1. mp3fs is a read-only FUSE filesystem which transcodes between
  2. audio formats (currently FLAC to MP3) on the fly when files
  3. are opened and read.
  4. It can let you use a FLAC collection with software and/or
  5. hardware which only understands the MP3 format, or transcode
  6. files through simple drag-and-drop in a file browser.
  7. Usage:
  8. Mount your music like so (for example)
  9. mp3fs -b 192 /mnt/music /mnt/mp3 -o allow_other,ro
  10. or use the following entry in /etc/fstab:
  11. /mnt/music /mnt/mp3 fuse allow_other,ro,bitrate=192 0 0