.Xresources 6.7 KB

  1. ! In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
  2. !
  3. ! ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
  4. ! ░▓ Author ▓ Abdullah <https://abdullah.today>
  5. ! ░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
  6. ! ░░░░░░░░░░
  7. !
  8. ! ░█░█░█▀▄░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀█░█░█░█▀▄░█▀▀░█▀▀░█▀▀
  9. ! ░▄▀▄░█▀▄░█▀▀░▀▀█░█░█░█░█░█▀▄░█░░░█▀▀░▀▀█
  10. ! ░▀░▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀░▀▀▀
  11. ! Colors
  12. !black
  13. *color0 : #1C1C1C
  14. *color8 : #4d4d4d
  15. !red
  16. *color1 : #D81860
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  18. !green
  19. *color2 : #B7CE42
  20. *color10 : #BDE077
  21. !yellow
  22. *color3 : #FEA63C
  23. *color11 : #FFE863
  24. !blue
  25. *color4 : #66AABB
  26. *color12 : #AACCBB
  27. !magenta
  28. *color5 : #B7416E
  29. *color13 : #BB4466
  30. !cyan
  31. *color6 : #5E7175
  32. *color14 : #A3BABF
  33. !white
  34. *color7 : #DDEEDD
  35. *color15 : #6C887A
  36. *.foreground : #fffaf4
  37. *.background : #0e1019
  38. *.cursorColor : #ff0018
  39. ! URxvt
  40. ! if remote host is having problems with rxvt-unicode, copy
  41. ! /usr/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-unicode at hosts ~/.terminfo/r/rxvt-unicode
  42. URxvt*font : xft:FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font:Italic:size=21, xft:Fantasque Sans Mono:Italic:size=21, xft:DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:size=21, xft:Segoe UI Emoji:size=21, xft:SimHei:size=21
  43. URxvt*boldfont : xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:Bold:size=17:antialias=true
  44. URxvt*bolditalicfont : xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:Bold:italic:size=17:antialias=true
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  50. URxvt*geometry : 96x30
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  98. URxvt*print-pipe : cat > /tmp/$(echo urxvt.dump.$(date +'%Y%M%d%H%m%S'))
  99. URxvt*modifier :
  100. URxvt*cutchars : BACKSLASH " " '"'&()*,;<=>?@[]^{|}\"()*,<>[]{}|''"\
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  107. URxvt*url-launcher : /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable
  108. URxvt*url-select.underline : 1
  109. URxvt*matcher.rend.0 : Uline Bold fg5
  110. URxvt*selection.pattern-0 : ([[ : word : ]]+)
  111. URxvt*keysym.M-C-c : selection : rot13
  112. URxvt*perl-ext-common : vim,default,matcher,font-size
  113. URxvt*vim-scrollback : M-s
  114. URxvt*vim-scrollback-paste : M-p
  115. URxvt*clipboard.copycmd : xsel -ib
  116. URxvt.keysym.C-Up: font-size:increase
  117. URxvt.keysym.C-Down: font-size:decrease
  118. URxvt.keysym.C-S-Up: font-size:incglobal
  119. URxvt.keysym.C-S-Down: font-size:decglobal
  120. ! Polybar
  121. polybar*background : #24292A
  122. polybar*foreground : #ccd2be
  123. polybar*fading : 15
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  126. polybar*pointerColorBackground : #2B2C2B
  127. polybar*pointerColorForeground : #16A085
  128. polybar*urgent : #B34747
  129. ! black dark/light
  130. polybar*color0 : #24292A
  131. polybar*color8 : #3c4140
  132. ! red dark/light
  133. polybar*color1 : #ff8843
  134. polybar*color9 : #c48851
  135. ! green dark/light
  136. polybar*color2 : #7a8d5c
  137. polybar*color10 : #aec199
  138. ! yellow dark/light
  139. polybar*color3 : #a69658
  140. polybar*color11 : #c4b268
  141. ! blue dark/light
  142. polybar*color4 : #7b90a9
  143. polybar*color12 : #91aac7
  144. ! magenta dark/light
  145. polybar*color5 : #aa6161
  146. polybar*color13 : #e78484
  147. ! cyan dark/light
  148. polybar*color6 : #698885
  149. polybar*color14 : #83a5a1
  150. ! white dark/light
  151. polybar*color7 : #a8b298
  152. polybar*color15 : #ccd2be
  153. ! pink
  154. polybar*color16 : #9181E7
  155. ! purple
  156. polybar*color17 : #D7AFF9
  157. ! XTERM
  158. XTerm.vt100.faceName :Fantasque Sans Mono:italic:size=15:antialias=true
  159. XTerm.vt100.boldFont :Fantasque Sans Mono:bold:italic:size=15
  160. xterm.scaleHeight : 1.01
  161. xterm*termName : xterm-256color
  162. xterm*geometry : 96x30
  163. xterm*reverseVideo : 0
  164. xterm*loginShell : 1
  165. ! Dmenu
  166. dmenu.selforeground: #474c57
  167. dmenu.background: #ffffff
  168. dmenu.selbackground: #4ec2e8
  169. dmenu.foreground: #474c57
  170. ! rofi
  171. rofi.color-enabled: true
  172. rofi.color-window: #ffffff, #ffffff, #ffffff
  173. rofi.color-normal: #ffffff, #474c57, #ffffff, #ffffff, #4ec2e8
  174. rofi.color-active: #ffffff, #fec7cd, #ffffff, #ffffff, #95c1c0
  175. rofi.color-urgent: #ffffff, #f59335, #ffffff, #ffffff, #f59335
  176. ! Cursor
  177. Xcursor.size : 16
  178. ! Xautolock
  179. Xautolock.locker : "/usr/bin/physlock -mp 'Aur tum apny Rab ki kon kon c nematon ko jhutlawo gy?'"