jnoise.1 2.0 KB

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  30. .TH "JNOISE" 1 "2021-11-29" "0.6.0" "SlackBuilds.org"
  31. .SH NAME
  32. jnoise \- white and pink noise generator for JACK
  33. .\" RST source for jnoise(1) man page. Convert with:
  34. .
  35. .\" rst2man.py jnoise.rst > jnoise.1
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  37. .\" rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
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  41. jnoise
  42. .sp
  43. jnoise \fIgain\fP
  45. .sp
  46. Jnoise is a small command line JACK app generating both white and pink
  47. noise. Both noise sources produce a Gaussian amplitude distribution,
  48. and by default output a signal at \-20dB RMS ref. a full scale sine
  49. wave.
  50. .sp
  51. jnoise creates two JACK ports: \fIjnoise:pink\fP and \fIjnoise:white\fP\&. These
  52. are not connected to anything by default; use \fBqjackctl\fP(1) or
  53. \fBjack_connect\fP(1) to connect them to e.g. \fIsystem:playback_1\fP
  54. and/or \fIsystem:playback_2\fP, or your DAW\(aqs input ports, etc.
  55. .sp
  56. The default gain is \-20dB. The optional \fIgain\fP argument must be a
  57. negative integer, and will set the gain in dB up to a maximum of
  58. \-10.
  59. .sp
  60. There are no other options or arguments.
  62. .sp
  63. See the file /usr/doc/jnoise\-0.6.0/COPYING for license information.
  65. .sp
  66. jnoise was written by Fons Adriaensen <\fI\%fons@kokkinizita.org\fP>.
  67. .sp
  68. This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project
  69. by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.
  70. .SH SEE ALSO
  71. .sp
  72. \fBjackd\fP(1)
  73. .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
  74. .