picospeaker.rst 2.3 KB

  1. .. RST source for picospeaker(1) man page. Convert with:
  2. .. rst2man.py picospeaker.rst > picospeaker.1
  3. .. rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
  4. .. |version| replace:: 0.6.2
  5. .. |date| date::
  6. ===========
  7. picospeaker
  8. ===========
  9. -----------------------------------
  10. command-line interface to Svox Pico
  11. -----------------------------------
  12. :Manual section: 1
  13. :Manual group: SlackBuilds.org
  14. :Date: |date|
  15. :Version: |version|
  17. ========
  18. picospeaker [*-options*] <*text*>
  20. ===========
  21. PicoSpeaker is a program written in Python that speaks text on its
  22. command line or standard input using SVox Pico (**pico2wave**\(1)) and
  23. **sox**\(1). Speech rate, pitch, volume and language can be specified,
  24. and output can be saved to any file format supported by **sox**, or
  25. sent directly to the audio device.
  27. =======
  28. **-l**, **--language** *language*
  29. Language to speak (default is *en-US*). Available languages are
  30. *en-US*, *en-GB*, *de-DE*, *es-ES*, *fr-FR* and *it-IT*. These may
  31. be abbreviated to the two-letter code (e.g. *en*).
  32. **-v**, **--volume** *number*
  33. Output volume (default is 1.0).
  34. **-r**, **--rate** *number*
  35. Rate of speech from -90 to 9900 (default is 0). This is a percentage, offset by 100 (so -90 is 10% original speed, 100 is 2x).
  36. **-p**, **--pitch** *number*
  37. Voice pitch (semitones) from -79 to 39 (default is 0).
  38. **-o**, **--output** *file*
  39. Output to the specified file (default is sound card output).
  40. **-c**, **--compress**, **-q**, **--quality** *number*
  41. Compression/quality level of output file, depends on file type. This option causes an error if no output file is specified.
  42. **-t**, **--type** *type*
  43. Save output file as *type*. Only needed if saving with a nonstandard extension. This option causes an error if no output file is specified.
  44. **-V**, **--version**
  45. Print version information.
  46. **-h**, **--help**, **-u**, **--usage**
  47. Print built-in help message.
  49. =========
  50. **picospeaker** is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
  51. See the file /usr/doc/picospeaker-|version|/UNLICENSE for details.
  53. =======
  54. **picospeaker** was written by written by Kyle and forked by shilbert01.
  55. This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project
  56. by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.
  57. SEE ALSO
  58. ========
  59. **pico2wave**\(1), **sox**\(1)