1. Stansoft is Linux financial accounting software for business. It uses a
  2. PostgreSQL database, which is included. You can optionally use an IBM
  3. Informix Innovator-C database, which can be downloaded free of charge
  4. from IBM. There is no limit on the number of users per installation,
  5. which allows for scalability from small to large companies. The user
  6. interface is ncurses / terminal based to optimize data entry efficiency.
  7. It can be run locally or deployed remotely on a virtual cloud server.
  8. You must have a stansoft user and group to run this script:
  9. # groupadd -g 325 stansoft
  10. # useradd -u 325 -g 325 -c \"Stansoft user\" -s /bin/bash stansoft
  11. If you wish to use IBM Informix, please add informix user and group as
  12. well
  13. # groupadd -g 326 informix
  14. # useradd -u 326 -g 326 -c \"Informix user\" -s /bin/bash informix
  15. NOTES:
  16. 1) After installing the Slackbuild you must run the Stansoft
  17. installation script /opt/stansoft/install
  18. 2) Installation and setup help can be found in /opt/stansoft/README and
  19. the manual is located at /opt/stansoft/doc/ssmanual.pdf
  20. 3) stansoft and informix are the database administrator account, so
  21. please set a strong password for it.