123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- #C compiler
- CC := /home/zamnedix/local/1/bin/gcc
- #Compiler flags
- CFLAGS := -Wall -Og -march=native -pipe -g -Isqlite3
- #Where system libraries are found
- SYSRPATH := /lib:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
- #Where CMS libraries go (prepended to the binary RPATHs)
- RPATH := /var/www/libs
- #Where CGI binaries go
- WWWROOT := /var/www/html
- #User to own content
- WWWUSER := www-data
- #Group to own content
- WWWGROUP := www-data
- #dSFMT exponent
- MEXP := 521
- .PHONY: auth sqlite index install
- cms:
- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -DDSFMT_MEXP=${MEXP} list.c util.c dSFMT.c auth.c cms.c -o index -L. -lbcrypt -lb64 -lsqlite3 -lpthread -ldl -Wl,--rpath=${RPATH}:${SYSRPATH}
- install:
- chown ${WWWUSER}:${WWWGROUP} *.so index
- chmod 755 *.so index
- cp *.so ${RPATH}
- cp index ${WWWROOT}
- testget:
- DEBUG="YES" REQUEST_METHOD="GET" QUERY_STRING="n=1&data=foobar" ./index
- @echo
- testpost:
- @echo