1.7 KB

General Assistance

  • Steveice10 - for FBI and all AM service documenting
  • CIAngel devs (include cearp and Drakia) for their work/info (ticket.h was stolen from them)
  • Plailect - also for CDN/ticket related info
  • yellows8 - for all the incredible REing
  • Noroxuz - help with banner
  • PabloMK7 - for his awesome boot screen
  • CaptainSwag101 - for his help with code

Translation Help

Language Contributors
Japanese Februarysn0w
French Omegadrien, MarioErmando, cynosura, Sp4rks, moutonnoireu
German Traiver, Brawl345, DarkGabbz
Italian CapraTheBest, sykhro
Spanish US ShadowOne333
Spanish ES Txustra
Simplified Chinese pdapanda, arition
Korean DavidKang
Dutch StijnvandeWater, kolakcc
Portuguese BR Cruel, guisadop
Portuguese PT poutros
Russian mironicurse, Damin72, rawrimlion
Traditional Chinese kane159
Polish Radeox
Hungarian smileyhead
Romanian DavidRO99
Greek brigcaster
Turkish dead_guy