B. Watson dd82a70f39 misc/hxtools: Updated for version 20221120. il y a 2 ans
README dd82a70f39 misc/hxtools: Updated for version 20221120. il y a 2 ans
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slack-desc 7b36d9e657 misc/hxtools: Added (miscellaneous command-line tools). il y a 3 ans


hxtools (miscellaneous command-line tools)

A collection of tools and scripts by Jan Engelhardt that have
accumulated over the years, each of which seems to be too small to
warrant its own project.

The package also includes consoleet-utils (which was recently split off
from hxtools).

The following tools are included:

* aumeta - move seek index and adjust metadata of audio files
* bin2c - embed data files into C as variables
* bsvplay - convert BASICA music files to PCM
* cctypeinfo - show sizes of some important C types on the implemen-
tation it was compiled with
* checkbrack - check parenthesis and bracket count
* clock_info - print info about system clocks
* cwdiff - run wdiff with color
* declone - break hardlinks
* diff2php - transform patch to self-serving PHP file
* doxygen-kerneldoc-filter - filter for Doxygen to support kerneldoc
* extract_d3pkg - extract Descent3 PKG files
* extract_dxhog - extract Descent HOG files
* extract_f3pod - extract Fury3 POD files
* extract_qupak - extract Quake2 PACK files
* fd0ssh - pipe for password-over-stdin support to ssh
* filenameconv - convert file name encoding
* fxterm - start xterm with VGA color palette
* git-author-stat - show commit author statistics of a git repository
* git-blame-stats - show per-line author statistics of a git repository
* git-forest - display the commit history forest
* git-revert-stats - show reverting statistics of a git repository
* git-track - set up branch for tracking a remote
* gpsh [1] - grep in tracklists and play audio files
* graph-fanout - fan a tree (for graphviz)
* graph-lchain - remove circles in graphs using longest-chaining method
* gxxdm - g++ symbol name demangler
* hcdplay - control autonomous CDDA playback using Linux ioctls
* ldif-duplicate-attrs - check for multi-value attributes in LDIF file
* ldif-leading-spaces - detect questionable values for LDAP attributes
* logontime - show cumulative logon time from wtmp
* mailsplit - split an mbox into single files
* mkvappend - cat multiple files into one Matroska container file
* mod2opus - wrapper for tracker module/MIDI to Opus transcoding
* hxnetload - show utilization of network interface
* ofl - open file lister (replaces fuser and lsof -m)
* paddrspacesize - print size of processes' address spaces
* pcmdiff - proof-of-concept raw PCM deltifier
* pcmmix - mix output from bsvplay/qplay in arpeggio or polyphonic mode
* pegrep - multi-line perl-regexp grep
* peicon - extract icon resources from PE files
* pesubst - perl-regexp stream substitution (replaces sed substitutions)
* pmap_dirty - display amount of RAM a process uses hard
* proc_iomem_count - show MMIO region sizes
* proc_stat_parse - ???
* proc_stat_signal_decode - decode /proc/self/stat for signal status
* psthreads - alternative experiment to ps involving thread display
* qpdecode - ???
* qplay - convert QBASIC play strings to PCM
* qtar - faster interface to tar with file ordering
* raregetty - local login program for remote hosts
* recursive_lower - recursively lowercase all filenames
* rezip - optimize zip file compression
* rpmdep.pl - read RPM dependencies and output a graph
* sourcefuncsize - statistical analysis of code
* spec-beautifier - program to clean up RPM .spec files
* ssa2srt - convert SubStation Alpha (SSA) subtitles to SubRip (SRT)
* su1 - what sudo should have done
* sysinfo - print IRC-style system information banner
* tailhex - hex dumper with tail-following support
* utmp_register - make entries in the utmp/wtmp database
* vcsaview - display a screen dump in VCSA format
* vfontas - a bitmap font file transformation utility
* wktimer - work timer
* xcp - proof-of-concept cp with alternate copying mechanisms

[1] perl-File-Find-Rule is required for gpsh to work.