#29 Player should not be able to pick up drops by punching

BlueBird516 년 전을 오픈 · 1개의 코멘트
BlueBird51 코멘트됨, 6 년 전
  • Issue Type: Gameplay fix

  • Reason: Flying drops should be impossible to grab; the player should have to physically walk to them. This is particularly evident in situations when drops fly toward lava, the player is somehow able to grab them out of the air as they fly past. This is unrealistic and somewhat game-breaking.

* Issue Type: Gameplay fix * Reason: Flying drops should be impossible to grab; the player should have to physically walk to them. This is particularly evident in situations when drops fly toward lava, the player is somehow able to grab them out of the air as they fly past. This is unrealistic and somewhat game-breaking.
BlueBird51 코멘트됨, 1 년 전


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