guix-main-manifest.scm 3.1 KB

  1. (specifications->manifest
  2. '("adwaita-icon-theme"
  3. "aegisub"
  4. "alsa-utils"
  5. "antiword"
  6. "arandr"
  7. "archivemount"
  8. "aspell"
  9. "aspell-dict-de"
  10. "aspell-dict-en"
  11. "aspell-dict-fr"
  12. "atool"
  13. "audacity"
  14. "autorandr"
  15. "btrfs-progs"
  16. "bzip2"
  17. "cabextract"
  18. "catdoc"
  19. "ccrypt"
  20. "cdemu-client"
  21. "cdemu-daemon"
  22. "certbot"
  23. "clinfo"
  24. "cloc"
  25. "clyrics"
  26. "compsize"
  27. "conky"
  28. "cryptsetup"
  29. "curl"
  30. "demlo"
  31. "dmidecode"
  32. "docx2txt"
  33. "dosfstools"
  34. "dtach"
  35. "duperemove"
  36. "dzen"
  37. "e2fsprogs"
  38. "encfs"
  39. "fbreader" ; For .mobi files.
  40. "ffmpeg"
  41. "file"
  42. ;; "font-dejavu" ; TODO: Needed?
  43. "fortune-mod"
  44. "fuseiso"
  45. "gawk" ; TODO: Not needed once we replace all `awk' calls in ~/.local/bin.
  46. "ghostscript"
  47. "gifsicle"
  48. "gimp"
  49. "git"
  50. "git:credential-netrc"
  51. "git:send-email"
  52. "git:subtree"
  53. "gnu-standards"
  54. "gnupg"
  55. "go-ipfs"
  56. "graphviz"
  57. "grep"
  58. "gst-libav" ; For HTML videos. If installed to another profile, make sure to clear ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0.
  59. "gst-plugins-bad"
  60. "gst-plugins-base"
  61. "gst-plugins-good"
  62. "gst-plugins-ugly"
  63. "gtypist" ; TODO: Replace with emacs-typing?
  64. "guile"
  65. "guile-charting" ; For Guix graphs.
  66. ;; "guile-readline" ;TODO: Needed?
  67. ;; "guile:debug" ;TODO: Needed?
  68. "htop"
  69. "icecat"
  70. "imagemagick"
  71. "info-reader" ; Needed so that INFO_PATH is set.
  72. "inkscape"
  73. "inxi"
  74. "isync"
  75. ;; "jami" ; TODO: Too broken for now (Feb 2020), re-enable once it works.
  76. ;; "libextractor" ;TODO: Needed?
  77. ;; "libjpeg-turbo" ;TODO: Needed?
  78. "light"
  79. "lsof"
  80. "lzip"
  81. "man-db" ; Needed so that MANPATH is set.
  82. "man-pages"
  83. "mcron"
  84. "mediainfo"
  85. "mesa-utils"
  86. "mlocate"
  87. "mpv"
  88. "mtools"
  89. "nethogs"
  90. "nmap"
  91. "numlockx"
  92. "nyxt"
  93. "odt2txt"
  94. "openssh"
  95. "optipng"
  96. "p7zip"
  97. "password-store"
  98. "patchelf"
  99. "pavucontrol"
  100. "perl-image-exiftool"
  101. "pkg-config" ;Needed to export PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
  102. "plzip"
  103. "poppler"
  104. "privoxy"
  105. "progress"
  106. "pulseaudio"
  107. "rclone"
  108. "recutils" ;Useful for Guix selections on searches.
  109. "redshift"
  110. "rmlint"
  111. "rsync"
  112. "scrot"
  113. "sdparm"
  114. "setxkbmap"
  115. "sicp"
  116. "smartmontools"
  117. "speedtest-cli"
  118. "stow"
  119. "strace"
  120. "subdl"
  121. "sxiv"
  122. "tcpdump"
  123. "the-silver-searcher"
  124. "time"
  125. "torsocks"
  126. "translate-shell"
  127. "transmission"
  128. ;; "trash-cli" ; TODO: Superseded by trashed.el?
  129. "tree"
  130. "udiskie"
  131. "units"
  132. "unrar"
  133. "unrtf"
  134. "unshield"
  135. "unzip"
  136. "wget"
  137. "woof"
  138. "wv"
  139. "xbindkeys"
  140. "xcape"
  141. "xdg-user-dirs"
  142. "xdg-utils"
  143. "xdotool"
  144. "xdpyinfo"
  145. "xev"
  146. "xkill"
  147. "xosd"
  148. "xprop"
  149. "xrandr"
  150. "xrdb"
  151. "xss-lock"
  152. "youtube-dl"
  153. "youtube-viewer"
  154. "zip"
  155. "zstd"))