123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239 |
- " In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
- "
- " ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
- " ░▓ Author ▓ Abdullah <https://abdullah.today>
- " ░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
- " ░░░░░░░░░░
- "
- " ░█░█░▀█▀░█▄█
- " ░▀▄▀░░█░░█░█
- " ░░▀░░▀▀▀░▀░▀
- set ruler
- let g:zenburn_old_Visual = 1
- let g:zenburn_high_contrast = 1
- let g:zenburn_force_dark_Background = 1
- set fo+=w
- colorscheme vim-hardaway
- cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
- " Set relative number but also show current line number (no zero for current
- " line)
- set number relativenumber
- if exists('g:loaded_translate_plugin')
- finish
- endif
- let g:loaded_translate_plugin = 1
- command! -nargs=* Translate call translate#run(<q-args>)
- command! -nargs=* -range TranslateVisual call translate#visual(<q-args>)
- command! -nargs=* -range TranslateReplace call translate#replace(<q-args>)
- command! TranslateOpen call translate#open_trans_buf('')
- command! TranslateClear call translate#clear_trans_buf()
- set hlsearch
- autocmd! bufwritepost ~/.Xresources !xrdb -load ~/.Xresources && urxvtc
- autocmd! bufwritepost ~/.zshrc !source ~/.zshrc
- autocmd! bufwritepost ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc !pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
- autocmd! bufwritepost ~/cfg/sxhkd/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc !pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
- autocmd! bufwritepost ~/.zsh/custom-alias !source ~/.zsh/custom-alias
- autocmd! bufwritepost ~/cfg/zsh/.zsh/custom-alias !source ~/cfg/zsh/.zsh/custom-alias
- set nocp
- filetype on
- set bg=dark
- au BufNewFile,BufRead *Pkgfile set filetype=sh
- set textwidth=80
- if !&scrolloff
- set scrolloff=1
- endif
- if !&sidescrolloff
- set sidescrolloff=5
- endif
- set fileencoding=utf-8
- filetype plugin indent on
- set showmode
- set ai
- set sc
- set noincsearch
- set completeopt=menuone
- set ignorecase
- set smartcase
- set cursorline
- set cursorcolumn
- set noexpandtab
- set backspace=indent,eol,start
- syntax on
- if has('mouse') | set mouse=a | endif
- let mapleader=" "
- set hidden
- set history=10000
- filetype indent on
- filetype plugin on
- set linebreak
- set wrap
- set tabstop=2
- set shiftwidth=2
- set expandtab
- set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus
- set ttyfast
- set smartindent
- set wildmenu
- set autoindent
- set nohlsearch
- set lazyredraw
- set showmatch
- set noshowmode
- set undofile
- set undodir=~/.vim/undodir
- set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n~/.viminfo
- set nobackup
- set showcmd
- set whichwrap=b,s,<,>,[,]
- set laststatus=2
- let g:colors_name = 'vim-hardaway'
- let g:airline_theme = 'vim_hardaway'
- let g:instant_markdown_browser = "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --new-window"
- let g:instant_markdown_logfile = '/tmp/instant_markdown.log'
- let g:instant_markdown_port = 47479
- let g:powerline_pycmd = 'py3'
- let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
- let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'default'
- let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
- if !exists('g:airline_symbols')
- let g:airline_symbols = {}
- endif
- " unicode symbols
- let g:airline_left_sep = '»'
- let g:airline_left_sep = '▶'
- let g:airline_right_sep = '«'
- let g:airline_right_sep = '◀'
- let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '␊'
- let g:airline_symbols.linenr = ''
- let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '¶'
- let g:airline_symbols.branch = '⎇'
- let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'ρ'
- let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'Þ'
- let g:airline_symbols.paste = '∥'
- let g:airline_symbols.whitespace = 'Ξ'
- " airline symbols
- let g:airline_left_sep = ''
- let g:airline_left_alt_sep = ''
- let g:airline_right_sep = ''
- let g:airline_right_alt_sep = ''
- let g:airline_symbols.branch = ''
- let g:airline_symbols.readonly = ''
- let g:airline_symbols.linenr = ''
- :noremap <leader>u :w<Home>silent <End> !urlview<CR>
- autocmd BufEnter *.md exe 'noremap <F5> :!google-chrome-stable %:p<CR>'
- autocmd BufReadPost *
- \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
- \ exe "normal! g`\"" |
- \ endif
- function! ResCur()
- if line("'\"") <= line("$")
- normal! g`"
- return 1
- endif
- endfunction
- function! DeleteFunctionUnderCursor()
- let line = getline('.')
- normal diwxml
- let i = 1
- let c = 1
- while i <= strlen(line)
- let char = getline('.')[col('.') - 1]
- if (char == '(')
- let c += 1
- elseif (char == ')')
- let c -= 1
- endif
- if (c == 0)
- normal x`l
- break
- endif
- normal l
- let i += 1
- endwhile
- endfunc
- command! -range=% DeleteFunctionUnderCursor <line1>,<line2>call DeleteFunctionUnderCursor()
- function! ToggleNumber()
- if(&relativenumber == 1)
- set norelativenumber
- set number
- else
- set relativenumber
- endif
- endfunc
- command! ToggleNumber call ToggleNumber()
- if !exists(":DiffOrig")
- command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r ++edit | 0d_ | diffthis
- \ wincmd p | diffthis
- endif
- if &t_Co == 8 && $TERM !~# '^linux\|^Eterm|^screen-*'
- set t_Co=16
- endif
- " duplicate lines
- function! HighlightRepeats() range
- let lineCounts = {}
- let lineNum = a:firstline
- while lineNum <= a:lastline
- let lineText = getline(lineNum)
- if lineText != ""
- let lineCounts[lineText] = (has_key(lineCounts, lineText) ? lineCounts[lineText] : 0) + 1
- endif
- let lineNum = lineNum + 1
- endwhile
- exe 'syn clear Repeat'
- for lineText in keys(lineCounts)
- if lineCounts[lineText] >= 2
- exe 'syn match Repeat "^' . escape(lineText, '".\^$*[]') . '$"'
- endif
- endfor
- endfunction
- command! -range=% HighlightRepeats <line1>,<line2>call HighlightRepeats()
- autocmd FileType python set breakindentopt=shift:4
- " comfortable navigation
- noremap <buffer> j gj
- noremap <buffer> k gk
- noremap <buffer> gj j
- noremap <buffer> gk k
- " some pastebins commands
- " for GUI apps like browsers, paste the URL with CTRL+v
- command! -range=% CL <line1>,<line2>w !curl -F 'clbin=<-' https://clbin.com | tr -d '\n' | xclip -i -selection clipboard
- " Another good pastebin same as CTRL+v paste.
- command! -range=% VP <line1>,<line2>w !curl -F 'text=<-' http://vpaste.net | tr -d '\n' | xclip -i -selection clipboard
- " pastebin ptpb is now down but is the best pastebin ever
- command! -range=% PB <line1>,<line2>w !curl -F 'c=@-' https://ptpb.pw/ | sed -n 's/^url: //p' | xclip
- command! -range=% TB <line1>,<line2>w !fb
- command! -range=% GT <line1>,<line2>w !gist -c -p -f %
- map <F3> :! ( urxvt & ) &>/dev/null &<CR><CR>
- " Run python code without exiting vim
- nmap <silent> <Leader>m :w<CR>:!clear && python % > /tmp/vim-py.out && cat /tmp/vim-py.out && rm -f /tmp/vim-py.out<CR>
- " Run bash code without exiting vim
- nmap <silent> <Leader>b :w<CR>:!clear && bash % > /tmp/vim-bash.out && cat /tmp/vim-bash.out && rm -f /tmp/vim-bash.out<CR>
- " vim: set ft=vim :