1. biblesync (a bible software shared navigation protocol library)
  2. BibleSync is a shared navigation protocol using LAN multicast.
  3. It is useful for a single person when running Bible programs on
  4. multiple machines or devices, all of which you wish to navigate
  5. through the Bible together, or for a group working closely together,
  6. such as translators. Also, it has a "lecture" mode, where a speaker's
  7. Bible program induces the audience's programs to follow along.
  8. Some History.
  9. Up until and including xiphos 4.0.0 biblesync was included as part of
  10. the xiphos source code. It has been removed from the source in xiphos
  11. 4.0.1 and set to be a general library for any bible software that
  12. wants to use shared navigation.
  13. biblesync is a requirement for xiphos 4.0.1 or higher.