urlview 1.0 KB

  1. ###############################################################################
  2. # Urlview configuration file.
  3. # man urlview <Man page>
  4. #
  5. # Put this file in: $HOME/.urlview
  6. # Put url_handler.sh in: /usr/bin
  7. #
  8. # You can call 'urlview' while in 'mutt' by pressing the Ctrl b keys.
  9. # Put these macros in your $HOME/.muttrc file.
  10. #
  11. # macro index \cb |urlview\n
  12. # macro pager \cb |urlview\n
  13. #
  14. # You can call 'urlview' while in 'tin' by pressing | then a for article,
  15. # put urlview as the pipe command.
  16. #
  17. # Regular expression to use to match URLs.
  18. #REGEXP (((http|https|ftp|gopher)|mailto):(//)?[^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">\):]
  19. REGEXP (((http|https|ftp|gopher)|mailto)[.:][^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">\):]
  20. # Command to invoke for selected URL. Use lynx, netscape, or url_handler.sh
  21. # shell script. Alternatively, you can leave COMMAND unset and set the BROWSER
  22. # environment variable instead.
  23. #COMMAND lynx %s
  24. #COMMAND netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'
  25. #COMMAND url_handler.sh
  26. COMMAND `which google-chrome-stable`