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- GMT is an open-source collection of command-line tools for manipulating
- geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting,
- gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing PostScript illustrations
- ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially
- illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective views. It supports many map
- projections and transformations and includes supporting data such as
- coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries and optionally country
- polygons.
- By default, GMT will use Dave Watson's Delaunay triangulation routine.
- However, a much faster alternative is available from Jonathan Shewchuk,
- but his routine is not distributed under the GNU Public License.
- In order to use the Shewchuk's routine you have to launch the script
- by passing the SHEWCHUK parameter:
- SHEWCHUK=yes ./GMT.SlackBuild
- For movie-making capabilities the following dependencies are needed:
- GraphicsMagick
- ffmpeg
- Other optional dependencies are:
- blas
- lapack
- For more details refer to the README.md and LICENSE.TXT files contained
- into the GMT sources.