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- Gqrx is a software defined radio receiver powered by the
- GNU Radio SDR framework and the Qt graphical toolkit.
- Gqrx supports many of the SDR hardware available,
- including Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices.
- Gqrx has the following features:
- Discover devices attached to the computer.
- Process I/Q data from the supported devices.
- Change frequency, gain and apply various corrections (frequency, I/Q balance).
- AM, SSB, FM-N and FM-W (mono and stereo) demodulators.
- Special FM mode for NOAA APT.
- Variable band pass filter.
- AGC, squelch and noise blankers.
- FFT plot and waterfall.
- Record and playback audio to / from WAV file.
- Spectrum analyzer mode where all signal processing is disabled.
- To successfully run gqrx you must build gr-osmosdr with
- support to your hardware (eg rtl-sdr,uhd) and have installed
- on your system the latest version of libusb (1.0.19)
- (you can grab it from slackware current)
- If you use a DVB-T dongle keep in mind newer kernels already
- contains a DVB driver, however, we do not want to use this.
- The above "modprobe -r dvb_usb_rtl28xxu" command unloads this
- from the kernel, however for a permanent solution you will
- need to create the following file in /etc/modprobe.d/:
- rtl.conf and add this line: blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu