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- NakedMud is free to use for any purpose you would like to use it for, without
- restriction from the creator, Geoff Hollis. By using it, or any pieces of the
- code, you agree to absolve responsibility from the creator, Geoff Hollis, and
- take full responsibility for anything NakedMud or pieces of the NakedMud code
- may cause to happen.
- Since NakedMud was based on SocketMud by Brian Graversen, I ask that you follow
- Brian's requests as per giving credit to Erwin Andreasen for the snippets he
- supplied in SocketMud's code (see README). I also request you credit Brian for
- the work he put into SocketMud, and myself for the work I put into NakedMud.
- Geoff Hollis
- hollisgf@email.uc.edu
- http://www.uc.edu/~hollisgf/