pico2audio.1 2.2 KB

  1. .\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
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  30. .TH "PICO2AUDIO" 1 "2021-08-02" "20210802" "SlackBuilds.org"
  31. .SH NAME
  32. pico2audio \- text-to-speech wrapper for pico2wave
  33. .\" RST source for pico2audio(1) man page. Convert with:
  34. .
  35. .\" rst2man.py pico2audio.rst > pico2audio.1
  36. .
  37. .\" rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
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  39. .\" converting from pod:
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  41. .\" s/B<\([^>]*\)>/**\1**/g
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  43. .\" s/I<\([^>]*\)>/*\1*/g
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  46. .sp
  47. pico2audio [\fI\-l <language>\fP] [\fIwords\fP]
  49. .sp
  50. \fBpico2audio\fP is a shell script wrapper for \fBpico2wave\fP\&. It renders text to
  51. speech and plays it using the \fBplay\fP command.
  52. .sp
  53. If a \fI\-l <language>\fP option is given, it will be passed to pico2wave. See
  54. \fBpico2wave\fP(1) for details.
  55. .sp
  56. If \fIwords\fP are given, they are used as input. Unlike the pico2wave command,
  57. there\(aqs no requirement to quote multiple words. If no \fIwords\fP are given,
  58. words are read from standard input.
  59. .sp
  60. Exit status is that of \fBpico2wave\fP\&.
  62. .sp
  63. Examples:
  64. .INDENT 0.0
  65. .INDENT 3.5
  66. .INDENT 0.0
  67. .TP
  68. .B pico2audio Hello world.
  69. Speaks "Hello world" in the default language (en\-US).
  70. .TP
  71. .B pico2audio \-l en\-GB Hello world.
  72. As above, in a British accent.
  73. .TP
  74. .B fortune \-s | pico2audio
  75. Reads from standard input.
  76. .TP
  77. .B pico2audio < /etc/motd
  78. Speak a text file. Don\(aqt forget the \fB<\fP or it says the filename instead.
  82. .SH AUTHOR
  83. .sp
  84. pico2audio was written by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.
  85. .SH SEE ALSO
  86. .sp
  87. \fBpico2wave\fP(1), \fBplay\fP(1)
  88. .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
  89. .