mirage2iso.1 3.2 KB

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  30. .TH "MIRAGE2ISO" 1 "2022-01-25" "0.4.2" "SlackBuilds.org"
  31. .SH NAME
  32. mirage2iso \- convert various CD/DVD image formats to ISO
  33. .\" RST source for mirage2iso(1) man page. Convert with:
  34. .
  35. .\" rst2man.py mirage2iso.rst > mirage2iso.1
  36. .
  37. .\" rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
  38. .
  40. .sp
  41. mirage2iso [\fI\-options\fP] \fIinput\-file\fP [\fIoutput.iso\fP]
  43. .sp
  44. \fBmirage2iso\fP extracts an ISO\-9660 image from a CD/DVD image in any
  45. format supported by \fBlibmirage\fP\&. This includes \fIbin/cue\fP, \fInrg\fP
  46. (Nero), \fImds\fP (Alcohol 120%), and many more; see the libmirage
  47. documentation for the full list.
  48. .sp
  49. The \fIinput\-file\fP argument is required, and there\(aqs no way to read
  50. from standard input. For multi\-file formats (\fIbin/cue\fP, \fIbin/toc\fP,
  51. etc), the \fIinput\-file\fP must be the one containing the table of
  52. contents (the \fIcue\fP or \fItoc\fP file, which will also be the smallest
  53. file of the set).
  54. .sp
  55. With no \fIoutput.iso\fP argument, the output filename is "guessed" based
  56. on the input filename, with the extension changed to \fI\&.iso\fP\&. If this
  57. file already exists, it will not be overwritten (unless the \fB\-f\fP,
  58. \fB\-\-force\fP option is given).
  60. .INDENT 0.0
  61. .TP
  62. .B \-f\fP,\fB \-\-force
  63. Force replacing the guessed output file.
  64. .TP
  65. .BI \-p\fP,\fB \-\-password\fB= PASS
  66. Password for the encrypted image.
  67. .TP
  68. .B \-q\fP,\fB \-\-quiet
  69. Disable progress reporting, output only errors.
  70. .TP
  71. .BI \-s\fP,\fB \-\-session\fB= N
  72. Session to use (default: the last one).
  73. .TP
  74. .B \-c\fP,\fB \-\-stdout
  75. Output the image into stdout instead of a file.
  76. .TP
  77. .B \-v\fP,\fB \-\-verbose
  78. Increase progress reporting verbosity.
  79. .TP
  80. .B \-V\fP,\fB \-\-version
  81. Print program version and exit.
  82. .TP
  83. .B \-h\fP,\fB \-\-help
  84. Print built\-in help and exit.
  87. .sp
  88. \fBmirage2iso\fP doesn\(aqt support images with multiple data tracks in the
  89. same session. Only the first data (Mode1) track will be converted.
  90. .sp
  91. It doesn\(aqt support tracks other than Mode1 either, i.e. it is able to
  92. convert only standard data tracks. It won\(aqt work with your PSX games
  93. and other stuff relying on Mode2.
  95. .sp
  96. See the file /usr/doc/mirage2iso\-0.4.2/COPYING for license information.
  98. .sp
  99. mirage2iso was written by Michał Górny.
  100. .sp
  101. This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project
  102. by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.
  103. .SH SEE ALSO
  104. .sp
  105. \fBbchunk\fP(1)
  106. .sp
  107. /usr/doc/mirage2iso\-0.4.2/README
  108. .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
  109. .