1. GMT is an open-source collection of command-line tools for manipulating
  2. geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting,
  3. gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing PostScript illustrations
  4. ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially
  5. illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective views. It supports many map
  6. projections and transformations and includes supporting data such as
  7. coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries and optionally country
  8. polygons.
  9. By default, GMT will use Dave Watson's Delaunay triangulation routine.
  10. However, a much faster alternative is available from Jonathan Shewchuk,
  11. but his routine is not distributed under the GNU Public License.
  12. In order to use the Shewchuk's routine you have to launch the script
  13. by passing the SHEWCHUK parameter:
  14. SHEWCHUK=yes ./GMT.SlackBuild
  15. For movie-making capabilities the following dependencies are needed:
  16. GraphicsMagick
  17. ffmpeg
  18. Other optional dependencies are:
  19. blas
  20. lapack
  21. For more details refer to the and LICENSE.TXT files contained
  22. into the GMT sources.