-about 1.1 KB

  1. Crowd Cache is a new way for groups to share property, promises and profit to deliver products at cost while returning workers to the helm of production *as consumers*.
  2. We constrain the sale of physical assets and provide work-to-own contracts to create a production arena respecting user freedom in the physical realm.
  3. 1. Money commitments are treated as investments into the sources of the goods and services that person needs. This property vests immediately as real property ownership.
  4. 2. Work commitments are also treated as investments into the sources of the goods and services that person needs, but that property must vest incrementally, as those commitments are completed.
  5. 3. Profit commitments (when selling surplus to outsiders) are treated as accidental investments into the sources of the goods and services that person needs. This property must vest incrementally.
  6. 4. Subgroups may split/fork/secede from the majority, allowing arbitrary-sized cells to form and weild their own localized governance.
  7. Plain-text input files and static generated html at NotaBug.org/AGNUcius/Crowd-Cache