1. MoleQueue is an open-source, cross-platform, system-tray resident
  2. desktop application for abstracting, managing, and coordinating the
  3. execution of tasks both locally and on remote computational resources.
  4. Users can set up local and remote queues that describe where the task
  5. will be executed. Each queue can have programs, with templates to
  6. facilitate the execution of the program. Input files can be staged,
  7. and output files collected using a standard interface.
  8. It is a subproject of OpenChemistry needed by Avogadro 2.
  9. By default MoleQueue should be started as a resident service and
  10. launched from a script or a shell command line. If you want to lauch
  11. the Graphic Interface User using a desktop entry pass the variable
  12. DESKTOP=yes to the slackbuild script:
  13. DESKTOP=yes ./molequeue.SlackBuild
  14. This may be useful if you want to launch the service only when you
  15. are going to start Avogadro 2.