init.lua 7.3 KB

  1. if not minetest.global_exists("cans") then cans = {} end
  2. -- Localize for performance.
  3. local math_floor = math.floor
  4. local function set_can_wear(itemstack, level, max_level)
  5. local temp
  6. if level == 0 then
  7. temp = 0
  8. else
  9. temp = 65536 - math_floor(level / max_level * 65535)
  10. if temp > 65535 then temp = 65535 end
  11. if temp < 1 then temp = 1 end
  12. end
  13. itemstack:set_wear(temp)
  14. end
  15. local function get_can_level(itemstack)
  16. if itemstack:get_metadata() == "" then
  17. return 0
  18. else
  19. return tonumber(itemstack:get_metadata())
  20. end
  21. end
  22. cans.get_can_level = get_can_level
  23. local function set_can_level(itemstack, charge)
  24. itemstack:set_metadata(tostring(charge))
  25. end
  26. function cans.set_can_level(itemstack, level)
  27. if level < 0 then
  28. level = 0
  29. end
  30. local idef = minetest.registered_items[itemstack:get_name()]
  31. local max_level = idef._can_max_liquid_level
  32. set_can_level(itemstack, level)
  33. set_can_wear(itemstack, level, max_level)
  34. end
  35. local function node_in_group(name, list)
  36. if type(list) == "string" then
  37. return (name == list)
  38. elseif type(list) == "table" then
  39. for k, v in ipairs(list) do
  40. if name == v then
  41. return true
  42. end
  43. end
  44. end
  45. return false
  46. end
  47. function cans.register_can(d)
  48. local data = table.copy(d)
  49. minetest.register_tool(data.can_name, {
  50. description = data.can_description,
  51. inventory_image = data.can_inventory_image,
  52. stack_max = 1,
  53. liquids_pointable = true,
  54. wear_represents = "liquid_amount",
  55. groups = {not_repaired_by_anvil = 1, disable_repair = 1},
  56. _can_max_liquid_level = data.can_capacity,
  57. on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
  58. if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end
  59. local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
  60. if not node_in_group(, data.liquid_source_name) then return end
  61. local charge = get_can_level(itemstack)
  62. if charge == data.can_capacity then return end
  63. if minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, user:get_player_name()) then
  64. minetest.log("action", user:get_player_name().." tried to take "" at protected position "..minetest.pos_to_string(pointed_thing.under).." with a "
  65. minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "# Server: That is on someone else's land!")
  66. return
  67. end
  68. if == "default:lava_source" then
  69. minetest.add_node(pointed_thing.under, {name="fire:basic_flame"})
  70. local pos = user:get_pos()
  71. minetest.sound_play("default_cool_lava", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 16, gain = 0.25}, true)
  72. if not heatdamage.is_immune(user:get_player_name()) then
  73. bucket.harm_player_after(user:get_player_name(), 2*500)
  74. end
  75. else
  76. minetest.remove_node(pointed_thing.under)
  77. end
  78. charge = charge + 1
  79. set_can_level(itemstack, charge)
  80. set_can_wear(itemstack, charge, data.can_capacity)
  81. return itemstack
  82. end,
  83. on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
  84. if not user or not user:is_player() then
  85. return
  86. end
  87. local pname = user:get_player_name()
  88. if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end
  89. local pos = pointed_thing.under
  90. local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
  91. local def = minetest.reg_ns_nodes[] or {}
  92. if def.on_rightclick and not user:get_player_control().sneak then
  93. return def.on_rightclick(pos, node, user, itemstack, pointed_thing)
  94. end
  95. if node_in_group(, data.liquid_source_name) or node_in_group(, data.liquid_flowing_name) then
  96. -- Do nothing, `pos' already set.
  97. elseif not def.buildable_to then
  98. pos = pointed_thing.above
  99. local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
  100. def = minetest.reg_ns_nodes[] or {}
  101. if not def.buildable_to then return end
  102. end
  103. local charge = get_can_level(itemstack)
  104. if charge == 0 then return end
  105. -- Check against local ground level.
  106. local success, ground_level = rc.get_ground_level_at_pos(pos)
  107. if not success then
  108. minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "# Server: That position is in the Void!")
  109. easyvend.sound_error(pname)
  110. return
  111. end
  112. if rc.liquid_forbidden_at(pos) then
  113. minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "# Server: Liquids forbidden in this region.")
  114. easyvend.sound_error(pname)
  115. return
  116. end
  117. -- Above 10000 XP, player can use buckets.
  118. -- Note: this will allow high-XP players to place lava (which ignores
  119. -- protection) above ground. If such a player decides to grief somebody,
  120. -- I guess you'll need to form a posse! (You can still use city blocks
  121. -- to protect builds.)
  122. local lxp = (xp.get_xp(pname, "digxp") >= 10000)
  123. if not lxp or sheriff.is_cheater(pname) then
  124. if pos.y > ground_level then
  125. minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "# Server: Don't do that above ground!")
  126. easyvend.sound_error(pname)
  127. return
  128. end
  129. end
  130. if minetest.is_protected(pos, pname) then
  131. minetest.log("action", pname .. " tried to place " .. data.place_name .. " at protected position " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos) .. " with a "
  132. minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "# Server: Not on somebody else's land!")
  133. easyvend.sound_error(pname)
  134. return
  135. end
  136. if city_block:in_disallow_liquid_zone(pos, user) then
  137. minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "# Server: Don't do that in town!")
  138. easyvend.sound_error(pname)
  139. return
  140. end
  141. minetest.set_node(pos, {name=data.place_name})
  142. charge = charge - 1
  143. set_can_level(itemstack, charge)
  144. set_can_wear(itemstack, charge, data.can_capacity)
  145. -- Notify dirt.
  146. dirtspread.on_environment(pos)
  147. droplift.notify(pos)
  148. return itemstack
  149. end,
  150. })
  151. end
  152. cans.register_can({
  153. can_name = "cans:water_can",
  154. can_description = "Water Can",
  155. can_inventory_image = "technic_water_can.png",
  156. can_capacity = 16,
  157. liquid_source_name = {"default:water_source", "cw:water_source"},
  158. liquid_flowing_name = {"default:water_flowing", "cw:water_flowing"},
  159. place_name = "default:water_source",
  160. })
  161. minetest.register_craft({
  162. output = 'cans:water_can',
  163. recipe = {
  164. {'zinc:ingot', 'rubber:rubber_fiber','zinc:ingot'},
  165. {'carbon_steel:ingot', '', 'carbon_steel:ingot'},
  166. {'zinc:ingot', 'carbon_steel:ingot', 'zinc:ingot'},
  167. }
  168. })
  169. cans.register_can({
  170. can_name = "cans:river_water_can",
  171. can_description = "Fresh Water Can",
  172. can_inventory_image = "technic_river_water_can.png",
  173. can_capacity = 16,
  174. liquid_source_name = "default:river_water_source",
  175. liquid_flowing_name = "default:river_water_flowing",
  176. place_name = "default:river_water_source",
  177. })
  178. minetest.register_craft({
  179. type = "shapeless",
  180. output = "cans:river_water_can",
  181. recipe = {"cans:water_can"},
  182. })
  183. minetest.register_craft({
  184. type = "shapeless",
  185. output = "cans:water_can",
  186. recipe = {"cans:river_water_can"},
  187. })
  188. cans.register_can({
  189. can_name = "cans:lava_can",
  190. can_description = "Lava Can",
  191. can_inventory_image = "technic_lava_can.png",
  192. can_capacity = 8,
  193. liquid_source_name = "default:lava_source",
  194. liquid_flowing_name = "default:lava_flowing",
  195. place_name = "default:lava_source",
  196. })
  197. minetest.register_craft({
  198. output = 'cans:lava_can',
  199. recipe = {
  200. {'zinc:ingot', 'stainless_steel:ingot','zinc:ingot'},
  201. {'stainless_steel:ingot', '', 'stainless_steel:ingot'},
  202. {'zinc:ingot', 'stainless_steel:ingot', 'zinc:ingot'},
  203. }
  204. })