Nenhuma descrição

Abdullah 349c2a07d3 adding betterlockscreen as lock, pavucontrol configured 5 anos atrás
android 23968e8652 changed layout 5 anos atrás
awesome d5a4826302 adding awesomewm configurations 5 anos atrás
bspwm ddbb3b69ad adding betterlockscreen as lock, pavucontrol configured 5 anos atrás
cava 0567fb59f8 added cava and pavucontrol configurations 5 anos atrás
compton dcad5a2876 configured termite with transparency 5 anos atrás
dunst 6c371e1670 initializing it xD 5 anos atrás
elinks 6c371e1670 initializing it xD 5 anos atrás
etc ddbb3b69ad adding betterlockscreen as lock, pavucontrol configured 5 anos atrás
feh a22918c056 added feh 5 anos atrás
git 8b42862c87 some changes were made 5 anos atrás
goobook ca5cd05acc adding goobook as contacts manager 5 anos atrás
gpg 31dd679b2d added sshcontrol file to misc 5 anos atrás
i3 9c958a7adb arch made changes 5 anos atrás
ipython 2c21bf6505 ipython 5 anos atrás
mbsync 7656a231b2 renamed isync to mbsync, added more functions/aliases in zsh, changed padding in bspwm 5 anos atrás
misc c989720d21 stderrred added for pi 5 anos atrás
mplayer 6504db7565 added different changes in different parts of configurations days 5 anos atrás
mpv 9c958a7adb arch made changes 5 anos atrás
msmtp 560eb9d200 adding isync 5 anos atrás
mutt c9f2fcd39c adding goobook keybindings in muttrc and changed URxvt background 5 anos atrás
ncpamixer 6c371e1670 initializing it xD 5 anos atrás
notmuch 3184a838ba slow connection, moving back to offlineimap and msmtp for emails 5 anos atrás
offlineimap 3184a838ba slow connection, moving back to offlineimap and msmtp for emails 5 anos atrás
polybar f2f0286889 adding a custom script for backlight, dunno if I am gonna use it or not 5 anos atrás
ranger 9c958a7adb arch made changes 5 anos atrás
redshift 47fa36a83e redshift changed configurations 5 anos atrás
screenkey 6c371e1670 initializing it xD 5 anos atrás
sway 4be6d6f979 adding sway 5 anos atrás
sxhkd ddbb3b69ad adding betterlockscreen as lock, pavucontrol configured 5 anos atrás
sxiv 9c958a7adb arch made changes 5 anos atrás
systemd 98433b8bdb stripped 5 anos atrás
termite 61dfd2091d aliases and functions for arch 5 anos atrás
tmux e744b80fdd more functions 5 anos atrás
top 6504db7565 added different changes in different parts of configurations days 5 anos atrás
urlview 87662cfcff adding urlview 5 anos atrás
urxvt e39ce1efcd stripped Xresources file with new path 5 anos atrás
vim 72d9ced80b bspwm well documented rc, zathura configured, zsh functions and aliases added, vim translator added 5 anos atrás
xbindkeys 446b5d0544 some changes were made, new font for urdu added 5 anos atrás
xinit 9c958a7adb arch made changes 5 anos atrás
xmodmap 6c371e1670 initializing it xD 5 anos atrás
zathura 72d9ced80b bspwm well documented rc, zathura configured, zsh functions and aliases added, vim translator added 5 anos atrás
zsh 72d9ced80b bspwm well documented rc, zathura configured, zsh functions and aliases added, vim translator added 5 anos atrás
.gitignore 9c958a7adb arch made changes 5 anos atrás
LICENSE c68709941a Create LICENSE 5 anos atrás 4ab2cef808 new scrot added 5 anos atrás
encrypted.tar.gz.gpg 31dd679b2d added sshcontrol file to misc 5 anos atrás

foo image image

 ░▓ About  ▓ linux configuration files
 ░▓ Author ▓ Abdullah <>
 ░▓ Code   ▓
 ░▓ Mirror ▓

 bin        > some automation scripts and fonts
 git        > git config and aliases
 ranger     > file manager
 urxvt      > 256 color support for terminal and some external extensions
 vim        > text editor config
 zsh        > vanilla zsh setup with git, battery and mail count in prompt
 tmux       > terminal multiplexer
 bspwm      > Tiling Window Manager
 polybar    > A stylish colorful status bar with system tray support
 compton    > compositor
 feh        > image viewer (there are more programs included like pqiv and sxiv)
 ipython    > python interactive shell with vim like keys support
 dunst      > notification daemon
 sxhkd      > hotkeys daemon (xbindkeys also is there with configurations)
 mutt       > Mail user agent
 isync      > command line synchronization tool for local mailbox with remote
 notmuch    > thread based email index, search and tagging app
 mpv        > media player (mplayer also available)


I manage my dotfiles with gnu stow, a symlink farm manager. It's available in most linux distributions.

  • sudo apt install stow
  • sudo dnf install stow
  • sudo yum install stow
  • sudo pacman install stow
  • brew install stow

or clone it from source and build it yourself.

Once stow is installed, just cd into this repository and create symlinks using stow like this,

  • cd ~
  • git clone
  • cd cfg
  • stow vim

It will symlink vim. If you wanna use this configurations for root user, use -t argument,

  • stow -t /root vim

Note: stow will only create a symlink if a config file doesn't already exist. You must delete/backup if there is a default config for a program.