="default:sword_mese", min_depth = 150},
- {name="default:sword_diamond", min_depth = 250}
- }
- dungeon_loot.bows_list = {
- {name="throwing:bow_wood", min_depth = 0},
- {name="throwing:longbow", min_depth = 50},
- {name="throwing:bow_composite", min_depth = 150},
- {name="throwing:bow_steel", min_depth = 250},
- {name="throwing:crossbow", min_depth = 500},
- {name="throwing:arbalest", min_depth = 1500},
- {name="throwing:bow_royal", min_depth = 25000},
- }
- -- Basic lists
- -- These can be of two types, either with combined chance and amount,
- -- or with the two variables separated. "chance" means each item has a
- -- N/M chance of being chosen, where N is it's own chance and M is the
- -- total sum of chances on the list. "amount" is the maximum amount of
- -- items given at the middle depth range.
- dungeon_loot.consumables_list = {
- {name="basictrees:tree_apple", chance_and_amount = 20},
- {name="default:torch", chance_and_amount = 30},
- {name="default:stick", chance_and_amount = 10},
- {name="mobs:meat_raw", chance_and_amount = 10},
- {name="mobs:meat_raw_mutton", chance_and_amount = 10},
- }
- dungeon_loot.seedlings_list = {
- {name="basictrees:tree_sapling", chance = 5, amount = 2},
- {name="basictrees:pine_sapling", chance = 10, amount = 2},
- {name="basictrees:jungletree_sapling", chance = 15, amount = 2},
- {name="basictrees:acacia_sapling", chance = 15, amount = 2}
- }
- dungeon_loot.metals_list = {
- {name="default:steel_ingot", chance = 10, amount = 10},
- {name="zinc:ingot", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- {name="chromium:ingot", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- {name="default:copper_ingot", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- {name="titanium:crystal", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- }
- dungeon_loot.supplies_list = {
- {name="mobs:leather", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- {name="mobs:leather_padding", chance = 5, amount = 3},
- {name="farming:string", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- {name="mobs:flame_bolt", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- {name="tnt:gunpowder", chance = 5, amount = 10},
- }
- -- Add items from other mods here inside the appropriate
- -- "if ... then ... end" test
- -- For basic lists, just using insert without a value works fine.
- -- For depth cutoff lists, you can use insert with a table index, eg.
- -- table.insert(dungeon_loot.treasure_list, 5, {name="your_mod:platinum_ingot", min_depth = 120}
- -- The above would add a new item to the treasure list as the 5th item,
- -- moving diamond and all below it one down in the list. Just make sure
- -- that the increasing min_depth order is kept.
- -- Tips: With multiple insertions in a depth cutoff list, start from the
- -- last item and work towards the beginning, then you don't have to calculate
- -- your number of additions. Also, trying to make sure too many different
- -- mods work together in a single list will probably give you a headache;
- -- just create a new list (or two) for mods with lots of additions.
- if minetest.get_modpath("farming") then
- table.insert(dungeon_loot.consumables_list, {name="farming:bread", chance_and_amount = 10})
- table.insert(dungeon_loot.seedlings_list, {name="farming:seed_wheat", chance = 1, amount = 10})
- table.insert(dungeon_loot.seedlings_list, {name="farming:seed_cotton", chance = 20, amount = 5})
- end