1. connie (organ synth for JACK)
  2. connie is a simple simulation of an electronic organ like e.g. Vox
  3. Continental, with JACK MIDI input and JACK audio output. Its design
  4. is lightweight, allowing it to be used on lower-end machines that
  5. might not be able to handle heavier synths (the author describes it as
  6. "eeepc-friendly").
  7. By default, connie is built with SSE math support. If installing on a
  8. system without SSE ("grep sse /proc/cpuinfo" will tell you), set SSE=no
  9. in the script's environment.
  10. connie's standard user interface is console-based. If you want to also
  11. build a simple Qt user interface, install qt4, then set QT=yes in this
  12. script's environment. The Qt version is called connie_qt4. It accepts
  13. the same arguments as the terminal version, but doesn't support any
  14. keyboard commands.
  15. This package uses POSIX filesystem capabilities to execute with
  16. elevated privileges (required for realtime audio processing). This
  17. may be considered a security/stability risk. Please read
  18. for more information. To disable
  19. capabilities, pass SETCAP=no to the script.