1. valgrind --db-attach=yes --free-fill=0x50 ./berusky2 level47
  2. - f1 - key binding help
  3. - Test local game root
  4. - Easy root configuration (in INI file)
  5. - root config?
  6. - Reduce number of ini entries
  7. - split ini files
  8. - game, controls, files
  9. - read ini files only once
  10. join Menu and Menu2
  11. co_delete - TODO
  12. - faster comix
  13. - vertex arrays - are they on?
  14. comics does not work!
  15. - Bump mapping?
  16. valgrind --db-attach=yes ./berusky2
  17. valgrind --track-origins=yes --free-fill=0x50 --db-attach=yes ./berusky2
  18. --leak-check=full
  19. -> Switch from pos[3] to VECT
  20. - Stand-alone linux binaries
  21. - Easy installation, easy run
  22. - Default key settings, icons
  23. - 90degree rotation?
  24. - transparency on by default?
  25. - no menu by default, one icon to turn it on/off
  26. - icons for rotation and so?
  27. - CC icons?
  28. - game tip -> show again
  29. - more game tips
  30. - more hints?
  31. - keys and so
  32. - game console
  33. - level center
  34. - better camera (remove the camera obstructions)
  35. - automatic camera on/off -> icon for it?
  36. TODO:
  37. - Scroll help on mouse wheel
  38. am_Init_Zhave_Castice -> what are the array sizes?
  39. Tread crash
  40. - better lighting (no-lighting mode?)
  41. - screen icons? (for quick set-up) - better side menu?
  42. - fix configure script, fix install from sources (make install)
  43. - use that in rpm
  44. - web info - co to je za verze a co obsahuji - roztridit to
  45. Web:
  46. - wiki page with debugging info
  47. - troubleshooting
  48. - on-line manual/help (Web)
  49. - All hints on web
  50. - Web help/tutorial
  51. - nefunguje pruhledne veci - stopy, flares a podobne
  52. - Wait for game tip to load (wait for a key?)
  53. - better camera
  54. - lighting
  55. - better effects
  56. - window version?
  57. - ini file - see all saves options (regardless the profile)
  58. - Grey beetle can't be selected by mouse when screen is resized
  59. - Tips - wait for click (Load screen) - space to continue?
  60. - Missing/wrong Transparent 3D objects (marks on ground, water in underground)
  61. - Enable music/sound by default?
  62. - Camera center -> rotate to follow bug sight?
  63. - remove unnecessary options from ini files
  64. - transform settings from setup to text config
  65. - split ini file
  66. - per-pixel lighting
  67. - textures are not sharp
  68. - better camera (automatic?)
  69. - Why menu is not animated?
  70. - in-game menu - to menu je nejake hnusne?
  71. - defaultne je vypla/zakazana hudba/zvuky?
  72. - defaultni klavesy sou tragedie!! (delam novy profil)
  73. - fix water ripples
  74. - fix fog effects on dynamic elements
  75. -D_DEBUG -Wall -Wno-write-strings -Wsign-conversion
  76. Valgrind setup:
  77. valgrind --suppressions=suppress.txt -v --leak-check=full ./berusky2 level7.lv6 > run.txt 2>&1
  78. Efence setup:
  79. 1) (as root)
  80. echo 200000 > /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count
  81. 2)as user, run gdb, for example:
  82. gdb ./berusky2/src/berusky2
  83. 3) copy and paste into gdb following :
  84. set env DISPLAY=:0
  85. set env
  86. set env EF_ALLOW_MALLOC_0=1
  87. run
  88. Tips:
  89. - disable sound&music -> set volume to 0
  90. - rozdelit ini soubory na 2? nastaveni uzivatelu + globalni datove soubory?
  91. - nefunguji animace!! (z menu) - spatne data soubory
  92. - nikde!! (ani ve fedore) -> chyba v ini souboru??
  93. > asm code in lighting -> writting to ligtmap updates
  94. > hwconf -> game resolution/fulscreen
  95. > wchar_windows_to_linux -> mem leaks?
  96. <mcrha> stransky, nastaveni nefunguje, a je v nem jeden text cesky
  97. <mcrha> stransky, neukazuji se popisky klaves v nastaveni, treba pro sipky
  98. <mcrha> stransky, jak ma fungovat 2d ovladani berdy? hadam, ze sipka
  99. doleva/doprava s ni tak i hybe, ale tim, ze se mi nedrzi nastaveni,
  100. tak se porad krouti jak motovidlo.
  101. <mcrha> stransky, zajimavy je, ze z hlavniho menu nastaveni vypada tak,
  102. jak jsem ho nechal, ale kdyz to zavolam ze "hry", tak to nastaveni je v kyblu, vsechno je odskrtnuty
  103. <mcrha> stransky, no to tvy default berusky3d,ini ani nemluv, ja nedival,
  104. jak jsi resil GetPrivateProfileString, ale treba uvod nema jmeno sekce,
  105. na konci mas dve sekce stejnyho jmena [soundengine] sekce v nem neexistuje - jo mimochodem, zvuky nehraji
  106. <mcrha> stransky, u decek na jakysi ATI taky nerenderuje dobre, treba ve hre
  107. to menu vlevo nahore se ukaze "nerozmazane" jen, kdyz je nad nim mys.
  108. A ten jakoze "kour kvuli zime" jim kresli jako ctverecky
  109. <mcrha> stransky, File komat/Keyframe.cpp Line 3137 Chyba otevreni souboru
  110. '/usr/share/berusky2/game_data/tu_01.sik' v /usr/share/berusky2/game_data
  111. - spatne ovladani b1, pri ruznych smerech to je blbe (jen po c ->center na berusku)