guix-casual-manifest.scm 1.7 KB

  1. (specifications->manifest
  2. '("emacs"
  3. "ffmpeg"
  4. "file"
  5. "font-dejavu"
  6. "font-adobe-source-serif-pro"
  7. "font-adobe-source-sans-pro"
  8. "font-adobe-source-code-pro"
  9. "font-abattis-cantarell"
  10. "font-bitstream-vera"
  11. "font-awesome"
  12. "font-go"
  13. "font-gnu-unifont"
  14. "font-gnu-freefont-ttf"
  15. "font-fira-sans"
  16. "font-fira-mono"
  17. "font-fira-code"
  18. "font-fantasque-sans"
  19. "font-google-roboto"
  20. "font-inconsolata"
  21. "font-linuxlibertine"
  22. "font-liberation"
  23. "font-terminus"
  24. "font-ubuntu"
  25. "ghostscript"
  26. "gifsicle"
  27. "gimp"
  28. "git"
  29. "gnupg"
  30. "graphviz"
  31. "grep"
  32. "gst-libav" ; For HTML videos. If installed to another profile, make sure to clear ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0.
  33. "gst-plugins-bad"
  34. "gst-plugins-base"
  35. "gst-plugins-good"
  36. "gst-plugins-ugly"
  37. "gtypist"
  38. "icecat"
  39. "imagemagick"
  40. "info-reader" ; Needed so that INFO_PATH is set.
  41. "inkscape"
  42. ;; "jami" ; TODO: Too broken for now (Feb 2020), re-enable once it works.
  43. "keepassxc"
  44. "libreoffice"
  45. "lollypop"
  46. "lsof"
  47. "lzip"
  48. "man-db" ; Needed so that MANPATH is set.
  49. "man-pages"
  50. "mcron"
  51. "mediainfo"
  52. "mlocate"
  53. "mpv"
  54. "optipng"
  55. "p7zip"
  56. "perl-image-exiftool"
  57. "pkg-config" ;Needed to export PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
  58. "plzip"
  59. "poppler"
  60. "pulseaudio"
  61. "rclone"
  62. "redshift"
  63. "rsync"
  64. "shotwell"
  65. "speedtest-cli"
  66. "subdl"
  67. "torsocks"
  68. "translate-shell"
  69. "transmission:gui"
  70. "trash-cli"
  71. "tree"
  72. "ungoogled-chromium"
  73. "units"
  74. "unrar"
  75. "unzip"
  76. "vlc"
  77. "wget"
  78. "woof"
  79. "wordnet"
  80. "xcape"
  81. "youtube-dl"
  82. "zip"))