README.init 920 B

  1. README.init for ices-cc
  2. These steps are only needed if you plan to use /etc/rc.d/rc.ices-cc
  3. The user/group 'ices-cc' is required to exist in your system. You
  4. can add it with:
  5. # groupadd -g 255 ices-cc
  6. # useradd -u 255 -g 255 -c "User for ices-cc" -d / -s /bin/sh ices-cc
  7. # passwd -l ices-cc
  8. See for info re uid/gid selection.
  9. You should edit /etc/ices-cc.conf and pay attention to playlist.txt
  10. because the "ices-cc" user should have read access to t$playlist.txt file.
  11. For example, if $playlist is /var/cache/ices-cc-playlist.txt:
  12. # touch /var/cache/ices-playlist.txt
  13. # chown ices-cc:ices-cc /var/cache/ices-playlist.txt
  14. Then add your files to the playlist:
  15. # find /music -iname "*.mp3" > /var/cache/ices-playlist.txt
  16. # chown -R ices-cc:ices-cc /music
  17. Also, the ices user should have full access to /var/log/ices
  18. # chown -R ices-cc:ices-cc /var/log/ices