crowd cache 3.3 KB

  1. Crowd Cache (CC) is a new currency which intends to be an imperfect store of future value.
  2. This is done by creating legally binding documents representing the Property and Promises needed to create and maintain the many Products that group needs, such as food, housing, water, sanitation, clothing, health care, etc.
  3. #1 a title of real ownership over the Property and
  4. #2 a claim of labor [as work-to-own] over the Promises
  5. The Property is all the land and tools and other non-human inputs needed to house and care for the chickens and to grow their feed.
  6. The Promises are commitments from qualified workers to achieve that work at an agreed time in the future.
  7. The Product is an *estimated* return on investment, and is only as good as the Property and Promises required for that production, and so the value of each CC depends upon the real productive value of the land and tools multiplied by the workers' skills.
  8. Property owners are Product owners in that same amount if they have paid their portion of the costs.
  9. Promises are commitments of future labor that should cause workers to gain debt-free property on a work-to-own basis (Crowd Control).
  10. If Profit is collected when selling surplus, it must be treated as the payer's investment as outlined in the IOTA.
  11. Crowd Cache is issued in response to an investment, where investments are one of:
  12. A. Property - When someone commits land or tools or even just plain-old-money.
  13. B. Promises - When someone commits to achieve some future goal.
  14. C. Profit - When treating price-above-cost as the payer's investment.
  15. Each product INSTANCE has a window-of-validity in time (can only be used between a start and end time) enforced by reality itself. For example, you cannot use an egg until they are out of the chicken :-D, and you must not eat them after they are too old :-0.
  16. Proper accounting is important to defend ourselves against someone who might try to take more than they own.
  17. ==Property Ownership
  18. To insure production continues, a Crowd Cache owner must either:
  19. 1. Directly supply all the property and promises needed to cover their portion of the recurring costs of production as decided by the group.
  20. 2. Indirectly supply property or promises through cross-commitments.
  21. 3. Allow the group to trade a portion of their product for the sources that production requires.
  22. 4. Secede from the group to retain their portion of the sources under their own terms.
  23. ==Promise Scheduling
  24. Services are predictively scheduled when workers commit promises toward future production.
  25. For example, picking more than your portion of the fruit in the orchard means you have done work for other orchard owners.
  26. Trading work promises before production begins allows us to specialize without passing tokens while also solving the "simultaneous coincidence of wants" problem that faces typical barter.
  27. This nearly eliminates the need to use money at all, since the goods and services are already committed to those who need them.
  28. Mr. A may commit to work for Ms. B in return for Ms. B committing to work for Mr. A.
  29. But more complex chains can also be arranged such as A works for B, B works for C, C works A, for example, but really to any depth.
  30. Some requirements for this part of the system:
  31. A way for investors to list the Products they want.
  32. A way to find the Property and Promises required for that production.
  33. A way to purchase the Property and secure the Promises.