Jason Zhai 604571a4e5 Merge branch 'release/8.0.4xx' 1 hete
Properties dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
AppHostTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
ArtifactsOutputPathTests.cs a14744826e Skip the test ItCanBuildWithMicrosoftBuildArtifactsSdk 1 hónapja
AspNetCoreOnFullFramework.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
COMReferenceTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
DeleteNuGetArtifactsFixture.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
DepsFileSkipTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
DesignTimeBuildTests.cs 78e6e25a11 Ingest new props file from installer and use it to auto-include Toolset Compilers package (#39701) 1 hónapja
GenerateResourceTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenFrameworkReferences.cs dd5846a3ae Respect the profile attribute on runtime packs (#39402) 2 hónapja
GivenThatAProjectHasntBeenRestored.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeHaveAPackageReferenceWithAliases.cs 7f1d447cd7 Disable package reference alias tests 3 hónapja
GivenThatWeManifestSupportedFrameworks.cs 36a9927f79 The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 10.0 5 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantACustomTFM.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantAMessageWhenBuildingWithAPreviewSdk.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantAllResourcesInSatellite.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantBuildsToBeIncremental.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantDiagnosticsWhenAssetsFileCannotBeRead.cs d5bb517a2d [main] Update dependencies from nuget/nuget.client (#38928) 3 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantDiagnosticsWhenPackageCannotBeFound.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantImplicitNamespaceImportsDisabled.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantRuntimeConfigInBuiltProjectOutputGroup.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantSatelliteAssembliesHaveassemblyVersion.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAComServerLibrary.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildACppCliNonLibraryProject.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildACppCliProject.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildACppCliProjectWithTransitiveDeps.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildACrossTargetedLibrary.cs cb1ab9acb1 Merge branch 'release/8.0.3xx' 3 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildADesktopExe.cs 322bf89d31 Provide new default for runtime identifier Fixes #35575 (#36848) 5 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildADesktopExeWithFSharp.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildADesktopExeWtihNetStandardLib.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildADesktopLibrary.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildALibrary.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildALibraryWithFSharp.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildALibraryWithOSSupportedVersion.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildALibraryWithVB.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildANetCoreApp.cs a00df6ebe6 Merge branch 'release/8.0.3xx' 4 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildANetCoreAppForTelemetry.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildANetCoreAppWithWap.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildANetStandard2Library.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAP2PrefernceWithTargetPlatform.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildASelfContainedApp.cs 2581c90406 Add warning for PreferNativeArm64 (#40895) 1 hete
GivenThatWeWantToBuildASolutionWithNonAnyCPUPlatform.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildASolutionWithNonDefaultConfiguration.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildASolutionWithNonDefaultConfigurationVB.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildASolutionWithProjRefDiffCase.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAUnitTestProject.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAWindowsDesktopProject.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAWindowsRuntimeComponent.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAnAppWithLibrariesAndRid.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAnAppWithLibrary.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAnAppWithSharedProject.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAnAppWithTransitiveNonSdkProjectRefs.cs 78e6e25a11 Ingest new props file from installer and use it to auto-include Toolset Compilers package (#39701) 1 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAnAppWithTransitiveProjectRefs.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAnAppWithoutTransitiveProjectRefs.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildAppsWithFrameworkRefs.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildWithARuntimeIdentifier.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildWithATargetPlatform.cs 25b360d579 Add filtering to SdkSupportedTargetPlatformVersion validation. Fixes #38016. (#38017) 4 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToBuildWithGlobalJson.cs 604571a4e5 Merge branch 'release/8.0.4xx' 1 hete
GivenThatWeWantToCollectExceptionTelemetry.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToControlGeneratedAssemblyInfo.cs 36a9927f79 The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 10.0 5 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToCopyLocalDependencies.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToCopyPPFileToOutput.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToExcludeTheMainProjectFromTheDepsFile.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToFilterSatelliteAssemblies.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToFloatWarningLevels.cs 7f5101f4e4 Fix unit tests 3 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToGenerateADepsFileForATool.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToGenerateGlobalUsings_BlazorWasm.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToGenerateGlobalUsings_DotNet.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToGenerateGlobalUsings_WebApp.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToGenerateGlobalUsings_Worker.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToIncludeItemsOutsideTheProjectFolder.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToPreserveCompilationContextForBuild.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToProduceReferenceAssembly.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToPublishWithGeneratePackageOnBuildAndPackAsTool.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToReferenceAProject.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToReferenceAnAssembly.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToResolveConflicts.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToResolveRuntimePackAssets.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToRunFromMSBuildTarget.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToSetPropertiesInDirectoryBuildProps.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToTargetEolFrameworks.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToTargetNet471.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToUseAnalyzers.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToUseBinaryFormatter.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToUseContentFiles.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToUsePlatformAnalyzers.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToUseVB.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToVerifyNuGetReferenceCompat.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThatWeWantToVerifyProjectReferenceCompat.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenThereAreDefaultItems.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GivenTransitiveFrameworkReferencesAreDisabled.cs 78e6e25a11 Ingest new props file from installer and use it to auto-include Toolset Compilers package (#39701) 1 hónapja
GivenWeWantToRequireWindowsForDesktopApps.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GiventThatWeWantDesignerSupport.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
GlobalPropertyFlowTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
ImplicitAspNetVersions.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
KnownRuntimePackTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
MetadataUpdaterSupportTest.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
Microsoft.NET.Build.Tests.csproj af1a1f8c4a Merge branch 'release/8.0.3xx' 3 hónapja
Net50Targeting.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
NonCopyLocalProjectReferenceTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
ProjectConfigurationDescriptionTest.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
ReferenceExeTests.cs 36a9927f79 The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 10.0 5 hónapja
RuntimeIdentifierGraphTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja
SourceLinkTests.cs ffcfeedafd Merge branch 'main' into MoveTestsToTest 6 hónapja
WorkloadTests.cs dd928e1e77 Moved the contents of src/Tests to test. 6 hónapja